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curufinwe last won the day on March 13 2010

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Comparative - democratization and regime changes (middle east)
  • Program
    Political Science

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Mocha (7/10)



  1. anyone looking to share a flat in nyc this fall? :)

  2. Since Eva Bellin said she'd be happy to advise me, and since I have no other offers .. CUNY.
  3. I will say the similar stuff. There are points in these rankings there you shift in quality or reputation. As long as your gap does not contain such a shift point, go to the better fit. Plus, your thesis and the recommendation you'd get from your advisors matter big time as well. But, if you are between, say, Cornell and Davis (5 spots according to the US News), pick the higher ranking school.
  4. hey APGradApp., don't diss those who watch porn all day...
  5. Hehe come on dude, we all know how it works. If you don't get an e-mail when others are... No harm though, as I said, it won't change anything other than me feeling more and more stupid
  6. I probably didn't. Although it sort of sucks, I was more into CUNY anyways. NYC will be good, but the irony is that I only got accepted by the very state school I was almost not gonna apply to because of the $125 fee and paper-copy references. Besides, it still feels like I am not much of a good candidate after the results
  7. Awesome! You deserved it. Since it was an e-mail acceptance, and my inbox is empty, I assume destination CUNY for me
  8. Here's what my advisor claims about this job market and school you graduated from discussion: "As long as you have a kick-ass (my description, not his ) thesis and good relations with good professors that have connections (and by -good relations-, he means they think you are bright and they like you) from your phd institution, it is not that impossible to find jobs. If you are not bright, a Harvard degree won't save you, your thesis will be the most significant sign of this".
  9. Do you mean PhD in PoliSci for those programs? (sorry, had to ask since you seem to be an MA student in Anthro.).
  10. Oh totally. "Me" two years ago and "me" now is completely different. MA is a great way to enter the academy and get to see where your interests are headed and what your capabilities are.
  11. True, that is a tough decision. I feel like I would be inclined towards UNC, but I have no idea why. But then again, when its a tie, feelings are the deciding factor.
  12. Thanks You should ask the school if they have a waitlist for funding. and if so, where do you stand on that list? I asked that when I got an unfunded offer from GWU and they replied, telling me that they do have a waitlist for funding, but I was not on it (meaning, no possibility of funding for me).
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