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  1. Looks like my current research group is going to move to UCL (in London), which is quite nice. Therefore, not such a big deal that I was rejected from Princeton.
  2. Yeah, same. They really could've just sent all of them earlier - oh well.
  3. I reckon they will, they wouldn't leave just rejections to this late.
  4. I applied for catalysis/organic/synthesis and haven't heard back. Some people have been waitlisted and accepted a while ago. Princeton used to send out rejections right after acceptances - they definitely changed their approach this year. We'll find out soon.
  5. Holy shit, stipends are breaking 40k now?
  6. I'd say your relative lack of research experience and low GPA is more concerning than the subject GRE. 3.6 months of full time research isn't a lot - I've had around 3 semesters of research (ie around what you have) plus two full years of research and I wouldn't even consider my application strong for your programs.
  7. There were a bunch from Princeton on the page but I think something has changed this year...they usually send out rejections immediately after they send acceptances and there's generally very little waitlisted applicants. There's like, half a dozen waitlisted when there's like, normally none?
  8. Yeah, the headhunting of undergrads only happens if they somehow know eachother - stupidly rare, though.
  9. Definitely happened before but rare. I've heard of cases where pharma companies have tried to buy a grad student out from grad school but it's definitely super rare.
  10. Yeah, I'm really sad about Princeton - pretty sure at this point, they will send out all rejections. Oh well.
  11. Yeah, it's the only school I applied to because it had perfect research fit for me - if not, I can continue doing research where I am since I have a pretty large research budget ($10k for my project + supervisor's other funding but probably won't need to touch it...+like, $35k stipend take-home and several thousand more for teaching). We might be moving to UCL though, so I dunno.
  12. I'm organic/catalysis/synthesis. Oh well, it's 11:35PM here (Sydney) and still in lab - maybe I'll find out when I wake up...
  13. Given how many acceptances and wait lists have happened for Princeton, I think it's looking quite bleak for me...
  14. Depends on the university - can be any of the above. Best bet is to look at past years and see what is normally done.
  15. Princeton looks like they're coming out - still don't have mine...shitting bricks haha
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