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What about now??

Guest carollei

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Guest carollei

It's almost the end of March, and I still waiting for 7 schools for any information...

Not even know if I'm on the waiting list or not.... :evil:

Maybe I should write an email to ask them directly after April, cause there is a reply deadline at April 15th for me.....

Does any one know what the late inform means?

Is it because you're rejected so they don't hurry to send you the info or they just keep you on the waiting list without informing you???


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By now, you are most likely wait listed or rejected at places you have not heard from. Although, if the places you applied to had later deadlines (i.e Feb 1st, Feb 15th, some even March 1st) they may still be deciding. I'd drop the grad secrataries emails. I did and found out I was waitlisted at 3 of the 6 places I hadn't heard from and rejected at 2 others and the 6th hasn't responded.

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Guest somnia1120

It doesn't hurt to call/email. My boyfriend has been sitting on pins and needles over his top choice. He finally broke down and emailed them today. Turned out they had called him and left him a voicemail telling him how impressed they were about his qualifications (and that he was accepted)... only he never got it.

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Guest staticdust

is it true that you might have to wait longer if you're an international applicant? cause somebody told me when she was applying she didnt get interviewed until some time in april. and that's because the department went through all the american applicants first and if they have spaces left then they choose a couple foreign students to be interviewed.

i personally am still waiting for 4 more schools. one of them i already know will reject me because it's a long shot. another school told me their committee hasnt made any decisions but that it'll happen soon. i already got in to 1 safety school but i really dont wanna go there unless that's the only choice i'm left with. i'm really getting anxious because i havent gone for any interviews. are people in the wait-list the ones that have gone for campus visits or can they also be people like me who havent heard anything at all?

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I'm still waiting on 4, too. 3 are probably rejects; jury's still out on the 4th. That 4th school is rumored to be conducting phone interviews last week and next, so we'll see.

It's really a drag because things around here are really slowing down; on the results board, I mean. On the programs starting with "E" page, there are only 6 results left today... previously there were 100+ almost every day, or at least more than 75. It seems like so many people already have this resolved and know what's going to happen to them and I still have no clue what I'm going to do or where I'm going to be.


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I'm also in a similar situation - I'm still waiting on 3 schools. I called NYU last week (psych) and they said they still haven't made a decision. I'm assuming this means I'm informally waitlisted, but shouldn't they tell me if I am? I tried to contact my final 2 schools and it's impossible to get through (Univ Washington and UC-Davis). It's getting to be really late and I'm concerned that I haven't heard anything! At this point I'm close to saying that I'm not going anywhere next year... :oops:

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