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Wait for Fall grades or send before?

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What is the typical protocol on calculating gpa/sending transcripts I have a number of programs having their deadline be January 15th for my graduate applications.  My last final is on the 18th and this professor takes a week to get most of our grades posted, idk how long it will take to get those onto my official transcripts after that point.


On another note I have at least 3 programs that are asking for unofficial transcripts I feel like those are easier to gather so I could potentially wait but then again some of my professors post our final degrees directly to the online portal bypassing our normal student online grades area. 

What is everyone else doing?  



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I'm planning to call some of the CD departments tomorrow for clarification of a few things, so that will likely be one of them.  However a lot of people have already turned in their apps for next fall so I assume they are using their current grades.  Plus transcripts can take a while to order, so it isn't really feasible to wait until January.  I think many programs ask for an official transcript after you've been accepted.  

I'm trying to figure out what constitutes "the last 60 units."  One of the apps I'm working on doesn't make a distinction between the last 60 units *completed* versus the last 60 units that are actually on your current transcript and are counting towards the Bachelors in CD.  My GPA stays the same either way, but I have to type in all the courses so I need to know which ones to use.  So annoying.

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You could always send both. CSDCAS has a portion where you update your grades once you get them. For other schools, you can always email/mail an updated transcript copy to the department. That's what I did.

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I emailed a couple of programs and they all had different answers. Only Maryland asked me to try and send the Fall grades as well, so I guess I'll Fedex myself that one transcript. *shrug* I need it for academic update anyway.

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I was thinking you could send them now, too, and then again. I am a little confused about this though: if you do the professional entry and have it done now, will they be able to add your fall grades, or should you wait? I was going to do it this weekend, but then I got a notification saying that if I submit it now, I cannot change it later. I know I'm going to use the professional entry because I don't want to screw it up on my own, but I'm not sure if I should send it now or wait until fall?

You could also go to your school's registrars office and ask them what they think. That's what I am planning on doing this week, but I figured since this thread was posted, why not add on! 

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Oh i'm so glad i'm not the only one sitting here a little confused as to what they want!  Thanks for the responses everyone!  Yeah my main thing is I have no problem sending later transcripts it is more when they ask me to calculate my gpa now it will be different than the one that has my combined fall grades I think...


And the program that wants the last 60 calculated is the one that i'm most confused about I'll be giving them a call tomorrow.  I'll post again if they let me know anything that makes sense to be applied universally to apps.


I want to send them in and have them all off my plate but want to get a confirmation they don't want me to wait first.  Such a hassle!!!  Good luck with finals coming up for everyone :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/29/2015, 12:50:55, koalalover1 said:

I was thinking you could send them now, too, and then again. I am a little confused about this though: if you do the professional entry and have it done now, will they be able to add your fall grades, or should you wait? I was going to do it this weekend, but then I got a notification saying that if I submit it now, I cannot change it later. I know I'm going to use the professional entry because I don't want to screw it up on my own, but I'm not sure if I should send it now or wait until fall?

If you submit it now for PTE, CSDCAS will enter only what has already completed (so not Fall 2015). Before you submit you should list the fall courses you have in-progress on your own. The PTE service won't update it for you once fall grades complete:

Q: Does Professional Transcript Entry cover Academic Update?

A: NO. Professional Transcript Entry can not be used for academic update and any previously paid PTE fees do not cover updates.

However, you can use Academic Update to update fall grades yourself after CSDCAS is done with their process:


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