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Potentially want to take supplemental courses as well, should I mention it?

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I'm debating whether or not I should mention my plans to take some courses from another college within the university. This lab is pretty different from all of the other ones within the college and so the major I will be applying for (forest ecology) almost doesn't even seem to fit the research very well. The college offers some pertinent coursework for my research topic, but it would likely be beneficial for me to take a few supplemental courses from another college. I have put a lot of thought into this despite the professor I hope to work with not getting back to me in time (application is due tomorrow). But my question is, do you think it would help or hurt my chances of admission if it looks like I would only fit into their school if I am taking supplemental courses? Does my initiative and foresight make up for what might make me look like a bad fit?

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I would say help because you can demonstrate that you are interested in their program enough that you researched what the university can offer. you just have to phrase it in the right way. In your SOP in the fit section you can just discuss how apart form the world famous PI and the excellent department (put your target department here)  additional resources in the university such as a strong department in.... (put department in other college) or an institute of .......(put additional resources) could advance your research. this unique combination of resources  and expertise would specifically help you do what you want to do.  and so for this reason this university is the best fit and you are the best fit for them...

Edited by kaykaykay
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Thanks kaykaykay, I think you're right. I was looking at it with too narrow of a perspective. I'm applying to both the college AND the university as a whole so it should be okay to take courses outside of the college I'm directly applying to.

Edited by thelastminute
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