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ME in Mechanical Engineering or ME in Mechanical Engineering with Business?


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Hi all,

I'm an engineering student in Ireland and as the title of this thread suggests I am deciding between doing a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering ONLY or in a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering WITH business.  I am unsure of what I want to a do moving forward in my career and I am unsure which will be better in the jobs market upon graduation.  I do enjoy studying engineering but I do feel I could really benefit from studying business related subjects, to become more rounded and increase the number of roles I could work in moving forward.  I have read the statistics about the amount of times people re-invent themselves in the workforce and I feel that the joint masters minoring in business may provide greater flexibility down the line if I decide that better opportunities are away from the very technical focused jobs .  There is only 5 more mechanical engineering classes in the Mechanical Engineering only masters but I am unsure if this would put me in a disadvantage in applying for purely mechanical engineering roles later in my career from a perceived less complete engineering education.  Would HR Departments read through my cv if I chose the masters in engineering with business and decide I am not as capable and as good a candidate when it comes to applying for purely engineering roles? Which program would you recommend? Both are delivered in a good school

Thanks for taking the time to read this.  I would love to hear your feedback.  

Edited by IrishEngineer
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I honestly don't think so, and you should be thinking more about what your final goal is. If you want to maybe get a manager position, be the director of an engineering department in a company, then you should definitively do the business option, lots of people end up going back to school after a while to get a MBA. However, if you want to get really deep into research, or you are planning to do a PhD, then the Master of Science is probably the best fit, although I would still do the MBA as I don't really think it will affect you that much. I see really unlikely that someone would look down on you because of that. 

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