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Posts posted by selecttext

  1. Accepted to SFU! Unfortunately they didn't offer me funding, although they did say I'm "eligible for competitive funding opportunities." Judging by their handbook I assume people normally get funding offers with their acceptance, so I'm kind of sad. Ah well, it's great just to get in.


    Was your offer of admission letter from the school of graduate studies or from your department? financial packages are provided by the department not the sgs

  2. I hesitate to be a part of a campus that thinks they're the best public college in the country


    Wow. I hope your arrogance came across to the various admissions committee. Why don't you just withdraw your application now to save everyone some trouble. I hope you keep these opinions to yourself. Actually, why don't you e-mail your concerns to the various faculty members at Penn State so they can have a good laugh over lunch.

  3. Are you consulting with your professors about this? they should know what kind of journal is likely to be interested in your submission and they can help you tweak the rhetoric to best suit the audience of whatever journal you choose.


    Of course I am. It is tricky to find a home for this particular MS. But since there is no rush, I can try a number of places. Since the 1st journal accepted it for external review, I expect that this revised MS will be accepted some place eventually. 

  4. When you go to conferences, people will give each other a look when they hear the name "Penn State." 


    That is very unlikely. Academic types at a conference are hardly so reactionary. It is still a top school known for research excellence. Their faculty and students are certainly not pariahs at a conference. And certainly their colleagues do not assume that they are somehow implicated in a pedophilia cover up. 

  5. It didn't make it passed the editor in chief this time. They reject 40% outright - that's fine, I just want to be done with this MS already. It's been written and rewritten at least 8 times. The first reject was in peer review and the comments were completely valid. This time, it was sent to an ecology journal and not a botany journal. Even though it's more ecology than botany, I can see why it might not appeal to a broad audience. As long as it is accepted some place before October I'll be happy. At least outright rejection doesn't mean I have to go back to the drawing board or make any substantial changes.

  6. I have this MS that was rejected after 4 months. I spent 6 months rewriting and incorporating new data and resubmitted to a lesser journal. This time they didn't even send it off for external review.


    This MS is freaking haunting my existence. I performed the experiments in October 2010. It's Feb 2013 and it still doesn't have a home.

  7. to be rather blunt, if you are anxious and suicidal now, it will only get worse in graduate school - much worse. just wait until you have to do your comprehensive examination. sometimes you will be treated like a slave. sometimes the expectations on you will be unbearable. i think that you need psychiatric intervention immediately. do not put yourself through the torture of graduate school if you can't deal with rejection at the outset.

  8. Ok this doesn't apply only to grad school but life in general. To make friends, you have to be available  -  not just by having spare time but actively engaging people and activities. The easiest thing you can do is to ask the people around you if they would like to go for a drink. Try saying something like "this has been a long day, I need a drink - wanna come?". I think that people may be more likely to go for booze but you can try coffee or lunch too. If they say no, don't be on them to schedule an appointment - just be like ok cool, see ya later. Do not be pushy and actually go get that drink, even if it is alone! Requiring more effort but perhaps more satisfying is to join a group of some sort. Since you are having little luck with your peers, you may be better off doing something non-school related like a class at the gym, or joining some kind of hobbyist group or sports team or like a hiking group or whatever. Volunteering is also a good way of meeting new people. In all of those situations you could easily ask people if they want to get food or a drink after the activity. If they ask you out, say yes more than you say no! Be cool not creepy. Do not ask vague questions like "so what do you do on saturday nights" rather say "hey do you want to come over for dinner on saturday night". It just takes meeting one or two people. By the way (assuming you are a guy) do not expect that the first girl you befriend is going to be your lover <---- this is very important. Don't even let your mind go there because you could sabotage your chance at having a persistent friend group.

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