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Posts posted by HHEoS

  1. Does anyone know anything in regards to any Florida Grad programs? Specifically UF or FSU?


    I was one of those who posted a fellowship nomination from (the Graduate School at) FSU. No word at all from the department, but the guidelines for the fellowship application stated/implied that the award is contingent upon being accepted and being offered TA funding. I'm assuming that means I'm in. 

  2. Thanks for that information. My original plan was to call today if I haven't heard anything. Do you think I should still go ahead and call, or hold off on that?


    I'd say call. It couldn't hurt. They told more than one of us that decisions would be made by the end of this week. That has to mean by today. Does anyone know if Columbus is being affected/will be affected by the blizzard, though? That might screw some plans up. 

  3. That said, the advice that stable positions are available in the academy for an individual that only has an MA is ill-conceived and demonstrates a lack of understanding of the real world of academia. Also, it's ridiculous that people on this forum are suggesting that professionalization (e.g. national conferences in specific areas and peer-reviewed publications) are merely "pumping the CV." This discipline rewards people for professionalization. The fact that thatjewishgirl was rejected from Nebraska likely has more to do with research fit than it does with a "pumping the CV." If you think more lines on a CV aren't important to doctoral admissions committees, good luck on your job searches. 


    First, let me point out that my intent wasn't to agree/disagree with anyone, but to clarify confusion so that meaningful discourse/discussion could continue. Second, I don't think anyone is suggesting that there are "stable positions" available for those with just an MA in the academy (though I have two friends who are in this position and have permanent positions in small non-research based universities). Third, I don't think anyone dismissed professionalization as mere "CV pumping." Fourth, good luck to you as well. :)

  4. I think what ImWantHazPhD and others are saying is that if someone with a BA is shutout this year, it may make sense for her to apply to an MA program in which her primary goal is to develop a "more cutting edge writing sample and statement of purpose." "CV pumping" and attempts to improve GPA, GRE etc. will be less likely to help anyone in applying to a PhD program if the writing sample and statement of purpose are not improved through pursuing an MA. 

  5. On a similar note, does UChicago have a waitlist? I'm fairly certain they're done sending out acceptances, but I'm wondering if I should hold out hope for a WL spot or just resign myself to the (expected) rejection. Judging by the results board, it seems like they offer an unfunded MA slot instead of placing anyone on a waitlist; it just seems very odd that they would be the only school without a WL.


    Someone in last year's discussion thread for Chicago claimed the program didn't have a waitlist, however, I think there's waitlist posts in the Results section if you go back to 2011. Someone in that thread also noted that Chicago accepted 25 people last year. If we were to assume that that's the same this year, the number of posts in the Results section seems a little low (but it is possible that only 1/5 of those accepted posted their results to GC). Anyway, I've personally decided to give up hope on Chicago. It was a long shot, and I've got 10 other decisions to obsess over. Hope this helps, despite the pessimism. :)

  6. I've never heard of an ad comm making offers in 2-4 weeks, but I guess there's a first time for everything. 


    I didn't apply to Iowa, and I don't have any info on that program specifically, but I received a fellowship nomination from one program where I applied two weeks after the application deadline. It's possible that those acceptances are applicants who were nominated for fellowships (whether they were informed of that detail or not). 


    ETA: My bad, asleepawake just basically made the same point. 

  7. So... what's everyone thinking today? Results from NYU? Northwestern?


    If midwestern/ eastcoast weather cooperates, I'll be going on a mini vacation this afternoon to DC! I am HOPING to take a break from all this, but who knows if that is even possible. Good luck to everyone today!


    I'm really hoping for news from Chicago either today or tomorrow. Also, I'd like Ohio State to give me an answer already. Seriously, the "In Review" limbo is not fun. 


    Have fun in DC on your trip!

  8. I'm surprised that we didn't hear more today.


    I figured not much would happen today because if ad comms were meeting last week, they probably worked hard to get their decisions out by the end of that week (Friday). I think if any ad comms met today for the first time, they certainly wouldn't have pressured themselves to make decisions within a day. This is just how I rationalized my decision to try to be calm today. I'm generally trying not to expect much of Mondays (which is hard because, well, nothing generally happens on weekends, either). I'm prepping myself to be very nervous and anxious on Fridays. 

  9. Woohoo for the recent admit! I'm still in review at OSU, so my neurotic self called and asked what was up. They are still meeting and making decisions, so it's not over yet! The Graduate Program Director predicted that all decisions would be made within the next two weeks. Phew! That news will give my index finger a break from the refresh button.

    Also, I logged into LinkedIn today and saw that the director at a different school where I applied has looked at my profile! I'm trying hard to not get too excited by this revelation...


    Thanks, proflorax, for passing along what you found out. At least now I know how long the painful, neurotic waiting OSU is putting us through will potentially last. 


    Here's hoping that LinkedIn view means good news is headed your way soon!

  10. There's another OSU acceptance up (for rhet and comp). Mine still says "in review." Does anyone else still have "in review?"


    Hey sebastiansteddy, mine still says "In Review". I suspect they make decisions in waves, but get this: I went through my emails from last year's application cycle and realized that OSU decided to change my "In Review" to a rejection in late February. This could be a terribly agonizing and fruitless wait, but I also remember that someone I know found out he was on OSU's wait list around the time I got that bad news last year. So basically, we might be left waiting forever. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 

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