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Posts posted by stmwap

  1. Anyone know how many HMs are bumped up each year? Is there a record of that somewhere? Probably foolish to hold into hope but here I am...

    Yes.  Last year there were 64 HMs that got "bumped up" because there are 2,064 awards on the results page.  Statistically, it's unlikely, but it's based on the strength of your application, so maybe your reviews will give you an indication if you have a chance of being one of the lucky ones.

  2. So how many people would stick with the research topic in their NSF proposal if they didn't get the fellowship?  Also, how many would consider shifting to something not quite exactly the same if they did get it?

    Umm.  I probably won't do the project I proposed either way.   

  3. It's also "early April" now... so it's not like it was a dumb thought.

    I wasn't trying to be mean.  It wasn't a dumb thought.  You were just a little late to the party.  Welcome!

  4. wow! this is like a virtual party. so funny to think of us all 342 of us huddled around our screens. this is a moment of solidarity, fellow scientists. let's cherish it :D

    I'm kind of surprised it's only 342, considering that 14,000 applied.  


    For some reason they deleted the Forgot Username link

    Probably because in past years some users have used a "trick" to see their results early by "forgetting" their usernames.  Don't ask me how it worked, though.  I don't know.

  6. Having gone through this last year, I'll go to sleep at a normal hour. Regardless of the outcome, I think it's best to maximize feeling good tomorrow in any way possible. Similarly, for those of you waiting until tomorrow, it's probably a good idea to eat breakfast before reading the result.

    Because afterwards you don't feel like eating?   :unsure:

  7. Mkay. Distraction game.


    1. What are you currently doing?


    2. What did you do this weekend?


    3. What would you do if you won the GRF?

    1. About to go to class.

    2. Lab work, saw the new 'Muppet' movie.  

    3. Tell my family.    


    Any other thoughts? I doubt anyone is absolutely certain they'll receive an award, but is anyone hopeful?

    Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best, as they say.  I have quite a bit of outreach experience, but no publications.  I will be delighted if I get an award, but I won't be devastated if I don't.  I said this earlier, but most people do not get an award; don't beat yourself up if you don't get it.  Just be happy if you do.  

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