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Posts posted by stmwap

  1. Wow dude you need to go for a run, or a bike ride; maybe set up a hammock and chill with a good book. Hahahaha....


    Patience... Good things come to those who wait (and work hard).

    I was just wondering.  I am on a microscope currently, so I can't really do any of those things.

  2. Does everybody see these when they log into fastlane, right click, and click "view page source (and CTRL-F for 'fellow')?"

    <!-- <p class="leadtitle">Welcome Fellows</P> -->
    <!-- Fellow Stats fixed 170px -->
    <!-- END Fellow Stats -->

  3. Took a nap to try and take my mind off of the GRFP - woke up in the middle of a nightmare - I got an email from NSF saying that I would have won a fellowship spot but instead I'm being disqualified because my margins were off by .0001 inches. Anyone else having crazy GRFP induced nightmares?

    Last night I dreamt that I got honorable mention and that I was disappointed, but the second year in my lab who applied didn't get anything (I'm a first year).  Then I felt bad for being disappointed.   

  4. I'm confused what this tells us?

    It looks like one GRFP award will be given to this PI at NIU this year... but there aren't any other awards/schools listed, so it's weird that this is up.  

  5. I just noticed that on the awards offers and HM list search page, before you select a year it says "2014 Offered Award List--not yet available" right below the search fields. Has this always been below the search fields or is this new? For some reason I never noticed this before. I thought it just said "no applications found" until a year was selected. 


    Sorry to keep fueling the paranoia fire here...   :rolleyes:

    It has always said that.  

  6. So many dumb people...




    First the "additional 1 pg statement" hoax and now this?  What good does lying do for these people?  Maybe they get some sort of weird joy from seeing all these other people freak out, I guess.

  7. I'd agree with stmwap although I can certainly relate. Current and appropriate perspectives certainly don't have to be mutually exclusive. 

    Yes, I'm partly speaking to myself as well as all of you.  Haha.

  8. So I am curious if any other current graduate students feel the same way I do. I so anxious about the NSF GRFP because I feel like if I don't at least get an honor mention is will be embarrassing. I am not sure why I think this but I just dread not getting at least an honorable mention and then having to tell my PI and all the people that help and encouraged me to apply that I got nothing. I know that rejection is a huge part of science funding but I guess I am just worried since it is my first time.   

    You shouldn't be embarrassed about not getting something that most people do not get.  There's a reason these fellowships are considered competitive.  If you don't get it, just try to learn from your feedback to make your next application (next year's GFRP or any other application) better.  

  9. Just double (triple?) checking...we're sure that tonight is NOT announcement night, right? Ready to relax and pretend this doesn't exist for another week or so...

    Tonight is NOT the announcement.  Some people thought that the announcement was going to be late last night / early this morning.

  10. This is the exact same wording as the message for Sunday "FastLane will be unavailable from 12:01AM ET to 8:00AM ET on Sunday, March 23 for scheduled maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience."... dun dun dun

    No, it isn't.  The one I posted has the word GRFP and has different times listed.  


    Just assume it's 4/15 and you're not getting it.


  11. ic ic. DO you happen to have an quote from that specific wording that they've used before? I was around last year, but don't remember exactly what is was.


    Last year's message: "03/28/13  -  GRFP/FastLane will be unavailable from 11:00 PM ET Thursday March 28th - 5:00 AM ET Friday, March 29th for scheduled maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience"

  12. Has anyone seen the advisory that Fastlane will be down for "scheduled maintenance" Saturday night in to Sunday, March 23?




    Could this be it?  If it is, they are posting the maintenance notice a lot earlier than in past years.  It also seems bizarre that they would announce winners on a Sunday.  My gut feeling is that its just a coincidence, but I want a second opinion!

    Yeah, probably just a coincidence.  Someone said this earlier, but scheduled maintenance happens all the time.  And for GRFP it is usually something like 12AM-5AM, not 12AM-8AM.

  13. Is that right? I was under the impression that # of awards allocated for a student in a certain year (undergrad, 1st year grad, 2nd year grad) is proportional to the # of applications received for that group.

    Oh, you're probably right.

  14. Anyone know if your application is compared against applicants from your year? 

    Yes, you will only be competing against other second year graduate students.  1/3 of awards go to fourth year undergraduates, 1/3 go to first year graduate students, and 1/3 go to second year graduate students.  



    Or how disabilities are weighted? 

    I don't think there's any real way to know this, but I wouldn't imagine it would make much of an impact.  Maybe if they're comparing two otherwise equal candidates and one has a disability they will go with that one.  But who knows. 



     My comments last year showed that the main reason I didn't get it was because of no publications; this year I had one submitted for review when I applied, but still no real publications. 

    That's disappointing.  I have no publications and it's unlikely that I'll have any before next year (I'm a first year grad student).  

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