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Posts posted by PhDhopeful2013

  1. Thanks! (And sorry, I haven't heard anything yet but I doubt that's a good sign). 


    Where on the website does the status change?

     you can start a Wolverine Friend account, but apparently it's not really working anyway.  My app (and others on here) still says "application not complete" but the dept has assured us that the Wolverine status is not necessarily accurate..

  2. Hello. My handle is wemayet, and I am a GradCafe "search results" junkie.


    It all started in the fall, when I was looking for application advice. I figured a little wouldn't hurt, you know? It didn't take long before I was spending most, then all, of my spare time reading forums. It didn't seem like a bad trade off for all the good feelings I was getting from what I was taking in. I grew to rely upon it. I needed it to get through applications. But even when applications were over, I still needed. I tried to quit cold turkey, but found myself going back for more. I think on purpose at some level, I had even lost my login for a while, hoping I'd forget. Then one day, I saw it. The first indication that someone from one of my schools had gotten an interview. That taste brought me back. Worse than before. A great hunger inside of me, I needed the information. On my tower, on my ipad, on my laptop... all browsers had a GradCafe tab. I'd hit that refresh button... dozens of times... sometime dozens of dozens of times in one hour. When I wake up, I reach for the nearest computerized device and hit refresh again and again. Someday, I hope to stop...


    My handle is wemayet, and I am a GradCafe "search results" junkie.


    dying laughing!!! (and at work oops!)

  3. also can we take a moment to appreciate how silly and old the Massachusetts Institute of TECHNOLOGY's application site is?

     haha i was writing my previous post when you posted this!! yes... i was very surprised by MIT's system


    then again maybe it was developed in house so they dont have any fees associated with systems like ApplyYourself, etc...

  4. does anyone know if there is a separate status checker for MIT? the original application website just looks like the application...



    I don't know of one, but I haven't looked for one either.  I'm guessing not though... their system seemed pretty bare bones.. ex. having to cut and paste the recommendation requests and send them ourselves; and cutting and pasting the SOP into a text box rather than uploading any pdfs... could be wrong though.

  5. Long time lurker here (for like... two years?). Am thrilled to claim a Michigan acceptance. Honestly, given my mediocre GRE scores I was convinced that I had no hope anywhere (had only applied to four schools to minimize the ego trauma). So glad that things worked out.


    Don't lose hope, folks!!! 




    btw I'm enjoying all the lurkers emerging from the shadows!! welcome :)

  6. I haven't heard back from ANYONE at all.  Even schools that already put out rejections.  This is torture.


    This has me thinking of all the possibilities:


    1. Low-priority rejection

    2. Waitlist

    3. "No funding" (torturous rejection)

    4. They all just LOL'd hard at my application and forgot what they were doing afterwards


    well if it makes you feel any better, I haven't heard from anyone except for one rejection... i'm hoping that doesn't mean I was a "High priority rejection"!!


    I just really wanted to have an acceptance early on in the process to relieve some stress... but no luck... now i'm just hoping for an acceptance period -- anytime, anyplace, any delivery method!

  7. Has anyone else (who didn't register this morning, immediately after we raised suspicions about trolling) received an email? I apologize for being skeptical, but I'm still surprised by how few people have claimed admissions or denials given that Michigan normally distributes notifications simultaneously. If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance but hopefully you can understand. We're all just looking for as much information as possible.

     definitely a valid question.. esp considering how many people on here regularly have applied to UMich.... and since there has seemed to be a bunch of trolling this cycle.

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