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Posts posted by PhDhopeful2013

  1. So, I was stalking the Results Forum and realized that even though my "earliest" school notified people January 20 last year... the year before that someone got an acceptance on January 14... which was the second Friday in January... which is tomorrow the 11th.  Now I'm thinking, hey they could notify me tomorrow!  LOL.  This is where my brain is right now.  DelusionLand.  La la la la la...


    the results page can be dangerous, but oh so therapeutic!! haha

  2. welcome!  yes - our collective anxiety is on the rise!  only a few more weeks of uncertainty to go....


    hi all, long-time lurker, first-time poster. with my anxiety now beginning to rise with decisions coming in the next few weeks/month, i wanted to take advantage of this great community. better off together!

  3. How similiar/different are the SOP objectives for a stand-alone MA program and PhD? I applied a couple of years ago for PhD programs and was rejected by top-ranked schools. This, I think, was a combination of my GRE scores and my lack of focus in a research topic. My SOP could have been stronger in making the case and narrowing my focus. Does a different approach apply when seeking an MA in Political Science (not a professional degree).


    well most MA programs are much less competitive than PhD programs, based on acceptance rates, etc.  So for an MA app, I would think the SOP is not such a "make or break" piece as long as you have a solid profile.  Also, for an MA SOP, I would think you'd be discussing more general areas of interest that you want to explore and develop.  For a PhD SOP, you should have already begun to develop those specific research interests, so the SOP would be presenting what you already know and how you want to develop those interests further and with particular faculty members... so in general the PhD SOP is just a more important piece of the app and would ideally be more focused and sophisticated than an MA SOP... that's my brief take on it.. anyone else?

  4. Yes... every day over is another day closer to a decision!  Once I find out where (or if) I'm going, we need to put our house on the market... and my husband needs to start job hunting in our new city.  I am trying to find ways to busy myself so I don't dwell on this for the next 6 weeks.  If I find something that works, I'll let you know.  Lol.


    ok thanks  :)   I'll let you know as well... although I'm thinking that time passing is the only true solution to this anxiety!!

  5. My heart just dropped! I just checked the results forum and someone was notified yesterday of an interview (or had an interview-I am thinking it is the former though as I know the school holds an interview weekend in February) for the same program I am applying to. Fingers crossed that I get a phone call too!


    Good Luck!!

  6. anyone else feel like they are just treading water in every other aspect of life right now?!?!  I pretty much can't wait until every day is over because that means one more day closer to knowing the admissions decisions and being able to make some plans.  I wish I could just put this whole process out of my mind, b/c its unlikely that I'll hear anything until the very end of Jan (at the earliest).  Hard to focus on anything else right now though...  uhg

  7. I called them the other day for this same reason and it's just that they are using a new computer system and have not been able to upload scores into the system. If you've sent them, then they have most likely received them. Seriously, I started the phone conversation saying "It doesn't seem that my GRE scores have arrived..." and he said "Don't worry about it! If you sent them, there will be no problem whatsoever."

    Same situation for me. Was going to call today, but I will hold off.... Thanks for the info

  8. This is a great thread. It is nice to know that I'm not the only one feeling this anxiety.  Hopefully I will get in somewhere, which means that my soon-to-be fiance and I will be moving and planning a wedding over the coming months.  I'll be finishing my MA thesis this semester also, while all of these changes are (again, hopefully!) taking shape.  I'm so excited for the potential changes, but the uncertainty is stressful. plus it's not just me that's affected anymore.  I'm so lucky to have such a supportive partner, so I really hope he is able to find a fulfiling job wherever we end up!  these threads are therapeutic, but I wish i could just put the future out of my mind until I know what my options are.  oh and don't even get me started on the financial stresses!!  I do find that focusing on the excitement factor helps a bit.  That and checking my email constantly, reading these forums, and looking at last year's results to predict when I'll hear decisions!!  What a process this is!!

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