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  1. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from astreaux in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I think this is what I'll tell my gf when she asks if I joined the gym yet.
  2. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to Targy in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Thanks guys! I'm very relieved to know about at least one of my schools. I couldn't even start to think about a back up plan.
  3. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to Loric in SOP not even read by AdCom   
    I did, well, they called, asked, said "ok, just need you to write even two lines saying that for your file.." and i was like "ok.." and the other stuff he said he'd get a firm answer from the adcom on what they'd want to see and how. But after the "WTF" wore off, i sent a follow up email where I addressed most things - and stated that I was.. I used the words "aghast" "mortified" etc.. I said i was confused as to why it needed to be restated my book was my own work when my SOP, resume, etc.. all say as much.
    Haven't heard anything back yet.
  4. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to boazczoine in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    It makes me feel really old that 6 am - 6:30 am is the middle of the night to you.
    * Grabs walker, shuffles away *
  5. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    What type of things do people look for while conducting an interview for admission?
  6. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to BFB in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I must have missed this comment. A shame.
    Thank you!
    As to the question of what we're doing, when, etc.: I've sent medium-list files to POIs to get their feedback. This is a new procedure. I've also noted that that feedback would probably be more valuable if they got to know the candidates a bit better than they would by just reading the files. Some are inclined to call; some aren't; some are sick or on medical leave or out of town. So some of you might be getting calls or emails from OSU POIs. If you do, I can confirm that you're on the medium list, which is about twice as long as the short list will be. And I cannot predict how the process of narrowing down a short list will go. Seriously.
  7. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Not sure if it was him, but it said "OSU - Bear" and said something like "when did osu start interviewing?!?!?!?!?!" I don't remember exactly, but it made me giggle.
  8. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from astreaux in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Congrats! I hope I hear from them in the next couple weeks about talking...
  9. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from IR IR IR PhD in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Of course my situation is a bit odd. As many of you already know, I applied simultaneously for Ph.D. programs and a Fulbright last year. I won the Fulbright AND got into a program (unfunded). I've deferred with the program, but applied elsewhere in the event that money does not come through... Anyway:
    I applied to a dual program, where I'd receive a masters from another school at the uni simultaneously with the masters/Ph.D. in political science. A few weeks after the application deadline, I realized that the university required dual program applicants to submit TWO applications (application fee, materials and all). I called the masters part of the program, for which I had not officially applied, to see what could be done to correct course. They were very accommodating and just asked that I get it all in before the week's end, when the ad com would receive the materials (I got it in the same day - even though I needed a prof to fill out a supplementary form on a specific skill, etc.). 
    A week later, the master's program contacted me to let me know I'd got in! WOW! I was actually at Alcatraz Island when I got the e-mail on my phone and I was ecstatic! I had already been rejected from a few programs at that point. I e-mailed to ask about financial aid/scholarships for the master's program (i.e. when I'd hear), and they responded that they were awarding me their very highest scholarship. Talk about putting me in a good mood!
    About a week passed and I still hadn't heard from the Ph.D. program. Here on GradCafe, people were already reporting acceptances, and it seemed pretty clear I wasn't getting one. I reached out to the master's program to ask about whether I'd be able to apply to the Ph.D. program for the dual degree in my first year at the master's program, if I were to take that route. 
    The response I received really threw me off. It was something along the lines of: "I'm a little confused, because we had been told you were accepted. So I called the program and, congratulations, you have been!"
    Wow! Of course it turned out that the administrative assistant for the Ph.D. program just kind of forgot about my letter, and so when she sent it to me about an hour after the master's program from the other school contacted her, it had all sorts of wrong details meant for someone else (including - ouch - funding information).
    I hope this provides some comic relief for others. It certainly put me on a rollercoaster.
  10. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from TheGnome in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Tip: Hola Unblocker
    Tip: BBC One
    Tip: Get on it!
    But I only know this cause my gf is in love with Sherlock. I've been meaning to watch it. I've seen a couple episodes.
  11. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to mv0027 in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I plan to quit my job and hike the appalachian trail. I've already convinced myself I am not going to get in anywhere and, thanks to my back-up plan, I'm ok with it / excited!!!
  12. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from anxious2151 in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Tip: Hola Unblocker
    Tip: BBC One
    Tip: Get on it!
    But I only know this cause my gf is in love with Sherlock. I've been meaning to watch it. I've seen a couple episodes.
  13. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Audiences are easier than person to person interaction. I've had a lot of introverted professors and teachers in the past.
  14. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from jeudepaume in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I wouldn't worry. I'm sure he saw the e-mail but was just busy. As for the other, do you still have the old e-mail? I'd respond directly to it and say something like: "I was wondering if you'd still have time to talk. Of course I haven't yet heard about whether I've been admitted, but..."
  15. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I am currently googling "how to answer the phone if you think your POI is calling." Being an introvert is just terrible and it becomes worse under stress/anxiety/insecurity. 

    *You think he/she is calling because you've memorized area codes. 

    Edit: This is actually fairly pathetic on my part because I do work in an industry that requires daily interaction with strangers and I do talk a lot. 
  16. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to zudei in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I think you should go to sleep instead When I drink and realise I am talking about probability that's what I do in any case ^^
  17. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to TheGnome in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    2 1/2 weeks - 5
    4 w - 9
    8 w - 19
  18. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Of course whether I'm drinking socially or enjoying a glass by myself would play a role too... So that I don't come across as an alcoholic.
  19. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Something in between. Let's say that I would never exceed a bottle and a half in a night if I were drinking solely wine (I think that's why beer is more dangerous for me, especially in Germany in social situations - there are fewer boundaries). Considering that some nights I'm just as happy with a cup of tea or a single glass of wine, the waiting period might certainly play a role. I wonder if anyone could quantify the probability that I will have more than one glass (and whether there might be a clear corollary, like how soon I should hear from programs).
  20. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to SelfHatingPhilosopher in Thoughts on language requirements   
    I'm not at all familiar with the particulars of Ancient Greek philosophy, but I believe there are concrete translation concerns over the fact that Greek does not have definite/indefinite articles, and that there are actual issues on specifics lines in Aristotle and Parmenidies (I'm more familiar with Parmenides since my school focused on the pre-socratics), where the interpretatation depends on whether or not an article should be there or not. This isn't something you'll be able to determine, or even be aware of as an issue, if you're reading a translation. I should also say I don't understand your dismisal of Rollontheground's example.
    You need to be familiar with Greek, and not just on a surface level, but know the various ways in which a Greek person might try to articulate the definite/indefinite distinction without having specific terms for it.
    Which is another point. If you're reading something in translation, you might not even be aware of there being an issue, because the translation glides over some nuance, mistranslates, or just doesn't translate something.
  21. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from TheGnome in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Dear grad schools:
    I get it you. You have a lot of applications to read. But if you could just, you know, skip a few and read mine and fall in love with me for some reason and contact me ASAP, I'd really appreciate it.
  22. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from o.j. in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Dear grad schools:
    I get it you. You have a lot of applications to read. But if you could just, you know, skip a few and read mine and fall in love with me for some reason and contact me ASAP, I'd really appreciate it.
  23. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I think a quote from Grey's Anatomy sums it up the best:

    "pick me, choose me, love me" - Meredith Grey

    Probably should have ended my statement of purpose with that. 
  24. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from anxious2151 in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Dear grad schools:
    I get it you. You have a lot of applications to read. But if you could just, you know, skip a few and read mine and fall in love with me for some reason and contact me ASAP, I'd really appreciate it.
  25. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Dear grad schools:
    I get it you. You have a lot of applications to read. But if you could just, you know, skip a few and read mine and fall in love with me for some reason and contact me ASAP, I'd really appreciate it.
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