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  1. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from klondike in Starting over in a new place....   
    Look, I honestly felt for Pinkster for a long time and hoped that everything would work out - and I still do. But this is a new low for her, and it's so unbelievably offensive that I can't feel bad for her anymore. I feel bad for her friend, who is clearly in a situation that could work out wonderfully or turn into a terribly troubling experience, and she doesn't even have her best friend to support her through it. Who needs enemies?
  2. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Zahar Berkut in Starting over in a new place....   
    The part where you said now that your "best friend" is pregnant you don't want to continue your friendship - at a time when she could probably seriously benefit from having a good friend around - is where I stopped caring about what you want for yourself. You have a lot of maturing to do, and you need to stop making yourself the center of the universe. It's beyond unattractive.
  3. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from ereissoup in Starting over in a new place....   
    Look, I honestly felt for Pinkster for a long time and hoped that everything would work out - and I still do. But this is a new low for her, and it's so unbelievably offensive that I can't feel bad for her anymore. I feel bad for her friend, who is clearly in a situation that could work out wonderfully or turn into a terribly troubling experience, and she doesn't even have her best friend to support her through it. Who needs enemies?
  4. Downvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to LittleDarlings in Starting over in a new place....   
    Maybe you have never felt jealousy in your life and if so then thats awesome I honestly wish I could have never experienced it either, but for me it is like every time I see this friend or hear her talk about her baby or a doctors appt or her new boyfriend of less than a month my stomach drops, I have to stop myself from just completely breaking down in tears, and I get this anger that it's not me and I am not even near a point of it being me, then that leads to me thinking "what am I actually doing with my life" and me recapping all the failed relationships and the lack of a new person.. this is EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE HER.  Do you know how emotionally draining it is for me?  I might be a bad person or whatever but I don't know how to get over that.  It is easier for me to just distance myself from people who make me feel like that.  In the end she is going to be a totally different person at the end of this, she can't go out and do the stuff I want to do anymore. My birthday is tomorrow, we were supposed to go out to the bars and pick up on guys and drink and have fun. She can't.  I hate losing friends but I also hate feeling like shit every time someone gets a boyfriend or engaged or gets pregnant.  It is hard and you probably don't understand but it hurts a lot.  
    Luckyducky we have talked about the whole adoption thing and first this is first I would need a husband, a job and money, they don't just give babies away to 22 year olds.  If adoption was my only option I would gladly do it but I would need a husband first and that is where the problem begins. I honestly just made this thread to figure out how to function alone in a new city and make friends. I don't want to go back to the "finding a husband" thread.  I have read every possible book about how to attract a husband in a year or in 4 steps, or before 35, it is exhausting. 
  5. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Munashi in Starting over in a new place....   
    The part where you said now that your "best friend" is pregnant you don't want to continue your friendship - at a time when she could probably seriously benefit from having a good friend around - is where I stopped caring about what you want for yourself. You have a lot of maturing to do, and you need to stop making yourself the center of the universe. It's beyond unattractive.
  6. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from 28verses in Starting over in a new place....   
    The part where you said now that your "best friend" is pregnant you don't want to continue your friendship - at a time when she could probably seriously benefit from having a good friend around - is where I stopped caring about what you want for yourself. You have a lot of maturing to do, and you need to stop making yourself the center of the universe. It's beyond unattractive.
  7. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from YaBoyAR in Starting over in a new place....   
    The part where you said now that your "best friend" is pregnant you don't want to continue your friendship - at a time when she could probably seriously benefit from having a good friend around - is where I stopped caring about what you want for yourself. You have a lot of maturing to do, and you need to stop making yourself the center of the universe. It's beyond unattractive.
  8. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Starting over in a new place....   
    Look, I honestly felt for Pinkster for a long time and hoped that everything would work out - and I still do. But this is a new low for her, and it's so unbelievably offensive that I can't feel bad for her anymore. I feel bad for her friend, who is clearly in a situation that could work out wonderfully or turn into a terribly troubling experience, and she doesn't even have her best friend to support her through it. Who needs enemies?
  9. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Starting over in a new place....   
    It doesn't make her any less of an indecent human being if she abandons the person she calls "best friend."
  10. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to catwoman15 in the real poison in academic philosophy   
    I hold in distain anyone who still uses 'he' and 'him' to denote the neutral human. But that's just me.
  11. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from klondike in Starting over in a new place....   
    The part where you said now that your "best friend" is pregnant you don't want to continue your friendship - at a time when she could probably seriously benefit from having a good friend around - is where I stopped caring about what you want for yourself. You have a lot of maturing to do, and you need to stop making yourself the center of the universe. It's beyond unattractive.
  12. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to CanRes in Starting over in a new place....   
    The more I read these forums the more I think Pinkster is just an expert troll putting on a world class acting job.  When you take a step back and look at it, it all kind of makes sense. 
  13. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from tspier2 in Starting over in a new place....   
    The part where you said now that your "best friend" is pregnant you don't want to continue your friendship - at a time when she could probably seriously benefit from having a good friend around - is where I stopped caring about what you want for yourself. You have a lot of maturing to do, and you need to stop making yourself the center of the universe. It's beyond unattractive.
  14. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from guttata in Starting over in a new place....   
    The part where you said now that your "best friend" is pregnant you don't want to continue your friendship - at a time when she could probably seriously benefit from having a good friend around - is where I stopped caring about what you want for yourself. You have a lot of maturing to do, and you need to stop making yourself the center of the universe. It's beyond unattractive.
  15. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Knox in Starting over in a new place....   
    The part where you said now that your "best friend" is pregnant you don't want to continue your friendship - at a time when she could probably seriously benefit from having a good friend around - is where I stopped caring about what you want for yourself. You have a lot of maturing to do, and you need to stop making yourself the center of the universe. It's beyond unattractive.
  16. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from snakex in Are other graduate fields of study and programs stupid? Discuss!   
    There's nothing wrong with knowledge for knowledge's sake, folks. 
  17. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from gellert in Are other graduate fields of study and programs stupid? Discuss!   
    There's nothing wrong with knowledge for knowledge's sake, folks. 
  18. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from JadeS in Are other graduate fields of study and programs stupid? Discuss!   
    There's nothing wrong with knowledge for knowledge's sake, folks. 
  19. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I know someone who was in a similar situation, but in a different field. Half accepted the updated CV, the other half said it would be an unfair advantage to accept anything updated after the due date. I would try to update it if I were you. However, don't be surprised if you are turned down. Probably best to email the grad secretary/coordinator. 
  20. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to veritaserum in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Kind of curious about application updates as well, especially for schools are on a semester system and have additional grades come out in December...
  21. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to Penelope Higgins in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    A couple of thoughts on the rarity of European PhDs in teaching posts in American universities. This is a general statement that should be read as a description of reality that is neither an endorsement, nor without exceptions.
    There are few recent PhDs from non-US schools teaching at US universities. Of those, the vast majority come from Canada and England. This is largely a result of the fact that American political science is quite different from political science in Europe. Different research questions, different standards for qhat makes good research, different emphases of methods, etc. The result is the emergence of two largely separate communities. These overlap to some extent in studies of European politics, and in some parts of the political theory subfield, but otherwise they largely exist independently of one another. US universities tend not to consider hiring European PhDs partly because of the lack of network connections between the two, but largely because they are concerned that PhDs trained in Europe are not equipped to teach classes or train graduate students in ways that reflect the American version of the political science discipline.
    I have co-chaired a dissertation with someone at a prominent university in a non-England European country, and discovered that we had completely different expectations, not only in terms of the formal dissertation requirements but in terms of what constituted good research. These are the sorts of bridges that are hard to cross. And that, in my view, is why doing a PhD in most places in Europe, in most areas of study within political science, will limit your access to jobs in the US.
  22. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to IRToni in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Being a German myself, I know that there are people with German doctorates in US institutions as well. I'm sure it's easier with a US PhD, but it's definitely possible, I would say.
  23. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to Zahar Berkut in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I've seen British D.Phil's occasionally sitting on American political science faculties, but almost never another European doctorate. I think it has a lot to do with methodological styles and networks, since you're less likely to spend a lot of time interacting with US professors before applying to a US department, and immersing yourself among the people driving those discourses. I also believe that European faculties often publish in different journals, which also makes a huge difference. But someone correct me if I'm off-base here.
    And welcome!
  24. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from correlatesoftheory in An evaluation of my academic profile   
    Sounds fine, but you're sure to get a better evaluation and advice from the government affairs section of Grad Cafe. This part of the forum is mostly interested in academic political science (Ph.D.s and research). For what it's worth, you sound like you're in good shape. Study for the GREs. Maybe start learning another language (if European, German, but otherwise consider Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, etc.).
  25. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Zahar Berkut in An evaluation of my academic profile   
    Sounds fine, but you're sure to get a better evaluation and advice from the government affairs section of Grad Cafe. This part of the forum is mostly interested in academic political science (Ph.D.s and research). For what it's worth, you sound like you're in good shape. Study for the GREs. Maybe start learning another language (if European, German, but otherwise consider Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, etc.).
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