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Posts posted by Cornell07

  1. I had had an issue with two of my LORs (Damn snail mail system. Why don't they do it online like everyone else?). I got in contact with a very helpful admissions counselor at the school, we worked out my problem, and she said that they are still looking at apps through mid-March so it seems that decisions will just trickle out in waves.

  2. I find myself wondering these past few days... How did Barack Obama and John McCain sleep/concentrate/eat/etc throughout the month of October? Seriously. This grad school thing is peanuts compared to running for president. And, I am about to fall apart.

    Well, on the all staff phone call one or two weeks before e-day. Barack told us: "Now, if I see or hear about anyone getting sloppy or complacent, I'll come down and whoop 'em. I'm probably at least twice as old as most of you and I've been doing this since before you were born. If I can keep it up, so can you."

  3. I was also accepted and am incredibly psyched. My take on the program is as follows:

    * More predominant academic approach to studying IR than most other programs (as opposed to a purely professional approach)

    * Much less structure for students: craft your own degree; so, if you want management classes and historical IR theory, you can have both.

    * Much less structure for faculty: it brings together faculty from other departments whose focuses overlap with IR, such as Cold War historian John Gaddis who has advised presidents on IR matters (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 56_pf.html) and offers a yearlong course on Grand Strategy.

    * Much smaller student body (e.g.versus SIPA, SIS, Fletcher, HKS) with only about 40-50 students, 20 or so per year.

    In short, I believe that the program has a more narrow appeal than the major IR schools. The open house, whose date I expect is in the admissions package that will arrive this week, hopefully will give us a better picture.

  4. Ooh! It seems that I got that voter rights/protection internship along with a scholarship to cover my room and board for 10 weeks. As a democratic campaign staff member, I am amused to have been awarded a scholarship named after Barry Goldwater. Given that this internship would have probably been a stopgap should I have not gotten into grad school as it is primarily just a public service internship without any connection to my field of interest (IR), I am unsure if I will take it. Either way, I am flattered, of course!

  5. Ahhh! The same thing happened to me, I think. I looked at it last week and noticed that my statement of purpose was not in there. I could have SWORN I submitted it, but I e-mailed back and forth with them and they told me I wasn't missing anything. Can someone remind me what the essays were again? I submitted 3 total, but I could have sworn it should have been 4 with the one optional one....

    I believe they were:

    1) Essay on public service (aka personal statement)

    2) Leadership

    3) Policy Memo

  6. GPA- 3.61

    GPA last two years- 3.89


    Quant- 770

    Writing- 5.5

    Major- History

    Undergrad university- Cornell University. Ever heard of it?

    Accepted (so far)- Yale

    Other comments: I think a year of working in int'l finance law, plus being full-time unpaid Obama staff, and serving as an adviser for my school's policy debate team certainly contributed.

  7. Mega congrats Cornell07!! Fantastic news!!! Time to have fun! Any funding??

    They will tell me later. It was a very short letter.

    I am delighted to inform you that you have been selected for admission as a student in the International Relations Program beginning with the 2009-2010 academic year. Your selection is a recognition by the Faculty of your accomplishments and, especially, of your promise as a scholar and a researcher.

    A letter containing the details of our offer has been sent to you via first class mail. You should receive this letter within 5 business days. If, after this period, you have not received your offer letter, please contact us at 203-***-****.

  8. I am confused. How did they lose your personal statement? It was included with the online application.

    I got an email awhile ago stating they receive my application and would begin processing it. Then I checked my status (a million times) and my GRE scores and transcripts were received (after like 6 weeks). I never got anything from them other than the first email saying I submitted my application. It should be complete though. They have my rec letters, GRE, and transcripts and everything else was in the online app (essays, policy memo, statement of fin). Am I missing something? The only thing I don't see is my list of mathematics, econ and politics classes, but I mailed that with my transcripts so they should have it.

    I know. It was pretty bizarre as I had submitted online. I called them and they said that a couple of people had had the issue this year. So I faxed and sent it in by snail mail. Eventually it popped up.

  9. Here's another question that gets batted around a lot. With so few int'l relations schools, I figure I can fit most options into a 10 option poll and judging by the results board I think these are, more or less, the most popular schools.

    Of course, feel free to list all of your schools in a reply if you feel comfortable.



    * American

    * Georgetown

    * George Washington

    * Harvard

    * Johns Hopkins

    * London School of Economics

    * Princeton

    * Tufts

    * Yale

  10. Cornell07 or FSIA or anyone:

    I'm appying to Cornell's MPS/International Development, which is in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. It seems to be less structured compared to the other famous IR programs, but it allows you to take classes from all over the university and build your own specified program. Nobody seems to be talking about it and I'm looking for more info besides their website.

    Would you happen to know anything about it?

    Sorry. I've never heard of it. :?

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