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Posts posted by crackthesky

  1. On a separate note, for the move into Boston, one of the biggest pains tends to be the up-front costs of getting an apt.  That is, there is a good chance you'll need 3 months of rent up front unless you find an apt. that is by owner.  Most realtors around here charge a month or half month "realtor fee."  So if you add this to a first + security that most places want, even for that rare $1500 1 BR you could be looking at shelling out $4500 just to move in!  So, if you are considering Boston, start saving now.  Multiple cats will probably pose the same limitations as a dog, as a lot of places tend to limit things to a single pet.  Also, Boston is such a wildly different place than NYC - I grew up in Brooklyn and was blown away by how small Boston was comparatively.  Such is also the reason for those rents!



    Ahhhhhh that's crazy. I live in an incredibly inexpensive area now and I am likely to accept BC's offer but I'm in some serious sticker shock. I have no idea how I'm going to manage to afford all of this!

  2. Thanks!


    I mentioned in my SOP that I hoped to pursue systematics as my focal area.


    Perhaps the ISET program offers acceptances respectively for ethics and systematics applicants?


    Either way, I thought it was strange that I have not received any e-mails from them. When I checked my postal mail tonight I thought to myself, "this envelope is awfully large for a rejection notice."

  3. So I was under the impression that Loyola Chicago contacted everyone who was accepted and wait listed via e-mail. I was told they accepted two applicants, and someone posted in the results forum that they were #1 on the wait list should one of the candidates decline.


    I have not received any e-mails from Loyola but when checking my postal mail tonight, I received a letter of acceptance. It said that if I applied for a merit award, I would receive notification of the outcome separately from the Graduate School. 


    So those of you who have not yet heard back from Loyola Chicago....there may still be hope! Perhaps they took more people? Or perhaps I was on a wait list and didn't know it. Or maybe they awarded the two people already accepted with the Merit Awards and I was accepted without financial aid. 


    Either way... if you applied be sure to check your postal mail often!



    Edit: this was for the Integrative Studies in Ethics and Theology program.

  4. I left the caveat of "If this website gives any accurate indication" for a reason because I took it at face value as "If this is true, that's ballsy on the part of Fordham."


    But thanks for reading something into my post that wasn't there to begin with.


    Ahhhh, totally my fault, then! I apologize for the miscommunication. I think it's just been one of those days for me. Again, apologies.

  5. That's ballsy.


    Hence the caveat, "If this website gives any accurate indication," thus itself indicating that I have no idea, but just trying to give some feedback based on this website that might be helpful or reassuring to the OP. I thought the statement was more self-explanatory. I'll remember to spell things out more thoroughly next time and I apologize if you took offense. However, if you have anything productive to add to the thread, I'm sure inquiring minds would be very interested to know. 

  6. From a search of past years, it looks like Fordham normally sends out results around the first and second weeks of March for both MA and PhD students. If this website gives any accurate indication, it appears Fordham has never asked students to interview. 

  7. Yes, I just saw mine. I did have an interview (and an informal interview with my POI at the AAR in November), so rejection, especially given in such a standard form, stings greatly. 


    Ugh, I always feel that they should at least write personal messages to those they interview...you know, having made it so far in the process.  Either way, congrats on making it that far at Yale. That is no easy task. I hope the rest of the application season is more positive for you!

  8. Yes, they do, from what I've gathered. Did you get the email today? So sorry, btw. 


    Yes, I received the e-mail around 5:15 this evening. It directed me to the Yale website where I could plug in my pin and password. Maybe you could try doing that? At the very bottom of the page it said a decision was posted and I clicked on a link that sent me to a form (but nice) letter. And no worries! It wasn't my top choice. I hope it was for those that got in!

  9. Hi all,


    Just wondering if anyone else was wait listed at Chicago's Div School and is waiting on the follow up e-mail from them?


    I was wait listed for the Religious Ethics program last Friday night at 7:30 pm and part of the e-mail stated, "A formal letter will be sent to you from our online admissions system within the next week.  You will be provided with a online reply link, where you can choose to accept or decline waitlist status."


    I don't want to be annoying to them. Would it be inappropriate over the weekend to send an e-mail and ask if this letter was sent or lost in translation? 


    I'm only curious because I have a feeling that I will be accepting another offer but I want to make an informed decision because this school was in my top two choices. 


    Thanks for any advice!

  10. Hi all,


    I am in a bit of a predicament and looking for some guidance. In brief, and without giving away too much identifying information, I am a second semester PhD student in a new and underfunded program and I am unhappy with it. For this reason, I applied to new programs in a different field.


    Fortunately, I was accepted into my first choice with a fellowship. I am very grateful, but I am unsure of how to confront the faculty of my current program with this news. 


    Owing to the fact that we are half way through the spring semester, they would not be able to replace me until the fall, regardless of when I tell them. They are aware that I am unhappy in my current situation, but I have been chastised a bit for it. There is occasionally departmental drama and it makes me uncomfortable.


    I feel like the right thing to do would be to sit down with one of the professors that I'm closer to (and that I spoke with last semester about being unsure of the program fit) and explain to him that I have been accepted to another program and I am considering accepting their offer. My fear is that once they find out that I may be leaving, they will oust me from the program. In addition to worrying about the reaction of my new school, I quite frankly do not want the blemish on my academic record.


    I think that if I wait to tell them it would be dishonest and they will be upset. It feels like I might burn bridges either way.


    Does anyone have any advice of how I can go about this to stay on good terms with all parties?


    Thanks in advance!


  11. Has anyone else wait listed at Chicago's Div School received an e-mail with the link that allows you to accept or reject wait list status?


    I received my initial e-mail from Chicago exactly one week ago and I was told that I would receive an email within a week to confirm or deny my place on the wait list but I haven't received anything yet. 


    I don't want to bother them with an e-mail....I'm just curious as to what is going on or if anyone else has heard!

  12. In my experience and in the experiences I've heard from friends, it is totally normal to have to "hound" certain professors a little bit for LORs. In fact, one of my best LOR writers submitted my LOR a week after the application deadline. (Fear not, I was still accepted at one of my two top choice schools and wait listed at the other which was a serious reach school for me, anyway!)


    I know that seems crazy, but most schools are really sympathetic to the fact that LOR writers are typically very busy professors and so if things don't make it in on time, don't panic. Most schools even have clauses on their websites noting that they wait a few weeks after applications are due for any straggling LORs, transcrips, and GRE scores that might be slower to reach them before reviewing applications.


    Most of the time, these professors are just super busy and forget the deadline, or other important deadlines come up. For me, it has always seemed like professors appreciate the kind nudge to get things done simply because it isn't their top priority and might not be the most immediate issue they have to attend to.


    Assuming that you have wisely chosen your LOR writers and that they are professors who can speak to your capacities as a student and that want to see you succeed, I think even a simple reminder that the deadline is a week away and an offer to meet for coffee to catch up and talk about applications and future goals might be effective (assuming you are still at the same institution or live locally).


    Just keep on top of your LOR writers and if one comes in a little late, take a deep breath and remember that it isn't the end of the world...which is way easier said than done.

  13. Just out of curiosity...has anyone heard anything from Fordham's Systematics concentration or Yale's Religious Ethics program? I know some invitations for interviews went out for other concentrations at Yale, but I haven't heard anyone mention interviews for Religious Ethics applicants. I would assume they would have sent them out by now, though.

  14. Accepted to Asbury, awaiting funding details. This is my second acceptance and, while I am waiting for funding details from the other program as well, I am really starting to feel like I am going to end up with some sort of a viable option when this all shakes out.

    Just waiting on DU-Iliff now...



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