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Posts posted by crackthesky

  1. I know personally of one internal applicant who was accepted to the PR section.  It seems like, at least for the internal applicants, UChicago Div sent out individual acceptances/waitlists/rejections yesterday evening, alphabetically by department (which is why there were gaps in when people were being notified - Ethics before Theology, for example).  I have no idea whether this was for all applicants, or just the internal ones.


    Not sure if it is helpful to anyone else, but I was not an internal applicant and I still heard yesterday.


    It's sort of hard to discern what is going on from the search results, because not everyone lists the program.

  2. I see. I unfortunately didn't visit the Divinity School. And since I wasn't interviewed either, I guess they are probably not so interested in me. 


    Well, I personally haven't heard of anyone getting interviewed over in the Religious Ethics program, but that doesn't mean it isn't true, either. My email didn't say anything about an interview. I was only told that I will receive a form to accept or reject my wait list status, and that if a spot opens up for me, I will be offered admission (so no interview.)


    I wouldn't lose all hope. I only see one acceptance to Islamic Studies posted. It's still possible they are sending out decisions later....unless you know for sure the program you applied to sent out interviews. Otherwise, I'd say it isn't over until it's over. 

  3. My e-mail for the wait list came from the Dean at 7:30 tonight. It seems a little sporadic. If you haven't heard, I wouldn't assume anything either way yet! I mean, I don't see a ton of acceptances posted so maybe they are still coming!


    If anyone has any info on how long the Religious Ethics program's wait list is or how many they admit, I'd be grateful to hear :)

  4. Not to diminish how important funding is....but is one program a better fit for you (in terms of research, relationships to professors, socially, etc.) than the other? Money is certainly important, but finding a program that you feel that you can contribute to and be (generally) happy with is vital.

  5. I know, I know. It's just...we're getting close now. I can feel the heat (whether the warmth of acceptance or the burning of rejection). 

    Congrats if that was your acceptance, though!


    it could just be the ethics people that were contacted.  i don't know about the NT people...


    I know about one acceptance and one rejection into the ethics program. I still haven't heard anything. They could just be sending them out at random...I'm not so sure. I've only heard from these two individuals and otherwise, I don't know of anyone else that has been accepted or rejected. Don't lose hope!

  6. which institution do you already attend and have you heard from any others?  BC, ND, etc.?  I actually know the least about Loyola Chicago of all the programs I applied to.  I suspect Duquesne will not contact for a while.


    I'll send you a PM :) I haven't heard from anyone else and as far as I know, no one else has either.


    I'm assuming I have an implicit rejection from ND and Loyola because I  know interviews were sent out for ND (and apparently acceptances from Loyola!) but otherwise, I'm refreshing  my e-mail every 2.5 seconds waiting :)

  7. HI all, I just got an email of acceptance to Loyola Chicago for Integrative Studies in Theology and Ethics.  I'm excited since I hadn't heard from Notre Dame and was worried I wouldn't be accepted anywhere.  It includes full tuition, $18K stipend, and health insurance.  I am hoping to talk more at length with them and learn more.  Anyone else?  Will post on results soon.


    Congrats! We applied to all but one of the same programs in theological ethics. The one program that I didn't apply to that you did is an institution I already attend! You must have good taste :)


    I never received an acceptance email from Loyola, though. I was told I would be notified via postal mail. I suppose if you got one though, then I probably didn't make the cut! Congrats, though! That's so exciting!

  8. It actually does; so good on ya! I have been into cars most of my life (from my dad). I used to be mostly into mr2s, but since moving around for different schools i've had to resort to driving a camry :P.




    Haha no way! My ex used to have a few MR2s which is what got me interested. I've seen the engines in and out of those cars more times than I can count.


    I drive a supercharged civic si. It's becoming a hassle though due to moving to an urban area for grad school. I'm actually thinking about trading it in soon. I need something a little bigger and something AWD for the weather. I might just get something like a Legacy and wait a few years before getting something really fun again. I suppose it will depend on if I get into any other programs and end up moving again!

  9. Sorry to hear that :'(. At least you KNOW you will get a PhD though, right?!?!


    This is a totally random question, but does the "jdm" in your username refer to "Japanese Domestic Market"? If not, totally disregard. It would be awesome to know that there are other import lovin' car enthusiast theologians out there, though.

  10. X2ykaXb.jpg

    My heart skipped a beat when I saw this in my inbox. It ended up just being a form letter letting me know that decisions would be forthcoming, by mail...sometime.

    Everything is the worst. :(


    The same thing just happened to me! I saw "Loyola" in my inbox and almost had a heart attack. Waiting on snail mail is frustrating. Last year, it looks like many of the decisions for Loyola didn't go out until March and April.

  11. Not a single theology result has been posted since I posted my SLU one on Tuesday night. I feel like all of the programs got together and decided to tantalize us with a few results and then be silent for a few days. It's like a Jr. High relationship. 


    I was literally thinking the same thing.


    I have such a duality of emotions every time I check this site. On the one hand, I see no theology postings and I think to myself, "Awesome, so the fact that I haven't heard anything is fine because no one else has, either! This means I have not yet been rejected so there is still hope!" On the other hand, I'm practically incapable of regular functioning waiting on results. But hey, good things come to those who wait, right?


    I think next week we should all start to hear back, though. It seems like the beginning of February is when a ton of committees are meeting or when people are starting to receive decisons. That appeared to be the case last year, anyway.

  12. Yes, the Virginia entry seems a bit odd all alone and so early.  Same goes for the UT interview last week.  Don't know what to think about either one of them.  Also frustrating that we continue to get no subfield on several of the postings, although that does allow me to just always tell myself it's someone in another area...


    Anyone here get an interview with Yale in Ancient Christianity?  Or happen to know if Ancient Christianity interview requests went out along with the others (American, NT) last Friday?  Not holding out much hope there anyways, but just thought I'd check and see.


    I'm not sure about Yale for the AC program, but I have seen absolutely nothing yet on their Religious Ethics program. It appears that the departmental decisions are not all being made at the same time so you might still be in the clear!


    Stay hopeful! (Said the pot to the kettle....)   :)

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