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Posts posted by thevagrantphilosopher

  1. Did anyone else just get un-rejected by WUSTL? I got an email saying to disregard my rejection, and that a decision has yet to be made.



    I applied to PNP - and no, I have received no further communication from WUSTL beyond the form rejection email.

  2. Thank you! I'm doing my best to find a shred of hope, but am scrambling to find some decent remaining MA back-ups that offer some form of funding. 


    I'm in a similar boat. Thus far I've racked up a nice set of rejections and am definitely glad I have a solid plan 'B' setup incase I strike out this time around.

  3. I think that it's possible Marcus influenced Kripke, but 1) it's not certain and 2) it would be an influence, not an instance of simply copying her idea.
    It is a messy situation to be sure - and probably quite frustrating for Marcus who I'm sure would like to be acknowledged by Kripke as at least having some influence in the conception of what became Naming and Necessity.
  4. I'm over caffeinated still and not sleeping, so I thought I'd go ahead and introduce myself and be friendly and all.  I am currently finishing up my BA at UC Riverside, with a current 3.94 GPA (including two graduate seminars) and high-moderate GRE scores. My interests are in 19th and 20th Century "Continental" Philosophy, Asian Philosophy (specifically Buddhism and Taoism), and the thematic overlap between the two.  My writing sample is a critique of naturalistic approaches to understanding folk psychology (specifically dealing with Paul Churchland's eliminativist objections) by reconceptualizing folk psychology as a framework which provides intelligibility to the social, intersubjective world, through Ian Hacking's discussion of "human kinds" and the making up of people.    As for applications, for PhDs it's Columbia, Georgetown, U.Chicago, Northwestern, Notre Dame University, Princeton, Harvard, UT Austin, Boston University, Marquette University, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego.  And I applied to Georgia State's MA program in time for the Feb. 1 initial consideration deadline.    So far I have heard one official rejection from Notre Dame, and am assuming rejections from the departments that have already contacted accepted applicants: Chicago, Northwestern, SDSU, and possibly Berkeley.    My fingers are crossed but I'm not known for my optimism in life.    To those of you who got in to UCR, the department is absolutely amazing and I'm very happy I decided to transfer here. 
    welcome and best of luck to you!
  5. I will claim that Temple acceptance! And never fear, it's a kind of unofficial early letter from two of the professors encouraging me to come and saying I'm the top of the applicant pool and they've officially recommended me for admission and that I will be officially notified in the near future.  Nominated for a fellowship, if I don't get it, offered a Departmental assistantship.  Either way, looks like 4 years of funding.  Sounds like official acceptances will be sent very soon.   Hope this helps & good luck!
  6. Well, I saw a talk at this past APA Eastern about Marcus's view of reference, and it's actually a bit different than Kripke's, so I don't think he's guilty of the radical kind of plagiarism people accuse him of.

    what is the less radical kind of plagerism? (I feel I should point out I have no stand on the issue - other than as an interested observer)

  7. You are assuming that the percentage of applicants report their admits here every year, one that is quite unfounded. Hold your horses and think before you spread your dismay to others. 
    perhaps you can read more carefully before responding - note the word "probably". further, I think we can count on everyone here being savvy enough to recognize that the data on this website is all unverified - and as such - not to be taken as solid fact :-)
  8. Hi philosophia3,   I just posted a interview for DePaul. They contacted me on Friday and told me that I had made it to the next round in their deliberations. They might not be done with sending out emails yet, so there might still be a chance. However, they did say that interviews will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week, while the final decision will be made on Friday.
  9. vagrantphilosopher, I wish you luck on getting into all your schools...especially UCSD. San Diego is a great place to be. I'll be sad to move away (assuming I get into some program this year).
    thx!! and i definitely agree - san diego is a fantastic city!
  10. Hey all - for what it's worth:


    BA Phil: 2.49GPA

    MA Phil: 4.0GPA


    GRE: 160V/152Q/4.5W


    SCHOOLS: UC San Diego, UC Riverside, Stanford, U Arizona, U Indiana, WashU, NYU


    OTHER: Co-Founder of an Internet Startup, writing sample received a R&R request from a peer-reviewed journal



    I honestly have no idea what my chances are. I suspect that BA GPA won't help me any (despite the fact that there's a ten-year gap between it an my MA work). That GRE will probably not be much help either. Further, I'm coming from an unknown MA program so it's not like I'll get a pedigree bump. All of these schools are competetive, so I've made sure my plan 'B' takes not getting into any programs this year into account.



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