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Status Replies posted by pears

  1. Yay! I got the teaching assistant position...so I'll be a research assistant in the Fall and a TA in the Spring...more $$$

  2. The headphone jack just broke off INSIDE my computer! What the hell do I do now?!

  3. found a place in Boston that is a literal stone throw's away from the train station!

  4. Today was such a great day! Not only did I defend my thesis, but I GOT FULBRIGHT!

  5. I can't believe I just officially committed to the CUNY Grad Center, c/o 2018. Momma, I made it to grad school!! <3

  6. FINALLY GOT IN TO TOP CHOICE! Oh man, gradcafe-ers, this has been a rough season. Thanks for all the jokes, advice, and support! Hoping everyone else gets to have this exceedingly happy, floaty feeling too!

  7. Speaking of Boston...just got an email on funding...

  8. Excavate in Peru for a month then off to New York? I'll take it.

  9. just signed up for Match.com...lol

    1. pears


      internet high fives! i'm dabbling in okcupid for the first time.. oh lawds.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Doogie Howser... Fuck. Did NOT know he had it in him.

    1. pears


      please tell me this means NPH has started his hedwig run!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Came back from vacation to see 2 acceptances... wow! I have a difficult decision to make...

    1. pears


      awesome! that's like a little vacation extension :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. HOLY COW. I just got into my final grad school : The CUNY Grad Center. It was the most selective school by far, and even if I get zero aid there is no financial burden. I am literally over the moon right now!!! (And accepted to 6/6 schools...WHAT?!)

  13. Just submitted my intent to register...Berkeley here I come!!!!!

  14. Three weeks later and I'm still in shock that I'm going to Univeristy of Michigan. Pinch me.

  15. enjoyed a rock art workshop in Sedona today!

    1. pears


      AZ native, huh? now i know who to heckle about tempe & ASU, hehe. ;)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. enjoyed a rock art workshop in Sedona today!

    1. pears


      so jealous! cool stuff in a beautiful place!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. It's official - Penn State bound in August! :)

  18. Funding (*whistles*)....here funding...come on funding...

    1. pears


      hah! i'm imagining a hunting call that produces the sound of rustling dollar bills & jingling coins. :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. WHAT? Second acceptance into my top choice today! I am SHOCKED! Can't stop shaking!

  20. Was just offered the assistantship I wanted at my now top-choice school! :D Things are coming together!

  21. OMG I just got funded!!! I'm going to grad school!

  22. Accepted the Berkeley offer today! California or bust!!!!

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