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  1. Upvote
    pears reacted to RubyBright in Anyone else losing their damn mind?   
    ... Had to wait until this morning to freak out so that I could call the department and ask if "recommended for admission" really meant admitted. 
  2. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from csibaldwin in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    RubyBright, i have nothing to say..just this to show.

    ps: to heck with it, this is TOTALLY my new avatar.
  3. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from Eager in Good Sign, Omen or Hallucination - All Are Welcome!   
    qft! love the optimism. i, too, tend to lean towards the pessimistic side of things, and i'm very critical of myself. my highs are very high, but even the littlest low puts me out of commission. all optimism and kindness are greatly appreciated- don't think it goes unnoticed!
    a good omen: i had planned to buy myself a new pair of work pants as a reward for my next bit of good news (i should be hearing back from 2 or 3 places in the next 1-2 weeks). today, i found out that my job would get me a new pair of work pants and a new pair of work boots, because they wanted to ensure i was properly supplied for some monitoring work i'm starting tomorrow. two rewards ahead of time has to mean good news down the road, right?
  4. Upvote
    pears reacted to lelia in Good Sign, Omen or Hallucination - All Are Welcome!   
    I posted last week that I had a second interview with a program about which I wasn't sure if I was a good fit. The interview last Friday went pretty well but I was still not sure if I had any chance at all. I got the acceptance e-mail tonight and I am so much more excited than I expected to be! I guess I just decided in my head that it wasn't a good fit because I prepared myself mentally to be rejected. Aaah, I am so happy! I feel like dancing and getting drunk and dancing!
    I wish everybody the best for this week's decisions!
  5. Upvote
    pears reacted to Sconnie in Application Status: Water Torture   
    This is somewhat of a meat market isnt it?
  6. Upvote
    pears reacted to RubyBright in Anyone else losing their damn mind?   
    Just got invited to interview at another school! My first reaction was to cry in relief. Hahaha! Stress, people. It gets to you.
  7. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from Sconnie in Application Status: Water Torture   
    "processed" just makes me think of cheese, "meats," or other discomfort-inducing food products. 
  8. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from RandiZ in Application Status: Water Torture   
    "processed" just makes me think of cheese, "meats," or other discomfort-inducing food products. 
  9. Upvote
    pears reacted to musichistorygeek in Application Status: Water Torture   
    I just hate that some of mine say "processed application." Who (or what) processed it? The graduate school admissions people? The adcom for my programs? Is it just a generic way of saying that my application was deemed complete and passed on to the adcom for review? (I know it's probably the last one, but the irrational part of my brain just keeps going, "WHAT IS THIS 'PROCESSING' OF WHICH YOU SPEAK????")
  10. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from misskira in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    RubyBright, i have nothing to say..just this to show.

    ps: to heck with it, this is TOTALLY my new avatar.
  11. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from Angua in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    RubyBright, i have nothing to say..just this to show.

    ps: to heck with it, this is TOTALLY my new avatar.
  12. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from veggiez in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    RubyBright, i have nothing to say..just this to show.

    ps: to heck with it, this is TOTALLY my new avatar.
  13. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from dat_nerd in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    RubyBright, i have nothing to say..just this to show.

    ps: to heck with it, this is TOTALLY my new avatar.
  14. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from Soleil ت in We are not appliCANTs...   
    these are the positive vibes i totally needed!
    i think my favorite part of this thread is that my office computer seems to be struggling with the fonts, so everything changes to comic sans.. normally, it'd make me cringe, but now i can't help but crack a smile at the utterly unabashed fluffiness and cheesiness! i feel like this thread would benefit strongly from some "blingees" of unicorns or lisa frank stickers. nothing says "go get 'em tiger!" like a fuzzy sticker of a rainbow-spotted cheetah hanging out with a hot pink dolphin.
  15. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from radiomars in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    RubyBright, i have nothing to say..just this to show.

    ps: to heck with it, this is TOTALLY my new avatar.
  16. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from mop in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    RubyBright, i have nothing to say..just this to show.

    ps: to heck with it, this is TOTALLY my new avatar.
  17. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from OhMySocks in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    RubyBright, i have nothing to say..just this to show.

    ps: to heck with it, this is TOTALLY my new avatar.
  18. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from RubyBright in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    RubyBright, i have nothing to say..just this to show.

    ps: to heck with it, this is TOTALLY my new avatar.
  19. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from csibaldwin in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    bedmas: at least you have the patience to pull off a pokerface! my reactions are starting to look more and more like grumpy cat's every day...
    them: "why would you want to go there? i mean, it's a state school. you're smarter than that. why not just go to (insert hyper-competitive ivy program here) instead?"

  20. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from VBD in Application Status: Water Torture   
    sometimes, i like to check my apps that say "congratulations! your application is complete/submitted!" just for the heck of it, so i can feel good about reading something less bland than "received." if i'm going to be stuck in purgatory for a while, might as well find a way to make it mildly less miserable.
  21. Upvote
    pears reacted to Wemayet in Anyone else losing their damn mind?   
    The ding my ipad makes when a new email arrives is nothing less than a demonstration that Pavlov was right, and that I'm a dog.
  22. Upvote
    pears reacted to Sconnie in Good Sign, Omen or Hallucination - All Are Welcome!   
    thanks for helping me maintain some sanity
  23. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from Sconnie in Good Sign, Omen or Hallucination - All Are Welcome!   
    sconnie: i don't want to jinx it, but it sounds more like a good thing than a neutral or bad thing to me   best of luck!
  24. Upvote
    pears reacted to Quigley in Anyone else losing their damn mind?   
    Call them back!!
  25. Upvote
    pears got a reaction from viggosloof28 in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    bedmas: at least you have the patience to pull off a pokerface! my reactions are starting to look more and more like grumpy cat's every day...
    them: "why would you want to go there? i mean, it's a state school. you're smarter than that. why not just go to (insert hyper-competitive ivy program here) instead?"

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