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Posts posted by thunderchunky

  1. Hello all,


    I'm looking to apply to NPSIA next year for the Intelligence and National Security cluster and I was wondering if any of you could provide some advice on the application process. Are most of you applying right out of your undergraduate degree or, given the competition, is it advisable to have worked for a year or two before?


    My general impression, based on nothing but my own observations, is that it is possible to get admitted with little work experience if you have exceptional grades. If you feel your application is superior in all aspects besides work experience, I think it's worth a shot to apply. Worst case you lose $100 on the application, you get some work experience, and you apply again later. 

  2. The way I see it, the first thing you must do is answer the question that no one else can answer for you: Do I want to be a lawyer? If you're still uncertain about the answer then I strongly suggest you reconsider law school, because the time, money and effort it takes to go to law school is absolutely no joke. You had better not take that on unless you are sure that is the career you want. 


    As far as choosing between GSPIA and NPSIA, here are the main factors I am currently weighing:


    funding scheme

    job opportunities post-grad

    opportunity to do a master's thesis

    opportunity to pursue a specialized field

    opportunity to participate in co-op program

    opportunity to participate in international exchange

    quality of professors

    program culture

    language requirement

    opportunity to study in French

    campus location

  3. Congrats on the acceptance (and congrats to everyone else). Now I'm really nervous, although I admit it really doesn't look good that I haven't heard any news yet. Hopefully they'll let me know tomorrow :S



    I know how annoying it is to wait. Hopefully you will get news tomorrow. Crossing fingers for you. Keep us posted.

  4. Someone upthread was saying that the MA administrator, Tabbatha, will be sending an email to admitted students with an explanation about the new clusters. Personally I find it a bit odd that they would change the cluster selection after the application deadline but before admissions decisions. It would have been nice to know what we were applying to at the time of application. As far as I understand, however, the clusters haven't changed much apart from the title and some new courses being added. 

  5. Well after all this I was rejected at 10:00 this morning via email. I am extremely upset, especially considering the only other program I applied to is the Ottawa MDG and people have already been accepted...I guess I'll find another route for what I want to do. I'm a little insulted I wasn't waitlisted :( good luck to everyone still waiting and to everyone heading to NPSIA in September! Thanks for all your help.


    I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will get good news from U of O.

  6. Mine hasn't changed either! But I'm assuming they must be in the middle of actually making decisions now? 


    I guess so. The information under "My File" hasn't changed yet, but I did notice a new tab on my account. Now, in addition to "My File" and "Faculty, there's a tab titled "Registration Information". 

  7. I see someone posted on the results search page that their University of Ottawa account was updated with admission info for GSPIA. Anyone else? Mine still says "We have received the required documents..."

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