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Posts posted by crackyhoss

  1. Hi Everyone!

    I was hoping that there were some among you who have done research at London's PRO before. I'm technically not a graduate student (yet), but I'm doing an honors history thesis on British logistics during the American Revolution. 

    I've been fortunate enough to have circumstances allow me to do some original research in London. I've identified hundreds of sources that are germane to my topic. 

    With the scholarships that I've received, it doesn't seem as though money is going to be the issue. My question for everyone is, how much time do you think I'll need to conduct this research? I'm not sure how to attach a file to this post (or if I'm even able to), but to give you a rough idea, the excel spreadsheet I have has over 284 lines, each line corresponding to a source (in some cases, one source is multiple pages). So, literally hundreds of documents. 

    My plan is to photograph these documents, or photocopy them if they're on microfilm, and then bring the files back home to LA and begin sifting through the data. Has anyone done something like this, and if so, can you shed some light or give me an idea as to how long this may take?

    Thanks in advance! My email is: email.dougdaniels@gmail.com in case you want me to forward you my spreadsheets, so you can see what exactly it is that I'm hoping to access. 



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