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rhetoricus aesalon

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  1. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ProfLorax in Columbia?? Wow... what do I do??   
    While it's great that you wouldn't have to take out loans, spending all of your savings on an MA program is rough. I went into my fully funded PhD program with some savings thanks to working for a few years, and I can't tell you how often I fall back on it. Our savings helped us buy a house (and our mortgage is less than the rent of my peers), helped fund conference travel, and now is helping with baby preparation. I would really hold onto your savings, because even in a funded program, having a safety net to fall back on is a huge (and much needed) relief. 
  2. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ProfLorax in Experiences with these Comp/Rhetoric Programs?   
    bhr, that's a wonderful list! We'll have to remember it's here for future rhet/comp MA applicants with similar questions. 
    To everyone else: bhr and I met this weekend at Computers and Writing. We hugged. It was magical. 
    Back to the OP: Okay, now that I have my thinking cap on, I have to agree that UMD is not a great fit for you. I actually like that it's in the English Department, but in general, our MA program tends to be unfunded and specifically geared for people who want to prepare for a PhD program, which means lots of research and absolutely no teaching. The PhD program, however, is great, if you decide to pursue another degree when you're done! I imagine Pitt and Carnegie Mellon are the same, especially since both websites do not mention funding in the form of TA'ships. Typically, no funding means no teaching. Also note that the MA in Rhetoric at Hofstra is in the Communication Studies department. From my experience teaching at a CC, it's MUCH easier to get a job teaching writing with an MA in English; hiring committees tend to favor the ease of applicants who don't have to go through the equivalency process. However, if you want to teach public speaking, then an MA in Communications could open up those doors. 
    Another program to add to the list: George Mason University has only recently starting offering an MA and PhD in Writing/Rhetoric; they mention GTA'ships, but they don't specify if they are intended for all grad students or just PhD students. If you are interested in the DMV area, you may want to check out more specifically how they fund MA students! 
  3. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ProfLorax in Experiences with these Comp/Rhetoric Programs?   
    Thanks, Chad, for your response. I keep missing the "MA" part, and I agree, finding TAships in an MA program can be more challenging. You may want to check out the Funded MA thread here:  Though that thread is a mix of lit and rhet/comp programs, it may be a good place to start because these programs will primarily fund students through teaching opportunities. In addition to Oregon State, on the top of my head, Purdue and Miami of Ohio also tend to fund a handful of MA students through TAships. You may also want to consider applying to programs like Penn State and University of Illinois at UC, which offer funded MA's, but as feeder programs to their PhD programs. 
  4. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ComeBackZinc in Experiences with these Comp/Rhetoric Programs?   
    Second the Oregon State rec.
  5. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ProfLorax in Conferences   
    I remember some folks were gonna be at Computers and Writing this week! After thirteen hours of travel (metro! plane! plane! shuttle!), I am happily resting in the dorm room at WSU. If you're also here, PM me or connect on the Twitter: @ruthieoo. YAY FRIENDS!
  6. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to WriteAndKnit in Rhetoric/Composition 2014 hopefuls   
    I just got into Rhet/Comp at NC State. I'm very happy about it, and looking forward to being in class again, and dreading the evening classes (I'm a morning person).
  7. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ProfLorax in Undecided Where to Go...   
    You sound like you already have some solid application materials: a strong GPA, honors. Nice work! I'm surprised that your advisor feels that the GRE is a strong indicator of where you will end up; that doesn't seem to be the case, especially since some MA programs don't even require GRE scores at all. Either way, you should try your best, but if you have to decide to put your time and energy toward your writing sample or GRE prep, choose the writing sample! 
    As for programs, I'd search for a program that is funded and offers teaching experience, since that is your career goal. You can look at this old thread for As for what to study, at some MA programs, you can do both. I earned my MA at San Francisco State, where lit MA students could earn a certificate in composition. Keep in mind that with an MA in hand, you'll most likely be teaching primarily composition. I just did a brief perusal of the job postings for full-time lecturers and instructors in the WPA listserve, and most require at least coursework in composition. So, even if you choose to pursue literature, make sure you find a program that offers a handful of graduate composition courses. 
    Other than funding and teaching opportunities, consider applying to programs that offer courses that intrigue you, are in areas you want to live in (others may disagree; I feel like location can be justified as a higher priority for MA applications, as opposed to PhD applications), offer funding and support for professional development (in both teaching and research), and are committed to helping students get to their end goal. 
    Good luck! 
  8. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon got a reaction from iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns in Summer/14 Reading/Research forum?   
    How rhet/comp of you. Also, I'm so in.
  9. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns in Summer/14 Reading/Research forum?   

    I mean, why not engage the text through some low-stakes informal blogging? eh, eh?
  10. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon got a reaction from iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns in Summer/14 Reading/Research forum?   
    Oh, it is so tempting to get in on this, but I am determined to spend the summer before starting up PhD work dedicated to pleasure reading Cloud Atlas and Red Rising. Could I blog about that? 
  11. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon got a reaction from Eternal Optimist in Summer/14 Reading/Research forum?   
    Oh, it is so tempting to get in on this, but I am determined to spend the summer before starting up PhD work dedicated to pleasure reading Cloud Atlas and Red Rising. Could I blog about that? 
  12. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ProfLorax in Fall 2014: Next Steps   
    Thanks for your enthusiasm! The hubs and I are both thrilled about this little development. And you'll probably get to meet the little peanut at CCCC! 
  13. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to bhr in Summer/14 Reading/Research forum?   
    Just show up and attend panels/workshops.Don't go to meals, but pretty much anything that isn't ticketed winds up being open access. If you don't make an ass of yourself no one will notice.
    (I've been told. I in no way endorse crashing conferences. It is wrong and should never happen.)
  14. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ProfLorax in Summer/14 Reading/Research forum?   
    Me! I have a working draft of my proposal done, but finding panelists has actually been the hardest part. Everyone is already paneled up! (P.S. Anyone wanting to present on a panel on disability studies and accommodation rhetoric with two GradCafers, hit me up!). 
  15. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns in Summer/14 Reading/Research forum?   
    I've got a blog. If y'all start a blog we can blog to each other, comment, and bounce around like that.

    I may dust off my copy of "The Rhetorical Tradition" and blog my way through that...

    or I may just read some more Ellen Cushman.
  16. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon got a reaction from ProfLorax in Fall 2014: Next Steps   
    AHHHH!!!!!! What??!! CONGRATS!! This is very exciting news.
  17. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ProfLorax in Fall 2014: Next Steps   
    My next step is working out my parental leave for next year!
  18. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ComeBackZinc in Tell me I did the right thing   
    That was not the question that was asked. 
    Ethical or not, I think people have to understand: the "whatever, as long as I get mine" attitude that permeates around here hurts both programs and applicants. It really does make things much harder on programs when everybody waits until the last minute to decide, and that in turn hurts other applicants who are waiting. Whenever people get mad here about programs taking forever to get back to them, they should instead get mad at whoever is holding up the process by not deciding in a timely fashion. Just my 2 cents.
  19. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to lostleaf in Rhet/Comp migration network map   
    As I realized that many of us will be moving to a new place to start a graduate program in rhet/comp, be it MA or PhD, I thought it would be a good idea to put together a migration map to show where everybody is coming from and where everybody is going. Here's the link to the map: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zGNE2X6nKY9U.kwYGTcCGiIq4&authuser=0&hl=en
    If you are part of the rhet/comp family and are starting a new graduate program in the fall, I invite you to add yourself on the map, pin the locations you are coming from and traveling to and add your name. This shall be a network map for us emerging scholars. 
  20. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ComeBackZinc in Rhetoric/Composition 2014 hopefuls   
    As of today, Purdue R&C has once again placed all of our job candidates, with one taking a job in industry and the rest in TT positions.
  21. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ProfLorax in Conferences   
    Like Roquentin, I'm a huge fan of the smaller, more focused conferences. I am currently at Console-ing Passions, a conference on feminism and media studies. It's small, intimate, and very supportive. Best of all, the registration fee for graduate students was $40, and that includes an opening night reception, a mentoring lunch, and a bag of swag. So far, I'm really impressed by the quality of the research and closeness of the community.
    I have found the regional MLA's (like PAMLA) to also be a bit smaller, a bit more manageable than the national MLA conference. For grad students in CA, I was also hugely impressed by the professionalism and organization of Significations, the grad student conference CSULA puts on every year.  
    This summer, I will be attending Computers and Writing for the first time; I can report on the experience afterwards, but I've heard that the best part of C&W is the sense of community. I have never attended Feminisms and Rhetorics, but it's another conference I hear is a phenomenal, life-changing experience; my grad student friend cried with Dorothy Allison at this year's Fem/Rhets. I am also submitting a proposal to the International Society for the History of Rhetoric (ISHR), which I hear (again) is a lovely experience, especially for grad students; though, I'm mostly interested in the locations of the conference (this year is Germany!!). 
  22. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to Tweedledumb in Rhetoric/Composition 2014 hopefuls   
    I also made up my mind: I'll be at Southern Illinois 
  23. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns in Rhetoric/Composition 2014 hopefuls   
    I made up my mind.

    I'm going to louisville.

  24. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ravenclawwit in Rhetoric/Composition 2014 hopefuls   
    Will anyone be attending UMass Amherst next year? I'm an incoming MA/PhD and dying for more information!
  25. Upvote
    rhetoricus aesalon reacted to ProfLorax in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    So exciting! I know this was a hard decision to make, and you had lots of great options. Even Ron Swanson is excited for you!! 

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