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Posts posted by dfree86

  1. Thanks much for the reply. In answer to some of your points:

    - Moving to NYC (in part) because of significant otherdom, but also because, by a stroke of luck, I could live for free (and comfortably) in Brooklyn with a friend. Looks to be about 4 stops from NYU.

    - Licensing reciprocity is something I'd have to look into, but given that I'm already licensed in Mass, I think it would just be a matter of taking the NY tests (the ones you mentioned, I think). I would also look into the private schools in and around NYC since licensing isn't an issue and I have private school teaching experience. I did my student teaching in the US.

    - Both TC and Steinhardt, it seems, have 30-34 pt. MA programs designed for people who need a Master's for professional Certification. I think that's what I'm looking at.

    Still unsure about the financial/merit aid tendencies of both schools, but at a glance it seems that NYU might be more generous. What do you think?

  2. Hi all,

    I'm moving to NYC next Fall (2010) and will be looking for admission to one of the two big Ed schools in the city. My field is English Education and I think I'd be looking at an Ed.M or MA. I'm at the very beginning of this process; I'm pretty uninformed at the moment and I'm really just looking for any and all information about these two schools. If it helps kind responders, here's a quick hit of my vital stats: I've got a BA in English and a BSc in English Education from Boston University. I'm licensed to teach in Massachusetts (with reciprocity elsewhere), and (by the time I apply) I'll have spent 2 years teaching English full-time at an all-boys private boarding school in the UK. I think this means I shouldn't be applying to a program that does licensing and student teaching since I've done both.

    The things that most concern me about these two schools include:

    - Tuition. I've spent a lot of time browsing the respective websites but haven't been able to definitely determine which of these two is the cheaper. I think they're both by-credit.

    - Duration. Obviously this will depend on Part-Time or Full-Time, but again any knowledge or advice about how long they last and which (PT or FT) seems the best approach would be great.

    - Financial Aid. I'm almost certainly looking at Merit rather than Need here, but I'm still mostly uninformed about which of these is (by reputation or evidence) the more generous in the Merit aid department (specifics to English Ed. also very helpful). This is a big one.

    - Program quality. I'm pretty sure I'd be happy at either of these fine schools, but any info about the respective natures of the programs would be much appreciated.

    Housing shouldn't be an issue as I've got a plan to live (fairly cheaply) elsewhere in the city and commute. I'd love to hear sage words on these or other topics, especially (but not, of course, exclusively) from prospective or current English Ed folk. Thanks in advance for the boost.

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