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Posts posted by leSpyFox

  1. Pricey, but I'm in love with the satchel I bought from them two years ago. Good quality, and this is a backpack while still looking pretty damn classy for client sessions.




    I'm going to be meeting with patients during clinical sessions so I will want some sort of tote I imagine to carry during those sessions to hold my materials. Does anyone know a tote that could be pack down into a backpack and then used during the day while I am on campus or in the clinic? 

  2. Glad to hear that about Vernon and the grad senate! Grad prom sounds... weird haha. Might give it a shot!


    And I did my undergrad out in Colorado, but originally I'm from Illinois. I guess I'm going to eventually end up living in every part of the U.S., haha. Luckily I'll be moving my crap from Illinois (sort of closer?) and selling my furnitiure out in CO so we don't have to get a truck. IKEA here I come :)


    Thanks, all!

  3. Do grad students from different departments ever meet up? Are there group events? (for what little free time there is, haha)


    If anyone has any info on Manchester or Vernon, I'm looking at apartments there (mostly). I hear there are some bad parts of Manchester? I'm emailing the current grad students in my program for more info, but it doesn't hurt to ask everyone!


    I'm trying to think of other questions... I'm sure more will pop up.

    Again, I appreciate the responses from everyone!

  4. Thanks, starsandsound! I'm a sucker for the woods, so the surrounding area partially sold me on UConn.


    And a brewery recommendation? Perfect! Thanks for the info :)

  5. Yeah, I heard about the grad housing shutting down. Interesting... Hopefully it won't add too much competition. I'll try to move out sooner!


    What's the parking situtation like? Most of the grad students I talked to said they paid around $400 bucks for a year long pass to the garage. Yikes!


    Also, what's the university like in general? I got to take a tour, but you only see/hear so much on a late Friday afternoon.


    What are some things you wish you knew before moving out there?


    Thanks :)

  6. I'm going for I/O Psych :)


    Thank you so, so much for all of the info! I do have a car, but I totally agree with you about using the bus occasionally. While I'm looking at Vernon and Manchester right now, it's good to hear some nice things about Willimantic! Lots of places to consider :)


    Still waiting for my official transcript to get to UConn, so I should have my student login stuff for the Off Campus Housing site soon once admissions is finalized.


    Sorry to bombard you with questions! I really appreciate the help. From what you've heard or experienced, do places tend to fill up really quickly?

  7. Hello,


    I'm finishing up my first year at UConn (PhD Program). If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them to the best of my ability (if you haven't already decided to go elsewhere =] ). 


    You are awesome :) I did decide on UConn! I got to visit recently, so I sort of got an idea of the area... but not really. The biggest thing is finding an apartment online. I've asked grad students about typical areas they live in, but the more info the better!


    I've heard Willington isn't bad and it's not too far of a commute. I'd like to try and stay under 20 minutes of driving to campus, but my priorities are lower rent and pets allowed (would like to get a dog or cat) so I know I have to be flexible with location :)



  8. Not trying to be a jerk here - just taking advantage of the open forum. As someone who's migrated from the Science (BS) to Engineering (PhD), it really suprises me the number of people who go on and get a PhD in the humanities. I do love what I do, but the other half is knowing that my work is useful in a world that becomes more overcrowded and 'complex' by the day. I'm sure there are topics in the humanities which are useful, but when these PhD students usually talk to me, its usually about 'Abraham Lincoln studies' or 'Socrates Interpretation'. It boggles my mind that funding even exists for these topics in a time when the EPA can barely afford to give out their already low-paying fellowship awards. Sorry, I know this is harsh to some. It just seems like there are way too many going this route, and that the 'job prospects' agree with me.


    Where do the social sciences fall in your opinion? (genuinely curious)

  9. One visit to Storrs was enough to make my decision. Good luck.


    In a good way or bad way (if you don't mind my asking)? I'm probably going to visit in the next two weeks so I'll see for myself, but I like to hear other's thoughts too.

  10. I don't know anything about SDSU, but:

    The program at IUPUI (Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis, longest name ever!) was recommended to me by a former student. From what they told me, most people enter the job market but others continue onto their PhD at another school. Plus, it's partially funded. Not as much as a PhD, obviously, but any funding is better than none!

  11. So true! It certainly could be much, much worse. And it's okay, I still have SLU's interview next weekend, and I believe my visit to Old Dominion might also result in an offer, albeit in human factors rather than I/O. So at least there's that :)

    It's truly Tech's loss, anyway. I plan on doing excellent things regardless of where I am!


    ...I have an interview at SLU next weekend. Hi! :)

  12. Why is it nice to fit into a category? Seems a bit 1930's Germany to me. 


    Sarcasm... Also, thank you for Godwining this thread haha.


    I do agree with you about how annoying it is that introversion gets misrepresented into social awkwardness. I know how to talk to people and interact; I just don't get my energy from constantly doing that.

  13. I recommend using a much more scientifically supported personality assessment, such as the Five Factor Model. It's nice that people want to be categorized, but when 50% of people who retake the MB are suddenly another category the reliability of the measure is called into question. Plus there is no attempt to try and prevent people from answering in a socially desireable way.

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