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Status Updates posted by Munashi

  1. Is it crazy that I've already made up my mind? Is anyone else out there ready to commit?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ravenray


      I've alos accepted the offer I received, so you aren't alone!

    3. the_sheath


      66% sure I'm going to X place because it is the only place I think I'm accepted to

    4. iphi


      I'm 90% ready! Most places aren't offering me enough funding, which means I only have to choose between 2 places.

  2. I'm grateful to have it, but choice is hard.

  3. I was just accepted to my top program. I cannot believe this is real.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Smitten Pears
    3. gwualum4mpp
    4. microarray


      congrats! I still feel the same way about my top choice, and it's been about 5 days now!

  4. Got my first acceptance 24 hours ago. I am absolutely beside myself with amazement!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spectastic
    3. PhDerp


      Congratulations!!! :D

    4. Munashi


      Thank you, thank you, thank you. Still can't believe it, pretty convinced I was dreaming...

  5. Waiting for feedback from 2 phone interviews, waiting to attend 2 in-person interviews. Mmm, limbo...

  6. Ready to chew my own arm off... The waiting game is crazy.

    1. DeafAudi


      haha, I know how you feel!

    2. Munashi


      I wish I were better at distracting myself. I am only making this feel longer by obsessing. Oy!

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