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  1. Downvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from Fearful at UCR in UC Riverside 2014   
    I'm very torn right now, and I'm waiting for campus visits before deciding, but if I was the gambling type, I'd say that Riverside probably has a slight edge given the package and some family considerations based on location. I'm really looking forward to the open house. Have any of you heard back from the department after the initial recruitment letters? I emailed Tina Feldmann (asking if she could help me connect with current grads to ask a few questions) and Heidi Brayman Hackel (thanking her for the detailed letter), but I haven't heard back. I imagine they're swamped right now, though, of course.

    In addition to program considerations, I am really hoping to get a sense for the family experience in Riverside. Schools, neighborhoods, where do people with kids live, that sort of thing. I'd like to live close to campus, but I am afraid that the schools might be better a bit farther afield. It's hard to weigh those things out without being local.
  2. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from Imaginary in Decision Making: A Forum for those of us making any type of decision   
    Every time I think about the fact that I have to turn down the opportunity to study at two of these final three schools, I want to puke. Why can't I be three people at once? Surely there's a way. Surely.
  3. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to Kamisha in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    And I thought my program could be bad sometimes. That’s really, really sad. I’ve heard of a few departments that are like that. In my mind, PhD programs should be a place where you form long-term friendships with like-minded individuals. It’s unfortunate when the pressures of academia turn kind and talented people into the worst versions of themselves. 
  4. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from Nords in Riverside, CA   
    So, after some consideration and realizing that public school ratings are probably not based on the same priorities I hold, I've decided to stop looking at the numbers and just explore some areas on my own. I have the entire day tomorrow (today, technically); I'm planning to look closely at Riverside proper as well as venturing as far west as Pasadena, as far northeast as Redlands, and as far southeast as Moreno Valley (which isn't as far, actually, as I'd expected). I'll come back here and try to briefly summarize my impressions in case a newcomer's first look around is helpful to anyone else. 
    For what it's worth, everything I've seen to this point looks great to me. I've lived in sterile gated communities, trendy big-city neighborhoods, laid-back beach communities, and downtown in an economically-bludgeoned Rust Belt city. I am not sure exactly what I had pictured, but Riverside has exceeded my expectations so far. 
  5. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to m-ttl in Fat-Friendly Campuses?   
    Not that I disagree, but the OP has also consistently brought this (their weight) up in threads even where it is completely irrelevant. My first instinct was that they were baiting for concern trolls and fatphobia, honestly by repeatedly stating it, not responding further, acting coy about weight despite the seeming self-photo. But I gave honest advice for what is an honest question regardless. 
    Again, asking what campuses are most accommodating without even knowing their field is pointless. All we can really say is ask the DRC at the schools you're looking at. 
  6. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to Kamisha in Staying Healthy Through the Stress   
    Make sure to avoid any and all drinks with aspartame. This is going to be most of your diet sodas, Crystal Light, etc. 
  7. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from Nyctophile in Staying Healthy Through the Stress   
    I know exactly what you mean about the floor-cleaner taste!
  8. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to Nyctophile in Staying Healthy Through the Stress   
    totally agree with this. I never realized that my "sweet tooth" was basically a sugar addiction. i've been changing the way i eat and did a sugar detox when i first started. i dropped a pant size in two weeks (i'm also a larger person, so...). i was stunned when i tried regular peanut butter and it tasted like lard and sugar. when i had a sip of my bf's soda it felt like i was drinking floor cleaner. if you're having trouble dropping weight or feeling crappy in general i would definitely go with mmorrison's advice!
  9. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to Algernon in Urbana-Champaign   
    Fiz, I seem to remember you saying you'd almost certainly be accepting Urbana's offer. Are you at all concerned about the teaching load? Urbana's asking me to teach more than twice as many classes than at Pitt, but the pay is only a smidge more. Urbana is such a great program and certainly more highly ranked, but I'm wondering if it'd be better to sacrifice rank in order to have a more moderate teaching load at a program that looks equally (if not more) appealing. 

    I think I mentioned this on another thread somewhere, but: I could probably make peace with teaching 2-2, but I really do not like that we're asked to teach from day one before we've even settled into the program. And a guarantee of only 1 semester off from teaching? ...... I'm feeling kind of unimpressed. Is that crazy?

    I'm supposed to talk with the DGS this week. Have you had any conversations with her or other faculty? Do you have a feel for the atmosphere of the department at all?

    I would like to visit in March, but I'm not sure if I can afford the plane ticket.
  10. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from Kleene in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    Oh, yes. Yes. I heard this from my mother's husband ABOUT BEING A UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR. He said I was wasting time looking at grad schools and should just apply with my BA. For tenure-track jobs in university English departments. 
  11. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from emguth in for those who decided to reject an offer, could you help?   
    The school generally chooses a candidate for that spot, no?
  12. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from krishnalynn in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    Oh, yes. Yes. I heard this from my mother's husband ABOUT BEING A UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR. He said I was wasting time looking at grad schools and should just apply with my BA. For tenure-track jobs in university English departments. 
  13. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to bgguitarist in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    I'm accepted at U Florida! Just got off the phone with the DGS. They are only taking 9 applicants this year, and have over 200 applications. Funding is fairly dismal. They won't pay for me to visit. But, I am eligible for the Kirkland Fellowship because I'm a Victorianist, so that would make a large difference in the funding.
    Moments later, I checked my email and discovered I'd been rejected by U Chicago. They didn't offer me an M.A. but I already have one.
  14. Downvote
    mmorrison reacted to onestudent in How to pick up other's rejected offers!! and pls. report yours   
    This is a world of winners taking all......... some top students got many offers while i only get a few admission. 
    for all those like me who got admission without assistantships, I strongly suggest  you, like me, try to contact professors in that department ASAP, or look for funded professors  (at  www.edyssy.com).. input your program keywords such as mechanical engineering, you can find all professors's funding.......
    and then u can register an account and send contact email to them with a click of mouse! 
    wish all get an offer.........
  15. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from novacancy in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    Oh, yes. Yes. I heard this from my mother's husband ABOUT BEING A UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR. He said I was wasting time looking at grad schools and should just apply with my BA. For tenure-track jobs in university English departments. 
  16. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to ExponentialDecay in Best books on literary theory?   
    but you have to, have to, have to read the original articles once you are comfortable with the academic style. seriously, people who try to talk about concepts they haven't encountered in the original context deserve their own special scholarly hell.
  17. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from arober6912 in Wait, you mean I have to make a decision eventually...?!   
    Yes, yes, yes!  THIS.

    Please start a new thread asking this question, so that I'm not forced to plagiarize it and post it myself. :-)

    I'm so nervous about this, and so determined not to misstep. I have two schools to decline before I actually decide between the other three. So if they ask where I accepted, I won't have an answer. I hate to say, "well, I haven't decided yet except that it's not going to be you." On the other hand, I don't want to wait until I decide (which might be as late as 4/1) to decline offers that I already know I won't accept.
  18. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from Kamisha in Best books on literary theory?   
    The Norton Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism is hands down the best. It's a doorstop, but you'll use it again and again. 

    For something lighter, I also quite love Bennett & Royle's Intro to Literature, Crit, and Theory (this one is definitely theory with a small 't') and also Barry's Beginning Theory.
  19. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to ComeBackZinc in Don't sweat the post-decision blahs   
    In seven or eight months, you'll be at a program you love, and it will all be worth it.
  20. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to NowMoreSerious in Wait, you mean I have to make a decision eventually...?!   
    I personally didn't say "stay in touch" unless it was to a POI that I had been in contact with.  
    I sometimes told them that I would be declining their offer and that it was a difficult decision and that I was honored to have been accepted.  Often I would describe what I particularly respected about the department.  I normally didn't give a reason unless they asked, which they often do.  
    Sometimes they will simply ask which school you've decided on, and other times they will ask you about your financial offer.  
    I also do not think it's bad form to say you chose based on the fellowship offered to you by another school.  I know for a fact that sometimes schools use these reasons as evidence that they need to allocate more money to graduate students. 
  21. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to davidipse in Wait, you mean I have to make a decision eventually...?!   
    Maybe we could talk about tactful ways of gratefully turning down offers—methods (phone? email?), language, absolute no-no's, etc.
    Do you tell them where you've decided to go? What if you haven't decided where to go but know you won't be going to this certain school? Do you give reasons for not going here, and for going elsewhere?
    Is it okay or obnoxious to ask them to profess a desire (if it's genuine) to "stay in touch"? Any other suggestions as to how to keep the relationship open and ongoing, so as to not preclude future research opportunities, student exchange programs, post-docs, or a job at the school you're turning down?
    Is it obnoxious, gratuitious, or kind to say (if that is the case) that the tipping factor was greater funding and a lighter teaching load (which would buy one more time, allow one to be more productive as a scholar, publish more, finisher faster, and have a better stab at the job market)?
    What are more neutral verbs for "reject" or "refuse" or "turn down" (an offer)? Am I right in finding "to pass up" dismissive, "to let go" melodramatic? One could say "decided to accept an offer elsewhere," but what if (as I mentioned) one's not made that decision yet?
    I think it would be helpful for everyone if veterans who've been lucky or illustrious enough in the past to get to turn down offers would weigh in. Danke danke danke.
  22. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from Between Fields in Best books on literary theory?   
    The Norton Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism is hands down the best. It's a doorstop, but you'll use it again and again. 

    For something lighter, I also quite love Bennett & Royle's Intro to Literature, Crit, and Theory (this one is definitely theory with a small 't') and also Barry's Beginning Theory.
  23. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to budgie in "Perfect fit" Program versus More Highly Ranked Program?   
    Last year I was in the same situation. I went for the best-fit school and haven't regretted my decision at all. 

    That said, my idea of which school was the best-fit for me dramatically changed after visitations. Don't make a decision too soon!
  24. Upvote
    mmorrison got a reaction from Imaginary in Best books on literary theory?   
    The Norton Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism is hands down the best. It's a doorstop, but you'll use it again and again. 

    For something lighter, I also quite love Bennett & Royle's Intro to Literature, Crit, and Theory (this one is definitely theory with a small 't') and also Barry's Beginning Theory.
  25. Upvote
    mmorrison reacted to cbttcher in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Having a professor write that they'd "love to get to know me better" and talk about my work is putting a lot of pressure on me.
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