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Posts posted by coyabean

  1. Let me just say that my superstar mentor insists that I discuss my poor GPA. He says that if he got a stellar packet and the GPA didn't jive the first thing he does is checks the SOP for an explanation. If there isn't one he assumes the applicant is trying to hide or gloss over something.

    I have addressed it thusly:

    My research interests are greatly influenced by both my own truncated college history and work experience as an administrator in proprietary or,

  2. Same age and I feel you. The decision to return to school just gets more complicated with every year. My decision making process was both practical and spiritual.

    Practically speaking, I did not have children or a partner that I had I to consider. I had a job, not a career. I figured the economy was going to take every bit of 7 to 8 years to shake out and regain any kind of real growth.

    Spiritually, i decided that having a life filled with things that inspire me was more important than a job or stuff. When I was ready to let go of all of my attachments I knew I was finally ready for the journey.

    So, no one can say for sure when it is a good time to make that move. However, I do think it is should be a decision that is both practical and individually right for you on whatever deeper level you believe in.

    good luck.

  3. I'm applying to UMASS-A's cultural anthro program for 2010. I'm taking a scouting trip up in mid October. Any suggestions for things to checkout? I'm into kitschky cool so the cornier the better. And does anyone suggest I rent a car for the three days I'll be there or can I scout out the town pretty well on bus?

  4. I spent the summer there doing research and am planning to apply.

    I just spoke with several profs from there and it's...interesting. Dottie, Slocum and Price were all kind of interested and interesting, but Price said the department can be hegemonic. Slocum says it's doubled in size...but they're cutting admits damn near in half due to budget issues. The grad student list seems awfully long which suggests that folks kind of stall. It lacks some diversity and isn't well-funded. Having said that I LOVE Carolina. It's my kind of town. It's borderline hippie college chic, but I'm kind of into that. There is just enough diversity University-wide to be interesting. Horrific parking but free buses and an awesome cost of living.

  5. This thread made me join this comm!

    I feel so alone on all of my online boards because of my horrendous GPA.

    The "Story":

    I have a ten year gap in my UG record. No real excuses. I was 17 when I started and now I'm not. That's it. No failing grades or anything but TWO semesters of incompletes and withdrawals which are calculated into my overall GPA. :( So, even though I've never earned less than a B, I have a 2.8 with 17 hours to go. But, at this point I'm too old to bother with transferring and too ready to move on with life now that I have a direction.

    I have done all I can to mitigate this. I got a research fellowship last summer which produced a publishable writing sample. I also earned two great LORs, one from an academic superstar who is, amazingly, totally on my team. My GRE is just ok 680v 340q 4.5writing. I'm retaking to see if I can work on that quant. This semester I'm working in the aforementioned superstar's research institute doing research and writing a grant! I've received great feedback from my SOPs.

    I'm applying to cultural anthro programs. Ten cultural anthro programs. :/ I'm trying to up my chances of an acceptance.

    So, this is me introducing myself, commiserating and soliciting feedback.


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