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Posts posted by Stephanie2323

  1. Hey Danielle! I'm in a similar situation as you. 7 rejections and 3 waitlists (although I know that western Illinois did not accept me - not sure if it's a waitlist or rejection yet, but I'm pretty sure it's a rejection). This is definitely a difficult time, and I've been trying to think what my next plan of action is if I don't get taken off the waitlist. Is this your first year applying? This is my second year, and I am going to try again for spring and fall next year if I don't get in anywhere. But not having a job that allows me to survive on my own is not easy, and realistically I need to think about supporting myself! Just wanted to let you know that I'm feeling the same way, so we'll have to hang in there together!


    It's good that you have so much positive energy and that your not giving up! So far I have 4 rejections and 1 wait list. I'm waiting on another 8 but I feel like my rejections signify the coming of more bad news. I feel the same way about having to support myself. How much money and time can we spend trying to get in? I feel like looking for employment opportunities... 

  2. I was wait listed at Monmouth. My friend who also got wait listed told me to check the website. There is a check your status link, you will have to fill in some information and then you will receive an email. I haven't seen any rejections, so I wonder if everyone who did not accepted got wait listed? Is that possible?

  3. I was wait listed at Monmouth. My friend who also got wait listed told me to check the website. There is a check your status link, you will have to fill in some information and then you will receive an email. I haven't seen any rejections, so I wonder if everyone who did not accepted got wait listed? Is that possible?

  4. I just received a call from Monmouth University. I've FINALLY been ACCEPTED! I have a phone interview with another school in about fifteen minutes and I'm crying my eyes out. I hope you ALL get to experience this feeling if you haven't already. Never lose hope!

    Congratulations!!!! I'm so nervous now!!! I hope they make more calls!!

  5. @Ssen - June? Wow, was your friend wait-listed first? Talk about driving someone up a wall indeed - what's the Grad school equivalent of "May 1" for undergrads each year ? Or is there not one?

    Regarding local NY/NJ schools - I don't see too many people mentioning Monmouth... Is that cause their program is new and not accredited yet?

    I'm so glad there is not much talk about Monmouth!! Hope few applied ☺

  6. I would also say GRE is counted as pretty important if not as important. I have a pretty good GPA and lower GREs, and from what I have seen from people posting their stats of acceptances they have a lower GPA than me, but better GREs. I wish schools would just briefly mention what they don't like, for example GRE scores so I would know what to work on. I was hoping my GPA, internships, and volunteering would help me, but that hasn't been the case so far.

    I hear ya. Ive noticed that the really high GRE scores cancel out GPA factor. But if you have a good GPA and lower gre i think you have 100% chance. I am hoping my internship and experience helps but it seems everyone has that too! My GPA is mainly composed of core classes because I transferred, so I hope they see that too.

    To the Canadian academics, I don't think all US students have amazing GPAs. It does seem like that when you look at SLP stats though. I came from Rutgers and we didnt get 10% for showing up for class or even projects or papers sometimes. We had exams and no fluff! It's not that easy to get a 4.0 here.

  7. Yes, GPA is the most important. My GPA isn't the best either. judging from all the acceptances everyone has a high gpa unless something went wrong with LOI or references. I know that one school i applied to has a ranking 50 percent for grades and 10 percent each for everything else.

    Wow, I really want to think that's not the case for the programs I applied to! It's a shame because some undergrad programs are more difficult than others, I wish that was considered.

  8. Is anyone still waiting to hear from Edinboro? Or, if you were already accepted do you think they're still accepting people??

    Can you tell I'm all about stalking this forum right now?! Lol I haven't heard back from Edinboro either. But it looks like the only people who have are the ones who reviewed GA positions? So my guess was that they sent out the first round? Really hope so!!!!

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