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Posts posted by TheVineyard

  1. Anyone else get that email from UC Davis to check application, but no decision was at the link? All they told me is that they apparently don't have my transcript, but then they said that if my transcript was sent directly to the department (which mine was) then it wouldn't show up. Apparently the political science people (including my girlfriend) got accepted through the email...

  2. My stripes are green. Pretty sure that means I'm accepted into MIT and everybody else got rejected.




    no not really and i would hazard a guess that the color of stripes means absolutely nothing and it's kind of funny to see everybody freak out about it. 


    The fact that there are different colors is the only thing that makes me think there might be something going on. From red to black to blue and green? Seems like progress...for the record, mine is blue but I'd sure like to be the green one in the sea of blues.

  3. The department chair might be more likely to be a part of decision making, but they are not necessarily on the ad com. Schools all do it differently. 

    As far mentioning profs, I have been told it is a good idea to show you have done your homework. Sometimes that means mentioning specific POIs, and sometimes that means just explaining why you fit with the program, explaining what you take to be the relevant faculty strengths (which can be done without naming specific profs), etc. If you didn't do any of this, then at least you didn't get any of it wrong!

    Another thing. Once you get down to the nitty-gritty, ya know, final 20-30 people before the acceptances and waitlists are finalized, I have been told that many schools will send along your writing sample to someone else in the department, either a POI or someone with expertise in the area of your writing sample in order to get their opinion on it. So, listing POIs probably makes it more likely that one of them will end up checking something from your file out, for better or for worse.

  4. Thanks for clarifying, Vineyard. 



    I don't think that's obvious at all. They haven't actually sent out 10 offers. They've sent out 10 invitations to a recruitment weekend, with a note that they intend to take 5 of those 10. If they are so sure at most 5 will want to come, why not just accept all 10? If the weekend will have no effect on who's chosen if it comes down to that, why not accept 7 (or whatever) and tell 3 they're on the waitlist? 


    They aren't accepting all 10 and hoping for 5 because they do not know what their budget is yet (it says this in the email). They said they expect to be able to take 5, maybe budget will work out in such a way that not even that is possible. So, they cannot afford to do what a Harvard can do, and take on a class of 7 one year and 4 the next. They have a very specific amount they can take, and not a soul more. I'm sure they are hoping the situation works itself out, and they are probably expecting only about 5 to accept the offer, but nonetheless, they cannot take the risk of 6+ accepting.

  5. Hello guys,

    Lurker for 2 yrs, but finally became a contributor with today's Cincinnati submission. I was the first person (and accidental double-poster) of the Cincinn recruitment weekend thing.

    I made this account to do some clarification work because I see there is a bit of a rumor mill churning here. The Cincinnati thing is NOT an interview. They explicitly said it is not an interview, and that it is entirely voluntary, etc. It is just a visit. Keep in mind, Cincinnati has 5 spots to fill and is bringing 10 people. It is probably quite likely that 5 (or more!) of them will not end up choosing Cincin after all in favor of other schools. Nobody yields over 50% every year, not even NYU, Harvard, etc.

    Also, they are paying for the trip, they will even schedule the airfare for you. So you aren't being forced to go, you aren't being interviewed (although yes, they will be checking you out), and you don't have to pay. The most likely case is that no tough decisions will have to be made, as at least 5 of us 10 won't end up choosing them. If they do have to pick and choose, then that sucks, but like I said, at least you got a cool visit at a cool program for free, and you got a fair shot.

    Anyway, I'll be around.

    PS: You can't find out my email address from Grad Cafe can you?

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