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Posts posted by TheVineyard

  1. I was lucky enough to get to effectively design a mini-course while TAing during my MA. The prof let the TAs set not only assignment-due dates but also assignment-topics for his/her tutorial sections. 


    NOT ONLY due dates? Damn. I can only set the due dates :P

  2. I am not sure if CUNY officailly contacted the waitlisted people yet, but through bugging people I found out that I am on an unordered waitlist of 20. They also specified that they will try to keep the ratio of male/female offers identical to the one currently in place for the 10 offeres they did send out. So I am wondering if any female students (specializing in mind) are ready to jump ship to NYU, Rutgers, or Princeton or whatever other fancy place that has just emailed out offers.


    Who should I bug?

  3. You certainly kicked ass.


    Where do you think you're going to go?

    I still don't understand completely (or maybe you haven't made it explicitly known) how you knew you were going to get into every school, and why you only applied to top 10ish programs (but applied to all of them). Did your letter writers say, "Only apply to top 10 schools you will get into them all?" I just don't know how anyone, without prior information, could know this would happen.

  4. it's gotten to the point that every time i think my phone is buzzing for a call i start thinking of chris weber calling a time out that u-mich didn't have in their classic ncaa championship game against UNC. because i'll never think of whatever school i go to as beating UNC in basketball, but i'll think of them. and then it's just a double-text. or my dad calling from an unknown out of state number (seriously).


    You could have had the dream. If only you went to Duke, Indiana, OSU...you might be able to live out the fantasy of defeating UNC....

  5. Wow, I'm a dumb. I didn't want to go to those conferences anyway.

    I was told that the most important page of my writing sample was the first page, the most important paragraph was the first paragraph, and the most important sentence was the first sentence. =P

  6. Yes...places do care about subfield rankings. High subfield rankings = well known people that others in the field respect. If others in the field respect them, you are more likely to get a job after working under them.

    Personally, I think the devil would be in the details. Just how much higher is the overall ranked one? Just how much higher is the AOI one?

  7. Oh wow, I hadn't noticed that. Yeah, I thoroughly recommend redoing the GRE.


    I took it my freshman year and got (what is now equivalent to) 164V/158Q, yet I plan on re-taking it this summer because I feel my scores are still too low.


    That is the average score for people Duke accepts. You probably have nothing to worry about with that score.

  8. Definitely, it could be playing a role. If I decide to apply again, it's something I need to work on. I just hate the idea of spending so much time on something so silly when I could, you know, be producing new work.


    Yeah that excuse doesn't really fly anymore, although we all agree. In order to get into these top PhD programs from undergrad, you have to have your focus on creating the best application possible, not necessarily being the best philosopher possible. The adcom will see your low GRE scores and most will hold it against you in some respect, whereas they won't bump you up the list due to your 5th reading of Critique of Pure Reason, because they won't even know you did it.

    Also, the sentiment that ModalFictionalist shared (one of the most successful applicants this year) is right...people expect that you should either be clever enough to score well off the bat, or you be dedicated enough to study. If you do neither, it looks bad. I would suspect that the GRE is the biggest problem with your app. Again, I agree that doing almost anything other than the GRE would/could make you a better philosopher, but it won't make you appear as a better applicant, and the latter is all that matters if you want to get in.

  9. Or anyway, once I figured out that was the case, it seemed that I was definitely wait listed. If I had read the initial e-mail more closely, I would have first logged my acceptance as a wait list, because that's what further correspondence revealed it to effectively be. 


    But maybe they keep another wait list, too, below that one? It seems possible. 


    According to results from past years, yes they do hold a separate waitlist.

  10. Ian I noticed you said that CUNY has given out waitlists on your notifications part of the blog. I don't think we have any reason to believe that is so. There was that one post:


    CUNY Philosophy, PhD (S14) Wait listed via Other on 1 Mar 2014   1 Mar 2014
    • For those of you who have posted that you got accepted to CUNY, are any of you female students with better offers (waiting on better offers?)

    I don't think this is someone report ing that they are on a waitlist, but someone asking a question. Last year they didn't give out waitlists until later, nor the year before... With only one person even posting a waitlistish-thing and nobody on the forums claiming it, I would think that it wouldn't match the standard you find necessary.

  11. Maybe I'll post mine later. I'm afraid few would be sympathetic to my argument, though. The argument is essentially that all naturalistic conceptions of mind collapse into eliminative materialism, and that eliminative materialism doesn't have the necessary resources to maintain a realist construal of science more broadly. So the argument lands upon a disjunctive: reject naturalism and maintain scientific realism, or maintain naturalism and adopt some anti-realist outlook on science.



  12. CUNY just doesn't place as well as the schools it is ranked near. Idk why...my guess would be that CUNY Grad Center as a whole just doesn't have the prestige that similarly ranked programs do, like Berkeley or Columbia.

    Perhaps when Random State College wants to increase the prestige of is program, all other things being equal (or even slightly unequal), hiring someone from Berkeley sounds better and works further to that end. A similar story might be told to explain why Yale has better placement than Michigan and basically every other program higher ranked than Yale.

  13. Lol. Accepted into Harvard, might not go because the letter was rude.

    Man I want that problem.

    It was obviously a joke/troll. The guy says he is 'on the fence' when he was supposedly rejected to every other school but accepted to Harvard.

  14. University Of Pittsburgh Philosophy, PhD (F14) Rejected via E-mail on 3 Mar 2014 A 3 Mar 2014

    • MA 4.0 1a/1w/10r extremely kind personal email


    Pitt is sending out extremely kind, personal rejection emails to 200+ applicants? 


    Oh...you weren't waitlisted for a personal rejection email? My condolences.

    Maybe he/she meant personal as in...the writer shared personal feelings of sadness...

  15. There are a lot of great programs that aren't in the top 50. Boston College, Fordham, Purdue, Illinois UC, Iowa, Utah, Marquette, St. Louis and so on etc.


    So there are programs that would probably be ranked between 50-60 if it went to 60. I don't think that's a problem with the Leiter rankings (and I'm also not saying that you are saying so), but rather a necessary result of drawing the line at 50.

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