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Posts posted by Kamisha

  1. 2520 is slang, not a slur. The fact that you are comparing a WOC calling someone "whitey" to white supremacy or nazis, what?


    This term is absolutely derogatory in nature. How would you feel if I said “blacky” was slang, not a slur?


    Racism works both ways. Speaking in a pejorative manner about any group is unacceptable--even those who you feel like are privileged.  


    PS: I absolutely welcome male voices in Women’s Studies and Gender Studies. Anyone who doesn’t clearly doesn’t understand the intention of the field. 

  2. Ahhhh I'm so excited that you're seriously considering UEA! Seriously, that's amazing and you are going to love it.


    Nothing new, still just waiting and waiting and waiting...


    Waiting is the worst. I’m still waiting to hear back from four schools too. I’m getting super excited about UEA. I think it’s going to be great, though I’m not looking forward to going through the application process again in August. Haha. 

  3. Haha awh :) You are sweet. I have been out of up votes all day, but I'm about to attempt to up vote you. What's new in your world?! I don't think you've posted any updates in a while..


    Well, you know, watching Pretty Little Liars and eating ice cream....because I’m an adult and I do what I want. Haha. 


    I’m also looking at apartments near the University of East Anglia :) Woot! 


    What’s new on your end?

  4. I'm glad I was able to be helpful! I was browsing Cuse's website earlier to refresh my memory on the program, and they're actually really big on cultural and media studies... Maybe check it out if you do decide to apply again next round? :)


    Done! I have 20 schools picked out. Most are on the west coast, but I’m throwing in a couple New York schools. 

  5. If this is your only acceptance, really think about what makes you unhappy there. But trust your gut. Talk to your professors/advisors too! If you have more acceptances, test those out too :)


    Thank you! I seriously appreciate that :)


    Since I know which school you're talking about, I would advise against spending five years there unless you REALLY loved it... which I know you don't. I think it might be a better idea to do UEA (if you can afford to after all) and re-apply for PhDs next year. You'll be more competitive and you'll know what the weaknesses in your apps were. In my logic, this will get you into both a higher ranked school, and one that is in a more desirable location. Does that make sense? Don't make yourself miserable for 5 years if you know that's what you will be. 


    Edit: I realize my tone is strong here.. that's not intentional. I have serious respect and love for Kamisha, and this is what I would do/think in this situation.


    More details needed! Why don't you see yourself there? Why could you see yourself there? 


    Thanks for the feedback, everyone! 


    Proflorax--I’m struggling with location, campus culture, and my ability to successfully research what I want at that particular university. I think I could make one or two of those things work, but I don’t think I could do all three. 


    Despejado is 100% right. I think that’s probably the best plan at this point. I would love to go to UEA if I can swing the funding. If not, I might just adjunct for a year while fixing my writing sample and perfecting my statement of purpose. I needed your blunt opinion, for sure. If I wasn’t out of up votes, I would totally be showing your post some love. Thanks :)


    Edit: Waiting would also give me a chance to re-take the Subject Test and expand my options for schools next year. I’ve decided I want to stay on the West Coast and a lot of the “UC’s” require it. 

  6. I second the Culler introduction to lit. theory. I still refer back to it. It's waaaaay easier to start with a secondary source that contextualizes movements than to just crack open the Norton and read willy-nilly.


    I’ll also echo the Culler suggestion. The same series also includes “Critical Theory: A Very Short Introduction” by Stephen Eric Bronner. It’s a great supplement, as well. 

  7. Hello, group. I've been waitlisted at my DREAM school (New Mexico) and would so appreciate if people who have been accepted and don't plan on attending could let the department know. I'm so surprised and excited and now am a bundle of nerves. I'm waiting on five more after this, but this is certainly my first choice. Ahhhh! 


    Also, if you have been accepted, can you let me know your speciality? Apparently there's only two people on the waitlist for what I study and I'm one of them!




    I now need ice cream. 


    Congratulations!!!!! Woohoo!!!!

  8. Dude you're so awesome. I'm glad that we pm-ed each other! YEAH GRADCAFE FRIENDSHIPS!


    I know you're not talking to me.

    But PMs are awesome - its nice to get a head-start on networking and what not. And perhaps none of it ends up going anywhere. perhaps we never break the veil of anonymity. But I've seen some folks talk about twitters/skype/conference panels. 

    So yeah.  Pretty cool.


    She was talking to me, but I consider both of you friends and am so glad to have made these relationships. Seriously been keeping my head on straight for the last month.


    Insert stevie wonder harmonica - "that's what friends are for!!!!!"

    that's all. Back to work.

    I am loving this.

  9. A few pages back, some wise poster cautioned against re-reading your SOP. I (stupidly) took the challenge, and re-read the statement I submitted to one of my top-choice programs.


    At first, I was totally reassured. I had said what I wanted to say, how I wanted to say it. Then catastrophe: I realized that I used the wrong name for one of my POIs. The name I used IS someone whose work I'm tangentially interested in, and I was looking through some of his recent projects while I was writing my SOP; but he's in a different area than the one I described being interested in, and not someone I would expect to work closely with at the program. I certainly did not intend to mention him in my SOP.


    So I'm taking the time between panic attacks to solicit the advice of the forum: is there anything to be done? I'm currently on the waitlist at this school, and I'm attending the open house. Should I try to find a way to talk to the professor I intended to name in my SOP, mention the mistake, and express my interest in his work? Or is any kind of corrective just going to draw more attention to the error? The agony of being on the waitlist has now rocketed into the stratosphere.

    I'm definitely unqualified to comment on this, but I probably wouldn't bring it up. If they wait listed you, they like you. We all made silly mistakes. I would just go, knock their socks off with how impressive you are, and have confidence in yourself. :)

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