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Posts posted by KJSharp

  1. What degree? PhD and ThD, maybe a few M*s

    What area? New Testament/Early Christianity. Specifically, I'm interested in ecological/agrarian hermeneutics of the NT. 

    Do you know where? Duke is my first choice. Also PTS, Notre Dame, Emory, Baylor at this point.

    What have you already done to prepare? Studied languages like crazy, have a few articles accepted for publication in some really good journals

    What are you working on now? MDiv at my denominational seminary, teaching Greek adjunct, presenting at conferences, working hard in my current program, helping a professor with an upcoming book on the growth of the Early Church, keeping up with other languages

    And what else do you need to do between now and September when the application cycles actually open up? Get my GRE score up, more language, get LORs and work on my SOP!


    Side note, does anyone have any other recommendations for possible programs/mentors that match my interests? I'd like to add a couple more to my list.



    Bud, I think you need to take a deep breath and relax.  You're going to be just fine.

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