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  1. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to museum_geek in Looking for biocultural/medical anth programs   
    I don't know a ton about medical anthro programs but hopefully the thread I linked will help a bit.  Good luck!
  2. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to homogenius in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    I can claim one of those WUSTL interviews! Got an email from my POI asking to set up a time for a phone call, and I thought it would be a phone interview, but she invited me for a campus visit. I was shocked, and very excited because I haven't heard anything else from any other programs and the silence is getting to me. 
  3. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from AnthropologyNRT in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    @AnthropologyNRT Congrats on the interview! 
  4. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to anjkris in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    Just joined gradcafe! 
    I applied to GW's PhD program in hominid paleobiology, and got an interview -- does anyne haove any experience interviewing with this program? It's a Skype interview.
  5. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to museum_geek in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    Getting rejected sucks but I'm not super surprised tbh - my POI is on academic leave this year and I don't think my project is as specific as ND wants.  Also, I just realized that I put my GRE scores in backwards on the results page.  It should be 163 verbal and 150 quant, not the other way around 
  6. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from sierra918 in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    For my thesis, I am investigating stress and specifically psychosocial stress of sacrificed children and young women in the North Coast of Peru during Inkaic rule. Using 1 cm increments of a hair strand from these sacrificed individuals, I am examining for cortisol biomarkers that are imbued in the hair. This method coupled with isotopic data that I am running and osteological analysis for other diseases and such will provide a better insight to what was happening in this multiethnic community once the Inka gained imperium to the North. 
    Sorry to post this later than everyone else haha 
  7. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from museum_geek in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    For my thesis, I am investigating stress and specifically psychosocial stress of sacrificed children and young women in the North Coast of Peru during Inkaic rule. Using 1 cm increments of a hair strand from these sacrificed individuals, I am examining for cortisol biomarkers that are imbued in the hair. This method coupled with isotopic data that I am running and osteological analysis for other diseases and such will provide a better insight to what was happening in this multiethnic community once the Inka gained imperium to the North. 
    Sorry to post this later than everyone else haha 
  8. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to AnthropologyNRT in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    I got the interview! Hope everyone else gets good news.
  9. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to sierra918 in Nashville, TN   
    I'll be starting at Vandy in the fall, and my husband and I bought a house in Murfreesboro, about 39 minutes south of Vandy. It's a really great area for families of anyone else is coming with children ?
  10. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from AnthropologyNRT in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    That's not too bad, and yeah I would agree with presenting your own research than being a discussant. In my opinion of course. Once conference season is upon us, I'm hoping to have defended, submitted to the Uni, and have (hopefully) chosen the school I'll be at in the fall. fingers crossed though haha
  11. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from sierra918 in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    That's not too bad, and yeah I would agree with presenting your own research than being a discussant. In my opinion of course. Once conference season is upon us, I'm hoping to have defended, submitted to the Uni, and have (hopefully) chosen the school I'll be at in the fall. fingers crossed though haha
  12. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from GreenEyedTrombonist in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    same here, I'm hoping to get a draft done by the 1 Feb so then I have edits and formatting 
  13. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to museum_geek in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    Happy New Year folks!  Here's to a 2017 filled with acceptances and generous funding packages 
  14. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to museum_geek in Human evolutionary biology question   
    I spent a couple minutes poking around the website and couldn't find anything, and the Harvard GSAS website only says "writing sample needed when required."  You might consider emailing the department secretary or DGS.
  15. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to museum_geek in Medical anthropology programs   
    Off the top of my head I know UConn, Pitt, and Boston University have strong medical anthropology specializations.  Looking up medical anthropology on the AAA website's PhD program search should yield more results.
  16. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from sierra918 in Not really sure where to begin looking   
    I had a professor that did her MA/PhD in the UK and it was difficult for her to come back to the states so I would keep that in mind. Also, so long as there is an archaeologist and a bioanth with one working in that area, that is fine because they can both advise -- I would also have an outside committee member that does exactly what you are interested in so that they can guide you as well.
    My advisor had no one working in the Andes at her uni and got on an excavation and paid her dues that way. But since you have a foot in the door, it should be pretty easy for you to find excavations and people to work with. Plus, with the more research, you'll do for your thesis, you'll begin to recognize the names and institutions that they're are at and could apply to work with them if they have a MA/PhD program.
    Then if you want to mention other aspects, be specific about what interests you within that area of study -- i.e. well why warfare? and be explicit because programs are gonna wanna see that you have formulated an idea that is deeper than broad topics within an area. 
    I would also suggest looking at Brown Uni and Boston Uni because they have Mayanists. 
  17. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from museum_geek in Not really sure where to begin looking   
    I had a professor that did her MA/PhD in the UK and it was difficult for her to come back to the states so I would keep that in mind. Also, so long as there is an archaeologist and a bioanth with one working in that area, that is fine because they can both advise -- I would also have an outside committee member that does exactly what you are interested in so that they can guide you as well.
    My advisor had no one working in the Andes at her uni and got on an excavation and paid her dues that way. But since you have a foot in the door, it should be pretty easy for you to find excavations and people to work with. Plus, with the more research, you'll do for your thesis, you'll begin to recognize the names and institutions that they're are at and could apply to work with them if they have a MA/PhD program.
    Then if you want to mention other aspects, be specific about what interests you within that area of study -- i.e. well why warfare? and be explicit because programs are gonna wanna see that you have formulated an idea that is deeper than broad topics within an area. 
    I would also suggest looking at Brown Uni and Boston Uni because they have Mayanists. 
  18. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from UsernamesAreTricky in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    @UsernamesAreTricky I would email the DGS of your program to let them know whats going on. sometimes the systems don't send everything over or stopped at a certain time. Best bet is to email.
  19. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from sierra918 in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    I interviewed with 2 of my schools and they gave me good feedback about SOP, doctoral directions, etc, and they had the chance to ask me if I was up to going out into the field my first summer and stuff like that. In my opinion, I think it's good so they can put a face to the application as well as be reassured that the professors, program, and student are on the same page for expectations and future goals.
  20. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from dr. t in Don't use dissertation writing sevices   
    Isn't this unethical to begin with?
  21. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from UsernamesAreTricky in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    Submitted my first app. This is wicked relieving 
  22. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from sierra918 in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    Submitted my first app. This is wicked relieving 
  23. Upvote
    Bschaefer got a reaction from museum_geek in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    Submitted my first app. This is wicked relieving 
  24. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to museum_geek in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    When one of your letter writers submits all their remaining LORs in one day

  25. Upvote
    Bschaefer reacted to museum_geek in Fall 2017 Applicants   
    Just submitted the last of my applications.  Simultaneously relieved and terrified! 
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