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  1. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to bgt28 in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    I relate to you; I also have clinical depression and an eating disorder, so this whole thing has been an enormous nightmare to endure. Some days it feels as though the bad news could annihilate you with all the emotional energy it impregnates you with, and other days it's as though, even with the lull of saddening prospects, your bed is the only thing that really matters. I don't know why some of our schools haven't responded yet, but no matter what the outcomes are we have to find ways to carry on and continue to fight for and take care of ourselves. In the event that we do get acceptances (which, I promise we will, if not this year then next year), it would be a great disservice to ourselves and the academic community to not do our personal best to resist grad school admissions season as an uncontrollable trigger. 
  2. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to ProfLorax in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    Youngcharlie, I'm really feeling for you. I've been in your exact same position. Just remember that (1) it's still super early in the app season (I didn't get my first acceptance until mid-February) and 2) your worth as a person and a scholar is not measured by grad school apps.

    I think others will be happy to commiserate and provide solace, but could we move this to the Rejection thread? I don't want to derail the very deserveded celebration happening here.
  3. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to hreaðemus in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    Ooooh, ooh, I have an answer for this! *raises hand* It's so rare that I'm able to offer any advice on this process, but! Based on feedback I have gotten from my professors since my Berkeley acceptance, it definitely IS acceptable - and even desirable - to casually acknowledge that you've received other offers. My mentor calls it "being catlike" - and the idea is that schools will often throw in a bit more money, extra perks, etc, if they think it may draw you away from another program. I know people who have gotten extra language classes paid for, a few extra $1000 added to their package, etc, just by very gently mentioning their other options.
  4. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to Dr. Old Bill in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    I remember reading some past controversy on the notion of an "implied" rejection, but what it boils down to is that when a particular program is known for sending out most or all of its acceptances in a short span of time, and its rejections weeks (or longer) after that, anyone who didn't get an acceptance in that first batch is most likely not going to get an acceptance at all. It's very unscientific, yet for many people (myself included!) it's easier on the psyche to just assume that such a scenario is a rejection, rather than clinging to the combination of faint hope and uncertainty that it might-could-possibly-perhaps be a delayed acceptance.
    Again, it's not very scientific. It's more for peace of mind and the avoidance of false hope than anything.
  5. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to MidwesternAloha in How to tell family you're accepted   
    Pinterest baby/wedding announcement surprises and some of them actually work for this type of announcement! I saw one that's a real egg and you Crack it open and it has a note inside with whatever you want it to say!
  6. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to Put a cat on it in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   

  7. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to inkgraduate in Fall 2015 Applicants   
    I hope those of us who are still waiting for our first acceptance get good news this week! While I couldn't be happier for all of the new admits, I am embarrassed to admit that I am developing an always-the-bridesmaid-never-the-bride complex with regard to acceptances. I want one of my own!!! 
  8. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to iwontbelyeveit in Fall 2015 Applicants   
  9. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to fancypants09 in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    Congratulations to everyone!! One of the perks of being in the other hemisphere is waking up to the good news on GC It definitely makes up for waking up to 17 emails, none of them from the schools to which I applied. 
    I mentioned this elsewhere yesterday, but just telling myself not to expect any communication has been really helpful---I've learned to refresh my inbox less, and I actually got some decent amount of sleep last night! And also, I second lyonnessrampant's suggestion on taking care of yourself during this process. I started cooking at home again last night, and I found that smashing tofu for my tofu scramble was the first thing that made me laugh in a long time. 
  10. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to lyonessrampant in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    I don't know if this will make people worry less or more, but the year I applied (started in 2011-12), I got rejections from Berkeley, Duke, and Stanford all on Valentine's Day.  They'd notified acceptances a week or more before that if I recall correctly, though in the case of Duke there had been a lot of both acceptances and rejections.  In communication with the DGS I was in some sort of quasi-waitlist limbo.  Anyway, I thought that was kind of a mean thing to do but fortunately started the day with an acceptance to my current program.  Of course, it seems like places are notifying earlier this year, so maybe you'll hear one way or the other for sure on Berkeley sooner than mid-February.  
    Best of luck to everyone!  While whiskey is a great coping strategy (one I used/use a lot), I would also say that these next couple months are going to be (for many) long and anxiety ridden between waiting to hear, seeing others hear and not hearing yourself, waiting out the waitlists, deciding between offers, etc.  I definitely wore myself ragged during this time and wish that I'd eaten healthier and worked out more in addition to my other coping strategies.  Just my 2 cents.  Best wishes to you all!
  11. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to Dr. Old Bill in Fall 2015 Applicants   
    I'm about willing to bathe in fresh goat's blood and sacrifice a few chickens if it will bring me some good news soon...
  12. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to Dr. Old Bill in Fall 2015 Applicants   
    Of all the times to be a Leo...
  13. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to 1Q84 in Fall 2015 Applicants   
    Theme for the coming week...

  14. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to snyegurachka in Fall 2015 Applicants   
  15. Downvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to Ramus in Fall 2015 Applicants   
    I certainly have no interest in GC returning to the nastiness of yesteryear, but I don't think that means we can't note when someone is being pretentious or arrogant. 
    Edit to add: It's a tense time for everyone. I just think that those who are experiencing a lot of early success with acceptances need to be mindful of how they convey that success. For those that are still waiting for a first acceptance, posts like the one being discussed can come off as especially uppity, even if that wasn't the poster's intent. 
  16. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to SilasWegg in Fall 2015 Applicants   
    I like how much talk of bad brains, converge and now TOOL there has been on this thread lately. I wonder if the English department of the future might offer classes on post-hardcore studies.
  17. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to hreaðemus in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    I got into Berkeley too. *total shock* With a "prestigious fellowship nomination," and basically the same (quite warm, but form) letter that unræd got. I can't even believe it.
  18. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to t1racyjacks in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    actually, that doesn't unnerve me one bit. Well, I'm much older for one. But I know so many incredibly talented people with rejections -- and sorry honestly (some not-so-talented) people with acceptances -- that I've decided it has nothing to do with your ability really. It probably has more to do with one's field and fit........ and magic. remember the role of market forces in this and no one should feel bad.
  19. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to Dr. Old Bill in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    It's funny, because while I can't deny that I get a tinge (just a tinge!) of envy at some acceptances, I'm honestly far more happy for the acceptees than sad for myself...even when it comes to the programs that have provided me with the one legitimate and one implied rejection. I'm seriously thrilled to see the joy expressed by those who got accepted, and it's more of a case of "I can't wait to join you in the celebration!" than anything.
  20. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to Dr. Old Bill in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    So I have this theory that now that I have one rejection out of the way, every other rejection that comes in is going to sting a little less, and I'm going to be able to remain positive and optimistic that one of my sixteen programs will come through and that I am still a val....bwahahahahahaha, who am I kidding? My psyche is TOTALLY going to crash and burn!
  21. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to 1Q84 in Fall 2015 Applicants   
  22. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to 1Q84 in Fall 2015 Applicants   
    Yes, looks like the results board is lighting up red...
    Hugs for all!

  23. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to 1Q84 in Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)   
    "High on wait list" at USC. Just got the call! <dying of happiness> Hoping other USC applicants on TGC hear the same!
    Edit: Was too high on adrenaline after hanging up to remember to add: this is my FIRST CHOICE so I'm ECSTATIC. Also, I posted undergrad GPA as 4.0 but that's my MA GPA.
  24. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 reacted to Dr. Old Bill in Fall 2015 Applicants   

  25. Upvote
    angel_kaye13 got a reaction from B. Blumenstrauss in Keep A Word Drop A Word   
    wet toast
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