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Posts posted by busybeinganxious

  1. I applied to GMU as well.  They give you a "G number" upon application and only take official transcripts....or that was the case for me (PhD applicant).  Hope it's different for your process though!

  2. This thread is depressing me... The closest I've gotten to leaving the country was a trip to Niagara Falls at age 6.

    Not for lack of desire, just lack of funds/opportunity  :(

     I didn't leave the country for the first time until I was very nearly 30. I celebrated my 30th birthday in London during my first ever trip out of the US...(best birthday EVER.)  You have plenty of time!

  3. I get the "Anything from graduate schools yet?" everyday from my kids.  I love the fact that we, as a family, are so into each other's lives.  At the same time I want them to shut up.  One of my 12 year olds actually asked today "Does me asking bother you Mom?"  I (I hope in a tactful way) replied "No hon, I love that you ask.  It means you care.  At the same time, you guys will know IMMEDIATELY when I get in."  His response.."Does that mean you'll either be screaming 'I GOT IN' or crying?" Me.."Yep."  


    I've got smart kids.

  4. Just contacted one of the two schools I applied to.  Was told to not expect an answer either way before March 1st.  I know the other school won't respond before sometime in March.  Will this stop me checking email and the results page? Nooooo.


    There will just be feelings of futility and ridiculousness as I do so.

  5. I'm another jiggler that can't really help it...I'm quite frequently not even aware I'm doing it.  It drives my husband up the wall, especially if we're relaxing and watching a movie or something.  He lays a hand on my knee and I stop...only to start again 5 minutes later.  

  6. I started my undergrad career when I was 10 years older than you.  There were times I felt like the odd woman out, but they have been few and far between.  "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." is one of my favorite quotes.  Substitute "old" for "inferior" in this instance.  I have really good relationships with some of my fellow students, and barely speak to others.  I suspect the relationships would be much the same if we were of similiar ages.


    I won't offer advice on admittance to grad school as I don't know if I'm in anywhere yet!

  7. So, I've written posts on this thread several times and deleted them without posting.  Grad school isn't so much a plan for me as a grab at the brass ring.  I'm a non-traditional UG student at present, and the idea of doing research and teaching at the collegiate level for a living in my area was something I didn't think possible for me personally until about a year ago. The idea didn't just interest me, it had been a dream of mine since I was quite young, I just assumed it beyond my grasp considering my age and life choices.  If grad school works out I'll be over the moon.  If it doesn't, well, there will be tears, but l will go on. (Not in a Celine Dion kind of way....)


    The shorter version: the back up plan is a job that I don't hate.

  8. Yes, but it's hard to prosecute self-hazing.  


    Speaking of....I was checking a school website today.  I was VERY excited at first glance after typing in my user name and password as I realized that things looked different, so thought something must have been decided.  It took me a full 5 seconds to realize I had put in my password wrong and the site just wanted me to re-enter it.  *Sigh* 

  9. The best advice in your situation, in my humble opinion, is to enjoy each day you have together, and as hokey as it sounds, try to make some really nice memories.  No matter how the cards fall you'll both have them to look back on.  Don't try to crystal ball it too far in the future...there are too many "what if's" at play, and you'll only end up deeper in the Crazypants Sea.  Put off trying to make a decision until you have an idea where you'll both be come August.  


    I know this is all way easier said than done.

  10. I like Dr. Who, and have done so for a number of years.  The Dr. Who culture that has sprung up in the recent past, however, is getting on my nerves.  


    My contribution o' the day: Super short shorts/miniskirts.  I have no desire to see the bottom of strangers buttcheeks.  I have to resist the occasional urge to approach those wearing them and say "Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, but can you please put your ass away?"  

  11. I am also a full-fledged member of the crazypants club.  I have a more than full-time job I hate, which right now mostly involves waiting for a higher entity to let us know about something I'm anticipating will be really painful and difficult. So...constant email and results survey refreshing, WEIRD dreams about bathing people in mayonnaise, World of Warcraft, and too much wine and chocolate


    Wait.  I have to ask.  Baths in mayo?

  12. busybeinganxious, on 05 Feb 2015 - 8:09 PM, said:snapback.png

    "I hate JD Salinger cause it's his fault John Lennon is dead." 

    "The environment will start to get better when all the old people are dead." 

    "I know he's smart because he uses big words."


    I've had one hell of a week.

    What in the... I am seriously hoping whoever said these don't run for a presidential election in the years ahead... 


    Three different people, but I hope none of them runs for office.  One hell of a week was my take on listening to this stuff.

  13. For all those that responded to the rocking chair statement: I'm sure she heard it somewhere and thought it would serve her worrisome, anxious, neurotically-refreshing-webpages mother well.


     We do have a rocking chair or two in the house, but I rock so fast I make myself a little seasick...I'm one of those people that's constantly bouncing a leg or foot.  


    If I'm to be totally honest, if I'm not worrying that means I'm forgetting something.

  14. I understand eating in class.  Sometimes there's no time for lunch, or breakfast, or Elevenses, or whatever.  The consumption of crunchy things, anything in really crinkly packets, or really odorous items should be delayed until there aren't a bunch of other people trapped in a room with you.  


    I HATE the smell of bananas.

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