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Posts posted by MarineBluePsy

  1. I think it is wonderful that you are doing whatever you need to do because no one will prioritize YOU if you won't.  As a person of color (geez anyone else despise that phrase?!) I will say that you can tell all of those well meaning white people to buzz off.  Instead of figuring things out on their own and giving you space to do what you need to do they're overloading you with help requests.  They have access to the same resources and just as much intellectual ability to figure things out.  They are not helpless.  You are under no obligation to help any of them if you do not want to and/or that is not what is best for you.

  2. I'm currently in my doc program and yes I have been instructed to use specific assessments with therapy clients to track progress (these are usually depression, anxiety, or how would you rate the session type measures).  As I learned more I was able to add my own to the standard battery the department requires as long as I could justify its use.  I personally prefer to have my clinical impression, the client's self-report, and the assessment to get a sense of what is going on because I have learned that some clients are more forthcoming in one of those rather than equally forthcoming in all of them.  Also since I need to accrue hours for internship combining assessments with treatment generates hours in both categories.  Assessment data can also be easily used in research and students in my department have frequently done that.

  3. I doubt you are alone in your experience and it may be helpful to find a community of others having similar experiences to reduce the sense of isolation.  Perhaps there are professional organizations for your field that have student groups for you to check out.  Perhaps there are interdisciplinary student groups at your University that would be a good fit.  You can also talk to a therapist about your experiences.

  4. I think its really going to depend on what is being applied for that will determine what ends up being included on a CV or even a resume (the OP didn't specify which they were drafting).  If a person lists that they earned a degree in say 2010 and then there's no work activity for six years, that would definitely have to be explained.  If they weren't in the work force due to returning to school then that could be explained in a cover letter and/or by listing the current degree in progress.  If a person has earned two Master's degree's in unrelated subjects and is applying to positions in only one of those subjects, it may not be helpful to mention the other Master's.  There are endless scenarios that might make it best to tailor ones CV or resume to a specific industry or position.  

  5. Self-care is your largest priority in first year.  Eating well balanced meals, exercising, sleeping, finding healthy ways to relax, and establishing a support system that relates to whatever your circumstances are (e.g., grad student, marginalized, away from home) are all things to get in order.  Yes everything else is important, but you can't grow in any of those areas if you're falling apart.  In terms of your school priorities I would say organization and time management should be things that you establish better habits for now.  Then when considering TAing, courses, or research I would say that is going to depend on your career goals and your own strengths/weaknesses.  If you're taking courses on content that takes longer for you to grasp and that content is foundational then that is where more of your energy will need to go.  If courses are easier and your research skills are weaker then it might be better to put more time in on research.

  6. I think this needs to be carefully weighed against your programs expectations and what type of career you want to prepare for.  In my observations the PhD students who handle work better are the ones who opt for flexible side gigs like babysitting, tutoring, editing, etc.  Sometimes summer and/or winter break can be used to make extra money.  I haven't heard any horror stories.

  7. Faculty behaving badly......lets see constant microaggressions and sometimes direct aggressions aimed at students in class, sleeping with undergrads and grads, showing up to class in last nights smeared makeup and whatever club/concert stamp, repeatedly not showing up to class, and constantly telling students it isn't their job to teach or offer training opportunities.

  8. Congratulations!  I am so happy to hear that you are still progressing after the saga with your thesis.  I am post-comps, but my program doesn't do a traditional exam.  Instead either multiple publications are counted in lieu or we create a publication ready systematic or integrative review paper.  If yours is similar then I would say this is not the time to experiment with new tools or methods for organization.  If you aren't someone who outlines and it is not a required part of the process then don't waste time making one if that doesn't help you get your work done.  If you are the type to print articles and annotate by hand then stick with that if it has always worked.  Trying new things is great when you're working on more low pressure things like class assignments.  If your department allows you to view samples from past students then review as many as you can.  More generally I would say pace yourself, talk with students who have passed (especially if they didn't pass the first time), and create small rewards as you complete each step.  When you are done take a week off, even if you don't feel exhausted.  You will need to conserve your energy for dissertation so the rest will be important.

  9. It has been better for me to be out of state for my PhD.  Home has a much higher cost of living and my stressful family with their never ending needs.  I also had that urge to try some place new, even if just for a little while since I did not have that opportunity for undergrad.  So I went for it.  And for me?  Financially things improved and my support system also got stronger.  My program is in a low cost of living area so I have the financial freedom to go home when I need or desire to as well as take other short trips.  I do not come from a family of academics so they could not provide me with the kind of support that I never knew I needed to get through my program.  They also aren't people that I can rely on in a crisis (like our current pandemic) so I knew I was on my own to figure things out.  The result was I formed new relationships and grew closer to people that were in my life that I didn't realize could be helpful.  The move itself was actually the easiest part of the process.

  10. Whether or not they are less important is going to be determined by the program that you are applying to.  Supposing you didn't do well on the GRE, you could use your SOP to describe how you have demonstrated aptitude for graduate study in your MA program and you think that the accomplishments there are better predictors of your ability to succeed in a PhD.

  11. While it is up to you to decide what is best for you I don't think you should exit your current program until you have a clear plan.  If I were you I would first contact programs of interest and find out how many of my courses would transfer (if any) and confirm that the support you're not getting in your current program is available in the programs of interest.  It might also help to have a response prepared for the inevitable "why are you leaving your current program" and "how would you handle a less that ideal advisor situation in the future" questions.  Also have a back up plan in case the application season doesn't go as planned.  Would that be staying where you are, hitting the job market, etc?

  12. Are you part of any professional organizations in your field of study?  Sometimes those associations have small travel stipends for students/recent grads who want to present at conferences.  If you end up paying out of pocket then also look into Airbnb for cheaper housing options and Megabus, which can be cheaper than airfare/driving.

  13. I don't think its abnormal to question if the current program is the right one and to wonder what would have happened if a different choice had been made.  There is no guarantee that changing programs will be better, just like there's no guarantee that staying put won't work out well for you in the end.  I have yet to encounter anyone that says everything about their grad program was amazing.  There's always something that just isn't great.  Only you can decide what you can handle in terms of not great.

  14. I didn't include class projects, but I do understand not knowing what to include in a cv while still a student.  I googled grad student cv's for my field and browsed program websites directly to see if students posted theirs.  I gathered several samples, many of which had no publications, conference presentations, or grant writing experience and created mine in similar fashion.  I've added relevant sections as I've gained experience.

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