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  1. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Danger_Zone in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    And you guys?!  Well anyone who's interested that is....I think I did it.  I think I got everything worked out.  It's not ideal and there will be a few bumps over the next month I'll have to smooth out, but I'm going to make it to my program on time and without starving.  I've booked airfare and an airbnb that is close enough to campus to walk or catch the bus since I won't have a car right away.  I found a great (and affordable!) mom and pop storage place to put my stuff until I've secured permanent housing and then will ship everything later.  I'm packing everything in smaller boxes so its easier to lift them with all of the aches and pains I have and oddly it seems that will reduce the shipping costs.
    I also hired a lawyer to deal with the car accident.  They agree that I should be able to just focus on my program and getting settled in a new place while they deal with all of this.  It will probably take a year or so to fully settle, but with them taking all the stress and work off my plate that's fine.
    Now I just have to do that estate planning thing and then figure out the whole physical therapy piece while switching insurance plans.  Then after that it'll just be the bumps over the next month.  Geez.  This is good right?  I'm too tired to be excited.
  2. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from hippyscientist in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    And you guys?!  Well anyone who's interested that is....I think I did it.  I think I got everything worked out.  It's not ideal and there will be a few bumps over the next month I'll have to smooth out, but I'm going to make it to my program on time and without starving.  I've booked airfare and an airbnb that is close enough to campus to walk or catch the bus since I won't have a car right away.  I found a great (and affordable!) mom and pop storage place to put my stuff until I've secured permanent housing and then will ship everything later.  I'm packing everything in smaller boxes so its easier to lift them with all of the aches and pains I have and oddly it seems that will reduce the shipping costs.
    I also hired a lawyer to deal with the car accident.  They agree that I should be able to just focus on my program and getting settled in a new place while they deal with all of this.  It will probably take a year or so to fully settle, but with them taking all the stress and work off my plate that's fine.
    Now I just have to do that estate planning thing and then figure out the whole physical therapy piece while switching insurance plans.  Then after that it'll just be the bumps over the next month.  Geez.  This is good right?  I'm too tired to be excited.
  3. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to rhombusbombus in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    My apartment needed us to have renters insurance and i got mine seperate from my roommate through my bank. 
    Yall! I got my parking pass and student id today! Financial paperwork was almost done but i forgit to bring my ss card. D'oh!
    AND I just found out that my fellowship isnt taxable so saving for studio just got easier! Im just gonna throw that extra moola in my COD to collect interest!
    My fortune cookie from panda express said that ill be receiving some pleasant news in the future. I dont know whats more pleasant than this!
  4. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to hippyscientist in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    I DON'T NEED SURGERY! I don't need an MRI! Another 6-8 weeks and I might be functional again yay yay yay yay yay yay yay. Plus something clicked on the project. I'm doing a little happy dance around the office.
  5. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Danger_Zone in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    I just bought my plane ticket!! I'm really excited but my nerves are starting to set in more. New country, new school, new place to live, this is too much!
  6. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Danger_Zone in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    I haven't even thought about insurance.. There's too much adult stuff to do, good grief. 
  7. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Pink Fuzzy Bunny in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    I'm with ya on the vacuum cleaners. Vacuum cleaners and printers, man. Neither have improved since like the 70s.
  8. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to sjoh197 in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    All finished
  9. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to marycaryne in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Omg the Snorks! Yassss!!!
    My show of the day was Rainbow Brite. Man I WAS Rainbow Brite. You could not convince me otherwise. And Jem. Still looking for earrings that turn me into a rockstar.
  10. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Neist in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Of course I do!  
    Also, this summer is slowly creeping up on me. Already feel as if I'm running out of time!  
  11. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to rhombusbombus in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Yall are so sweet! Ive talked to her and we're gonna sort this out. 
    My dad brought the rest of my stuff and my dog so thats lifted my spirits and made me less anxious! Our 2 dogs still need some time to fully warm up, but i dont thinj theyll have an issue. I just dont like sharing my dogs affection apparently. 
  12. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Cat_Robutt in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    You need a really good eye makeup primer.  You apply it, keep your eyes closed for a few minutes while it sets, and then apply your eye makeup.  Always use waterproof products whenever possible.  There are also eye makeup setting solutions, but I've never needed these when using waterproof products.
    I see people wearing other schools sweatshirts at universities all the time.  I don't think its a huge deal unless there's a big sports game or there's a clear rival university.  I prefer to leave them for the gym or working in a not so clean environment.
  13. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Apogeee in Annoying things early grad students do?   
    I'm hoping my PhD program is different, but things I found irritating in my Master's program were.....
    Students that didn't know the difference between debating and arguing and then ignored subtle or blatant requests from the professor to just shut up.
     Students whining about the volume of assignments or reading because of their personal life challenges or choices.
    Students not knowing how to do basic things like properly use research databases, paper formatting, etc and then not understand that the research librarians are there to assist them with that, not professors during class time.
    Not using spell check.
    Being casual instead of professional in emails to students, professors, etc.
    Eating something smelly, messy, or loud in class.
    Rolling in late and then noisily taking a seat, pulling out a notebook, finding out what's being discussed, etc.
    Being that slacker, procrastinator, or otherwise crappy student and then asking to borrow other peoples notes.
  14. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Danger_Zone in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    I did some rough price estimates and can tell you USPS is generally cheaper than UPS or FedEx.  But depending on your area (and destination) and the overall weight of your items you might be able to ship via Greyhound or Amtrak.
    This I'd heard of and apparently they aren't even picky about the types of books or cds as long as you sign a form saying that's all the box contains.  Apparently shipping this way also means delivery is longer which isn't bad given the discount.
    Thanks for the suggestions.  I figured I could put bubble wrap or packing peanuts inside the computer case and then bubble wrap the computer and monitor separately before putting it in a suitcase lined with additional padding.
    All my daily needs stuff will be in the car with me, but I like the idea of labeling the shipped boxes by room.  Excel file of the contents and a printed copy just in case should also help.
    The hard drive comes out?  I'm not even sure which part that is lol.  But no it won't be out in the sun, just in the trunk while I drive for the day and then I'll bring it into the hotel overnight with the a/c. 
    And if labeling fragile isn't ideal, then should those boxes just be labeled glass instead?  That still requires someone carrying it which is precisely what I'm paying for.  They aren't heavy otherwise I probably wouldn't bother.   
  15. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to hippyscientist in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
  16. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to sjoh197 in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    So.... My partner and i just watched this because we couldn't resist. It was so hilariously awful and awesome at the same time. I feel so bad for the people whose childhood didn't include the phrase...
  17. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from knp in To live alone or not to...that is the question   
    Perhaps there are listings for LGBT friendly rentals/roommates that would work for you if you decide to go the roommate route?
  18. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to sjoh197 in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Our research group had a PhD student in the middle of a project, and my advisor brought back all of these rocks from Australia. Cost thousands of dollars to go collect them and ship them back. He told the PhD student to run some geochemical tests on the rocks... which requires the rocks to be crushed into a fine powder. 
    In the middle of a large research meeting, it came out that he had crushed the entire rock. Now anyone im science knows that you don't use the entirety of your sample to run one test, when you have lots more tests to run. (lol) He didn't do this for one rock... he did this for all of the rocks. Every single one. Gone. Forever. Thousands upon thousands of dollars ground up into dusty powder... No billets, no thin sections, no nothing. So it became a running joke throughout our research group that you couldn't really be doing too bad so long as you hadn't crushed all the rocks.
    So Fuzzy, just try not to crush all the rocks. 
  19. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to sjoh197 in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    When we sold our last car, we had thousands of dollars in cash, and we were literally throwing it around like they do in movies. Then we became extremely paranoid because it was a holiday weekend and the bank wouldn't be open for 2 days. So we had thousands of dollars just sitting in our apartment. 
    We hid the cash deep inside one of our tarantula cages and figured 1. no criminal would look there and 2. if they did they would get bit. 
  20. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to sjoh197 in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    And if nobody know's that I'm a TA, then I can be a secret government agent, ahem.. employee. 
  21. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Aminoacidalanine in What did you do during the summer right before you started your Ph.D. program?   
    Congrats on your acceptance!  I figured I'd stay on at my day job until school starts, but that'd still leave me with plenty of spare time.  The research lab I've been interning at just asked me to work on new project and they're going to pay me, woohoo!  Otherwise I've got a pile of pleasure reading books and nearby places I want to check out for the millionth time to convince myself I won't forget them.
  22. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Aminoacidalanine in What did you do during the summer right before you started your Ph.D. program?   
    Am I the only one that finds it really weird that there isn't some sort of pet shipping service?  There are pet resorts and pet restaurants so.....just saying.....  
  23. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from TakeruK in desired superpower?   
    Teleportation!  I'm sick of transportation hassles and just want to beam myself wherever I want to be at the right time.
  24. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to fernandes in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    @hippyscientist I successfully got my visa last week. How did yours go?
  25. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Effloresce in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    i'm excited to start grad school but now i'm looking at the cost of everything...moving is so damn expensive!
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