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  1. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from HopefulPHD14 in For those currently employed - does your employer know?   
    My employer doesn't know that I've applied for graduate school and I won't be saying anything until its time to put in notice that I'm leaving.  The job I'm in is a dead end and management knows this, yet they don't want to hire people that don't plan to stay forever.  I get that it costs money to hire and train, but if there's no incentive for people to stick around for more than 1-2 years then either accept that this is a stepping stone job or create incentives.  
    So here's how I've handled the time off.  I didn't take a single vacation day that way I'd have plenty of time for interviews and to deal with relocation stuff.  I did not explain why I wanted to take time off, just put in the request in advance and did my job otherwise.  Should I get an offer this season then I'll give my employer 2 weeks notice and nothing more.  My job will be wrapped up properly so that anyone needing to cover for me until someone is hired won't be overwhelmed.
  2. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from easybreezy in Grad. School Supplies?   
    I'm not so sure its the desk that really matters, but the chair.  Definitely don't skip on a good quality ergonomic chair.  If you could put your feet up and nap in it then it's perfect.
  3. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from TigerMem in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    My plan so far is to stay in a hotel or maybe a short term sublet until I've learned the area.  I don't want to wind up moving every year because the area sucks or end up trapped in a long lease for a slum.
    I get that you're eager to move out, but since you have the option of free housing right now I'd stay there until the last possible moment.  That way you can boost your savings and spend some quality time with them before you're busier.
    So if a unit is vacated before "leasing season" do they just let it sit empty?
  4. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to anthrostudentcyn in Gaaaahhh I don't know what to do!   
    My two cents as someone in the field of anthropology, what you do before you come to the program does really matter, because anthropology is a human centered discipline. It requires 1-2 years of fieldwork, so programs like to know that you can be working with different types of people and will be successful in fieldwork. If this was a discipline that didn't involve fieldwork, I might agree with you, but I think doing something that proves you can interact with people, and know the realities of working with whatever group you propose is beneficial, either in a thematic sense or a regional one. For example, I'm in medical anthropology and if I don't go to grad school next year I'll try to pursue research opportunities thinking about the same types of populations I want to study or using the same methodologies I want to use. I think whatever is most comfortable, @Peanut is what you should do. 
    I would caution, however, if you're thinking of applying next year, that might be difficult if you're in China, due to being busy,having a job, and most likely, culture shock. Your decision also depends on your timeline for reapplying.
  5. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to fernandes in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    I just accepted my offer to go to Rice University as a PhD student! Exciting!
  6. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Euler in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    I just officially accepted the offer to Virginia Tech!
  7. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to TigerMem in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Hey y'all ! Congrats to every who's been accepted! I'm starting my MSSW at UT Knoxville this Fall. This is my second time starting grad school. Got accepted into a M.S. Psychology program last fall and had partial funding, but soon realized it wasn't the right fit for me. So I decided to leave and pursue social work because it's a better fit for my interests and career goals. I'm hoping the second time is the charm. 
    I'm also applying for a few scholarships and waiting to hear back from the school regarding funding. Most likely will be work part-time to offset some of the costs.
    Any who, good luck to everyone in your studies!
  8. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Solio in Grad. School Supplies?   
    You mean like these:
  9. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Cat_Robutt in Grad. School Supplies?   
    I need to sit down and rethink my life. This is....wow, like, how did I not know about these?
  10. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Cat_Robutt in Grad. School Supplies?   
    You mean like these:
  11. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to hippyscientist in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    I'm the first in my entire family to go to university (well my dad went but got kicked out). I'm the only "nerd" in my family, and I'm not too sure how I've ended up on this path! But both my parents have been amazingly supportive, if not fully appreciating the effort. My mom sometimes reads these boards so she has a rough idea of the hell of the application process, but my dad was generic with the "oh I had faith you'd get it". The people at university and those who have gone on to higher education realise how awesome it is, and how insanely competitive too - my PI said that he only takes one student every 3 years or so so he can fully dedicate his mentoring to them. But most of the others that I've told are just bemused at my elation, offering well wishes but not really getting it. 
    I had absolutely no assistance with this process. My LORs were decidedly unhelpful but gradcafe and reddit have helped me figure it out. There really hasn't been much guidance at all through my schooling, but I think that's what makes us independent researchers! From wherever you come from, it's what you make of it (to a certain extent). Everyone has obstacles, just some people's obstacles are larger than others. When I was going through a tough time, someone said to me "The toughest burdens are given to those who can handle them" and to a certain extent (especially in the grad school context) it's true.
  12. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to rhombusbombus in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    My parents were proud because they knew i worked to get in, but i also dont think they fully understand how hard it is to get into these programs. Especially for someone with a completely different academic background. 
    Its frustrating being the first one to go to grad school. Sometimes i think they could be a little more excited for me. 
    Oh well, IM EXCITED FOR ME!
  13. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to janetjanejune in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Gonna hop in on the fun.
    Hey y'all! Accepted an offer with Oregon State. So happy to be over with the grad school application process.
    Now it's time to plan my cross-country move with my parents...
  14. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to anxietygirl in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Hi everyone! I've been a lurker for a while (I may have posted early in the Wait, Whine, Wine thread). I just wanted to congratulate everyone on their decisions and say thanks for creating such a positive community during such a stressful time! I'll be moving to Irvine in the fall (not very far from where I am now), and I'm really nervous and excited! I met my cohort at recruitment day, and I'm the youngest one (senior in college)!  Also @Pink Fuzzy Bunny CONGRATS! Try not to worry about your hair! It's an awesome opportunity! 
  15. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Pink Fuzzy Bunny in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    It depends on the type of loan.  Federal loans can usually be deferred, but private loans don't have to give you that option.  This is why financial experts always say to never take out private student loans because deferring may not be possible and they often have little to no affordable repayment options.
    I would tell him to ask himself if this is really what he wants to do and if so then buck up.  Yes reapplying sucks (I've done it) and casting a wide net (did that too) is costly and time consuming, but if he's determined then he'll get that acceptance.  Without knowing his field its hard to say how competitive things are, but it is possible that he wasn't competitive in terms of research, GRE, experience, GPA, etc.  Although I would say it is even more possible that his SOP/PS needs work.  Nontraditional students often struggle with showing how their unique path is a benefit to the department and field in general.  So that is probably where I would tell him to start.
  16. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to eternallyephemeral in Grad. School Supplies?   
    You're absolutely right that running shoes last a long time, but I'm looking for more professional shoes and I find that the one thing that basically makes me look more like a student and less like a future professional are the kinds of shoes I'm wearing. Obviously there are other, more important things, but my program has lots of internships. Also when I'm TAing, I'm very aware of trying to come across as a more mature adult to put some distance between the undergraduates and I.
  17. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to katpillow in What did you do during the summer right before you started your Ph.D. program?   
    I will just keep working in the job I've been at, probably up until 2 weeks before starting. I want to build as much of a emergency cash cache as possible. Benefits of being in the industry before going back to school, I guess?
  18. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to BooksCoffeeBeards in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    *cracks open a beer*
    Looks like I'm heading to Phoenix this summer. ASU, here I come!

  19. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to gingin6789 in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Hi Everyone!
    I haven't been active here because I've been traveling to the everywhere.
    I officially accepted Delaware's offer yesterday!
    Woo! It's finally all over! 
  20. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to hippyscientist in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    I just signed a lease! I have an apartment  That's such a huge relief.
  21. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to rhombusbombus in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Uhhhhh i just got Honorable Mention from the GRFP
  22. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Psych_Law in The Waitlist Struggle   
  23. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from cecsav in Grad. School Supplies?   
    For a nicer yet not a sneaker option I like Sperry's topsiders.  For more casual but cute and good for walking options or sandals I like Naturalizer, Aerosoles, and Easy Spirit.  For everything from flats, sandals, espadrilles, shooties, boots, gladiators, pumps, heels, wedges, mules, kittens, etc I swear by Clarks.  They aren't always cheap, but if you do some digging or buy in the off season you can find some deals/coupons and Clarks has an outlet also.  
    I have what shoe salespeople politely call "problem feet" and on top of that I walk and stand a lot and insist on looking foxy on a night out.  I mean seriously, how often do you see guys hitting on chicks in orthopedic shoes?  Yeah that's what I thought lol.  I have a pair of way to high for me heels courtesy of Clarks that I managed to strut all over town in and height aside they feel a lot like sneakers.
  24. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from easybreezy in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Anyone else majorly stalling on telling the important people in their lives that they'll be heading on the grad school journey?  I think I've mostly spent the last few weeks in serious denial that I'm actually going somewhere.
  25. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Need Coffee in an IV in We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016   
    Yeah I kinda felt bad too. In other news, I had an interview for a job today. I scheduled the interview before I got the good news from Tech and I didn't see the point in cancelling. I was hoping that they could do it as a summer position. That was a no go, but I'm happy I went through the interview. I've volunteered/intern at this museum in the past summers and wanted to leave on a good note.
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