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Posts posted by thatindividual

  1. If you're very thrifty and no problems arise (car breaks down etc...) I suppose one could *maybe* expect to live solely off their stipend. But unless you're an aspiring ascetic I don't know if I would recommend it. Really a "good" stipend depends greatly upon the school's locations. A $12,000 dollar stipend to live in New York City would put you practically in the ghetto without food much of the time. A $12,000 dollar stipend to live in a Midwest city might not be such an atrocity. I, personally, have never seen a stipend over 22K but its not like I seek them out and study them for a living (the highest I remember seeing recently was for Fordham in philosophy for 20K).

  2. I don't think his decision is meant to impact the Divinity School (directly) one way or another though I suppose potentially it could. I guess it depends on the extent of the ban but if it only goes into effect concerning things like graduation and convocation where the entire student/senior body is coming together, I don't have a problem with the ruling assuming thats the aim as long as it doesn't turn the study of religion into some sort of taboo (I don't think thats going to happen). I assume, and hope, things like Disciples Divinity House are still allowed affiliation with the campus without threat. It's unfortunate that some people have been "demoted" or even felt they needed to get out. Mr. Zimmer's decision seems to be in the spirit of the intellectual climate at U of C and the Divinity School where no particular creed is given precedence. I suppose the outright banning of all religious references isn't the most satisfying and a bit extreme but it is an understandable position nonetheless.

  3. I suppose there are a number of variables to consider (what your emphasis/specialty is, your areas of competence), but yes, most likely you are looking at teaching at some religious affiliated school in a religion department - maybe teaching a philosophy of religion class or something like that. I applied at UBC (British Columbia) and they explicitly mentioned that they DO NOT recognize A.M./divinity degrees. I don't know if a degree from Yale, Harvard, U of C etc... would serve as an exception, my suspicion is that it would. Also, if you want to a program like U of C you are looking at getting an actual Ph.D which would certainly help when applying to more secular schools. Still, I'd have to say the prospects aren't great (you're getting pigeonholed into a certain niche) and the prospects already aren't great to begin. I hate to discourage you from your dream but these are some things I would CAREFULLY consider before adding to your debt.

    One of my professors graduated from U of C, got his A.M. and Ph.D there. He is the school chaplain, teaches theology/Christian History courses/Environmental Ethics. He also got his B.A. in philosophy after a while, I don't know if thats something my school encouraged him to do or not.

  4. Well if you get full funding and/or stipend somewhere that should take precedence unless money is no issue. Also consider faculty (are you hoping to work under someone in particular) and location and anything else that tickles your fancy. You're going to get a quality education at either of those places and, hopefully, similar opportunities after graduation. All of those schools on the same tier, though some are stronger in particular areas. At some you might get more attention and better access to professors (make sure you read pgs. 16-18 in this thread concerning U of C).

    I just applied and got accepted into the A.M. program. I don't have any inside info relating to the school/faculty but that has been discussed in this thread pgs. 16-18.

  5. I got accepted into the A.M. program. I want to study philosophy of religion. Chicago Divinity is actually the only divinity/seminary school I applied to. I applied there because of the intellectual climate (which put me at ease as I am not a theist) and because I've constantly had one of my professors in my ear telling me I should go to Chicago since I was a sophomore (he is an alum). I applied to philosophy programs for my other 10 schools (many of them with religious affiliations of some sort). I want to study philosophy of religion and continental philosophy (existentialism primarily), and to a lesser degree, skepticism and epistemology. I am thrilled to get into such a prestigious institution though I must admit the promise of only getting half funding is quite the tease.

    Oh and about half-tuition, If I understood the website correctly they do provide full-tuition awards in addition to fellowships. Unfortunately I guess I don't show that much "promise" :). Oh well. I could have misunderstood the website as well.

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