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Posts posted by biyutefulphlower

  1. 39 minutes ago, louisamae said:

    Feels like we need boots on the ground, not heads in the clouds. Though I'm sure my pessimism is getting the best of me, in some regards...

    I guess that depends on what you consider 'the ground'.  Part of the reason I'm gung-ho about getting a PhD is that I feel like the humanities are going to need as many stewards as possible now.  And just because you're working towards a PhD doesn't mean you can't find other ways to fight.  (Personally, I think your discussion of museums sounds fascinating and I'm sure there are ways your research ties into what the country is going through.)

  2. 21 minutes ago, eadwacer said:

    Feel y'all on that. My lease is yearly and it's up on April 30th. I may just... move multiple states away to put my stuff in storage and live in my mom's basement until I know where I'm actually going. Grad school purgatory is the worst.

    Same boat here - my lease is up on April 30th, too.  At least it's likely I'll have an idea if I'm going *somewhere* by early April.  (I'll probably try to negotiate a month-to-month situation with my landlord through the end of the summer...if all goes well).  Not to mention I'm getting married on April 29th, so that add an extra layer of agita. The future-husband is also eagerly awaiting the end of this wait-season, so he can start looking for new jobs wherever in the country we may be.  It's too bad we don't have a definitive date like 'match day' like med-students, haha.



  3. 58 minutes ago, PoeticsofPossibility said:

    I'm out of likes rn but congrats to both of you!!! Participating in these forums now has me super emotionally invested in everyone here getting into a program lol 

    Hahaha - I'm feeling the same way! Congrats to all the recently accepted folks!! Let your happy tears flow~

  4. 1 hour ago, Wyatt's Terps said:

    I have a feeling that even if I get shut out this time around, I'll continue to stick around GC, akin to the old guy who sits in the corner of a bar, saying vaguely interesting things from time to time, but mainly becoming a part of the atmosphere... Or perhaps more like Old Bill from Westworld, the "host" who would have been impressive in his own time, but now just looks like a primitive, creaky android...


    (And yes, you can call me WT!)


    13 minutes ago, museum_geek said:

    That's one humdinger of a story, partner.

    Shall we drink to the lady with the white shoes?

    (Ugh, I just loved Westworld so much.)

  5. @tvethiopia - I just died laughing at work thanks to the Kermit gif - so, so perfect.  

    And Congratulations to @JessicaLange and @ProfessionalNerd!!!

    34 minutes ago, mullcj15 said:

    I applied to OSU! Freaking out because if they follow precedent, we may hear from them within the next week. *shrieks*

    2 minutes ago, Wyatt's Terps said:

    Yes indeed! I'm not freaking out, per se, but it's certainly exciting knowing that we'll probably know something next Friday... :o

    I'm going to be checking my account like a crazy person all next week.  Even if I say I won't, I know I will.



  6. 8 hours ago, TeaOverCoffee said:

    Panicking. Can't think in complete sentences. WHAT DO I DO WITH A MASTER'S DEGREE IF I DON'T GET ACCEPTED TO ONE OF THE 12 PROGRAMS TO WHICH I AM APPLYING? (I am screaming, inside and out.) Console me. Coddle me. Halp. 

    I think @Wyatt's Terps advice is sound, but just for more consoling, I have a job and a MA in English :) It's not a teaching job (if that's what you're looking for), but part of the reason I got this job is they had confidence in my writing skills & my research abilities.  Don't stress - you've got this, one way or another. 

  7. @Kilos - Uuugh, I feel you on the phone call thing.  It's been about 5 years on my end, and just the other day, I had the passing thought that I should call her.  (I'm really glad to know I'm not the only one that does that.)   When I was accepted to my MA program, I literally jumped out of my shoes from excitement - I was wearing flats that day, lol - then became a blubbering mess because she wasn't there to see it.

    And wow! That's really a glowing recommendation for the school.  (It's one of my top program choices, too.) Though I've never been to Oregon, a lot of my family and friends said they could picture me out West.  Best of luck to both of us!  I'm hoping to focus on comic studies~  From what I hear, Portland is a great comics hub and it's not *too too* far for a weekend/long day trip.

    Bouncing off of what @Yanaka said above, you're welcome to PM me too~

  8. 21 hours ago, Kilos said:

    I originally had 8 schools on my list. Unfortunately, my mother passed away on Thanksgiving, and due to time constraints I trimmed it down to five. Three are English/Literature Ph.D. programs, one is a Rhetoric Ph.D., and the other (which is actually my top choice) is an Education Ph.D. (concentration in Human Development, Learning and Teaching) that is perfectly aligned with my interests.

    So yeah, five.

    Seeing all of these people applying to 10-20 schools is making me wonder if I've made a grave mistake. Ha.

     I know I'm a bit late, but my condolences about your mother. My mom passed while I was waiting to hear back from M.A. programs a few years ago, so I totally understand how it can reorient your priorities. 

  9. 14 hours ago, BlackRosePhD said:

    Update: everything is working out. My 4th letter writer came through for me and he's been uploading recs for me. He's heaven sent, honestly . 


    Anyways, all my of my applications have been submitted! 

    That's wonderful!  I'm glad everything worked out with your recs.  And congrats on getting all your apps in - you can end the year on a high note it seems. :)

  10. @RydraWong - Like angle_kaye13 above, I'm going to be applying to a PhD in the same 'system' as my Master's.  (For context, only the CUNY: Graduate Center offers PhDs, so I couldn't go to Brooklyn again if I wanted too.)  My old advisor recommended that I throw his name in my SoP as someone I'd like to work with again, especially since he's writing me a LOR.  Personally, I don't think it's weird.  You'd have to like your advisor and the line of research they do to work with them in the first place, right? :) 

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