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Posts posted by sjalava

  1. Queen's has the results now according to the awards office but they won't tell me the results and said to contact my department administrator. But I heard from her this morning that she didn't have any further information. This is so excruciating hahaha

  2. 10 minutes ago, Yng.Astronaut said:

    No login email yet and I'm at Ryerson. I spoke to my program admin and they said they hadn't heard anything yet but if/when they do they will reach out. 


     I'm currently preparing for my comps and honestly I just want to know so that I can move on with my life without this being the only thought my brain can hold. 

    Same here for Queen's. Program admin says nothing yet, which is pretty dumb considering so many institutions already know and have informed their students. 

  3. Just now, bluesnow said:

    Hmm... I've also reached out to my institution late last night. Haven't heard yet.

    I haven't gotten a login either and noticed that SSHRC has just tweeted that emails could be going out this week and early next week...

    Ugh.. another weekend of waiting???

    I'm really hoping that my institution gets back to me today to avoid waiting over the weekend. Knowing my luck I would have to wait until early next week and then still be rejected. I want to just get it over with.

  4. Just now, inableakvision said:

    Ok so my uni's scholarships officer got back to me. I was awarded the SSHRC doctoral fellowship (committee 4, psych) !!

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of you who still don't know. I hope SSHRC figures it out by tomorrow or that your departments are able to update you today ?

    Awesome, congrats!!!

  5. Just now, TurnLeft said:

    Can I also say - THANKS to everyone for being paranoid and obsessed and stressed with this with me. I saw someone on twitter say something about how they checked the website "on a whim" and was surprised to have one and I was so filled with rage HAHA. No one checked the website ON A WHIM!!!!!! Come on. LOL. 


    /puts professional hat back on. 

    I saw that too and was internally raging hahhaha

  6. Agree with all of you. They keep moving the goal posts by changing the date and only bother to respond to a few individuals. Meanwhile most of us are here without login information and other people are already celebrating. With no clear indication of why that is a thing. 

  7. Just now, inableakvision said:

    I sent SSHRC an email just in case but jeez louise. How frustrating is it that SSHRC wasn't even able to send one email to everyone with an update on the situation...

    It's unprofessional in my opinion. I might be feeling a bit entitled and slightly bratty at the moment but it's just because I feel like there were so many more accountable and transparent ways to handle this situation in an already stressful time. 

  8. Just saw this tweet from SSHRC:


    Hello Molly-Gloria, apologies for the delay. We're anticipating that the emails will go out this week and early next week. A follow-up email will be sent once the results documents are uploaded. Thank you for your patience!
  9. Just now, coffeentea said:

    I called the Help Desk at SSHRC and they seemed confused as to why I didn't have an extranet account yet. They told me to call SSHRC or email them so I had to do that a few mins ago. Sigh.

    oh my goodnes... what?? They were confused as to why you didn't have one? This is concerning

  10. I think those of us still waiting are just the very unlucky ones that happen to fall in the second half of these waves of results? It's so hard not to be discouraged but we've waited this long together already!

  11. Just now, ponteix said:

    Could they really be unorganized to the point where they only send login info to people with positive results? Seems super unlikely

    I would really really really hope not. I think it's only going to hurt us mentally to think that, but I understand your desire to prepare for all possible outcomes. 

  12. Just now, purrito said:

    Just received this from my school's awards department. This is the information they received from SSHRC:

    Due to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, SSHRC has put in place a new process to communicate results to applicants. This includes a new platform: the SSHRC Extranet for Applicants. This secure site will allow applicants to access the results of their SSHRC funding applications. Applicants will receive, via email, information on how to activate their account on the site. Once the result documents have been uploaded, applicants will receive a subsequent email inviting them to view the results.

    We will begin rolling the results out in waves beginning tomorrow morning. All results should be available to students by end of day, Friday, May 1st.

    Finally, some solid information regarding the timeline!

  13. I was following the NSERC thread religiously and most of them got the extranet information on April 15 and then most got their results on April 16. Maybe we will be getting our accounts today and then the results tomorrow? I feel like they design this to be the most drawn out torturous process that they possibly can lol.

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