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Dr. Brains

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Posts posted by Dr. Brains

  1. Greetings fellow forum users,

    I just found out that I've been accepted to the PhD program in political science at Washington University in St. Louis (beginning August 2017). Given that I am primarily interested in Cognitive Neuroscience and Gender Studies, I'm fairly certain that I'll end up attending WashU for graduate study. That said, I'd like to try and get in touch with other individuals that have also been accepted by WashU just so I might get a head start in getting to know my cohort. So, if you or anyone you know has also been accepted to the PhD program in Psychology at WashU, please contact me!


  2. On 2/26/2016 at 12:11 PM, BeakerBreaker said:

    I live about the same distance as Clayton in the Park and drive to the med campus every day (I'm assuming this is where you're headed - neuro in DBBS?). Also, yay for WashU! :)

    Biking is okay during fair weather and daylight hours, although St. Louis isn't the most bike friendly of places. With some of those apartments, you could cut through forest park and it would be a nice ride.

    My PI's lab is on Danforth campus so it seems like it would be about a 15 minute bike through Forest Park and worse comes to worse, I can take an uber since the apartment is only 8 min away (according to google maps)


    I'm just going to go ahead and post this here. It's the map I send to first year/prospective students who are looking for housing near the med campus (so it's highly med-campus focused). Hopefully it will help some people. If anyone is more familiar with the Danforth side, please feel free to update/save/repost a version of the map with more details on that side of Forest Park: 


    Here's the map I refer to in this e-mail (let me know if you have trouble viewing it): https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=znSq18U6Bxo4.ka_fNS8CoCMQ
    Just to orient you on the map: The medical campus is the green square to the right of forest park (large green rectangle). I've also labeled metrolink stops with red markers. There's a blue marker that marks the 4444 building, which is where many of the genomics labs are located (though many of them will be moving to the main campus in the next year or two). 
    I'm sure you've heard quite a bit about the Central West End (purple and red on map) during the interview process. It's a great place and I highly recommend looking there for apartments. Some of the older buildings have extremely reasonable prices, while some of the newer ones can get pretty pricey. The Del Coronado is (in my mind) the gold standard of what you will find in the CWE. It's new, super close to campus and has a parking garage...but its prices reflect those benefits. I do, however, think it serves as a good comparator when looking at other buildings. If you have a car I highly recommend putting affordable, provided parking high on your list; parking in the CWE without an assigned space or garage can be a bit crazy. 
    I live in the Debaliviere (DEB) area, which is north of forest park (Blue on map). It's right next to the metro link and I metro to work most days. If you live in either the CWE or DEB, there is a shuttle that runs every 30 mins from campus from 5pm-midnight:30 (M-F) that will take you directly to your door on your way home. I love living where I do. It's not as frequently-travelled as the CWE, parking is easier and I feel very comfortable walking around at night. The CWE is generally safe but it has a lot more foot traffic coming through. 
    There's an area between the CWE and DEB that is highlighted on the map in pink. A good number of students live there but it's not immediately adjacent to any metrolink stop so transportation may be a bit more difficult, though there are some beautiful buildings in that area. 
    Another place you might want to look is The Grove (brown pentagon on the map). There is lots of affordable housing in The Grove and it's an area that is getting nicer over the years...but it's not a place I feel 100% comfortable walking on my own at night. I do, however, know a lot of people who live there and have never had any problems. There are several apartments outside of the pentagon that are perfectly safe/nice but I can comfortably vouch for the brown-covered area being filled with happy graduate students. 
    Also highlighted in green is St. Louis University (in orange). There are tons of apartments in that area, but again, you have the commuting issue that isn't a problem in DEB or CWE. I also highlighted the Tower Grove area (in black) at the bottom right. This tends to be a place students move to in their second or third years. I wouldn't recommend it during your first year.
    In yellow is the undergraduate (Danforth) campus and the Delmar Loop area. There are labs that some students may want to join on the Danforth campus and the Delmar loop is a great place to live. Unfortunately, I don't know much about the area. I recommend living close to the medical campus (green) for your first year at least since so many of your classes/journal clubs will be there.
  3. Recently accepted to WashU for Cog Neuro PhD! Haven't officially accepted yet as I have one other recruitment weekend to attend but will more than likely be attending WashU in the fall =] 

    I've been looking at Clayton on the Park, Lofts at the Highlands, and Cortona at Forest Park for apartments. Only concern is transportation to WashU from the Lofts and Cortona (though it's only a 15 min bike). Tips?

  4. 1 minute ago, sjoh197 said:

    HAHA I grew up near royal oak with my dad.... we would go into town for bike night  and my dad would always take me to Hooters and one of the local ice cream places. And every time we left Hooters he would say "That is why you have to go to college.... if you don't go to college you'll end up working at Hooters."

    I also lived with my mom in a very ghetto-ey part of town in Ypsi for a long time. 

    I'm from West Bloomfield! I currently live in Ann Arbor/Ypsi area :) Nice to know there are lots of Michiganders on here!

  5. 51 minutes ago, rhombusbombus said:

    So to reward myself for etting an acceptance and 2 recruitment weekends I'm going to get a passport and maybe new glasses. 


    Are you guys going to do anything similar?

    (I'm a girl) I think I'm going to get my hair dyed! I've never done it because I always grow it out and donate it to Locks of Love (I've done it 5 times now!) but this is something I've really wanted and I think I need to do it while I'm in my 20s or I won't be able to do it later. It's not going to be anything drastic though because I don't want it to look unprofessional. 

  6. 14 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:


    Congrats! I got my BA and my MS from U of M so lemme know (PM me) if you have any questions or concerns about housing, the campus, etc.! My building is right across from the physics building too :) 

  7. On 1/10/2016 at 9:57 AM, neuro_queen said:

    I posted this in a different thread, but I haven't heard/seen anything about it at all. I saw two UNC-chapel hill invites for the behavioral neuroscience program in December. Does anyone know if they are done with sending interview invites?


    21 minutes ago, neuro_queen said:

    I was tempted to email the department, but I know that they get a lot of applications and I don't want to be a nuisance. I guess all we can do is wait...:(

    i might just email them...i want to know. i 100% a nuisance and i'm sorry. 

  8. aw man :( well i'll copy and paste them below (Sorry for length):

    My apologies for taking so long to get this post up! I started classes and have been pretty sick. As a reminder, the more questions you ask me, the more I know what you want answers to!


    The purpose of the post for today is to provide my insights into interviews and hopefully ease some fears by helping you figure out what to expect at a biomedical science, molecular biology, immunology, or similar interview. I have a few questions that were in my message box, but other than that, I'm just going to fill in the pieces.


    You guys need to remember that at most institutions, if you're selected to interview, you've got a REALLY good shot at being accepted, sometimes better than 75% chance. These programs are trying to impress you on top of trying to make sure that you're going to be a successful student and a productive addition to their research institution.


    This is going to sound cliché, but the most important thing to remember is to be yourself. Don't pretend to be someone who you are not; you don't want them to view you as plastic and fake.


    How do you prepare for interviews?

    I hit on this previously, but there are more things to hit on. I mentioned that it is important to look up the professors who will be interviewing you if the school notifies you ahead of time. You can get a general idea about them from their lab website, but note that those are also rarely updated. Because of this, projects listed on the website may already be completed by interviews and could already be published (thanks to Glow_Gene for reminding me).Your best bet would be to look at their website and then check them out on PubMed. I also looked for their students on PubMed to see what recent publications they were included on. I read some abstracts and reviews on the professors' areas of research so that I would be able to discuss it with them when the time came, and I printed a few abstracts for study material. Prep a couple of general questions based on their most recent publications, but nothing super specific. You don't want to act like you know their field... because you don't!


    All of this research also comes in handy when you're finally at a school and need to pick your first rotation. I also recommend looking up a picture of the professors and program administrators so you can at least know who to expect. It makes you feel a lot more comfortable when you walk into their office! It is also a good idea to bring in updated copies of your resume or CV. Most professors are given your application, but in case they are not or they want a new copy, take them with you.

    I mentioned previously that I took some powerpoint slides from my last MS committee presentation with me to demonstrate that I could generate data. This is not necessary and definitely not required. You should also not do this unless your PI that you did the work under approves what you're taking with you; it could cause some big issues if your PI ends up getting scooped, and you want to protect that data.


    When you pack, keep your bags to a minimum. Sometimes professors come and pick you up, and you will have to get your bag into their car. You're only going for a couple of days, not a month!

    If you're currently in school, you need to be notifying people that you'll be gone. Make sure someone can record audio for you in lectures (if that is allowed) and be sure to reschedule things like exams as soon as you find out about the interview. I also had to find someone to sub for teaching my lab class. If you're employed, you need to either have some vacation time to take or you need to get some unpaid time off.


    What should you be wearing?

    I went over this in the previous post, but seeing people freaking out about it in the forums suggests it is worth repeating. On the plane or traveling, nice jeans and a decent shirt are generally fine, though I changed into khakis when I arrived at the airport.


    For "casual" events such as a dinner with graduate students or other evening activities, I dressed on the more casual end of business casual: Khakis and a cute blouse, brown boots.


    For my actual interview day, I dressed up more, but not to the level of a high end business professional. I wore fitted grey trouser pants with black boots, a ¾ sleeved black blazer, and a blouse.


    For ladies, it is important that you're comfortable.


    Here are things that I feel ladies should avoid:

    1. Skirts, especially those above the knee... Complaints about modesty were common from professors. If you wear pants, you don't have to worry!

    2. High heels, especially stilettos. You're going to be walking so much you'll be miserable before lunch. If you do want a heel, keep it low, and make sure that it is a fat heel so it is more supportive. Short wedge heels or boots are the best. Pick shoes you know you could wear 12+ hours with a few miles worth of walking in a day.

    3. Cleavage. Just cover it up, ladies. You'd rather those you're talking to to look at your face, right? V-necked tops should probably have a camisole underneath just in case.

    4. Sheer fabrics: There was a girl at interviews last year with a sheer shirt on over a yellow bra. Common sense should tell you to avoid things like that.

    Guys, you've got it easier, but sometimes you put patterns together that make people cringe. Just look professional, and that should be all you need to worry about. You don't have to wear a full suit; a nice shirt + tie and dress pants are fine. Just don't wear jeans.


    What are the outings with grad students like?

    Odds are, you'll be arriving the evening before your interviews. Schools generally like to have the current graduate students meet you and take you to dinner, and often these students are volunteers.


    Usually they'll take you out to a local restaurant and you'll all sit, talk, and generally have fun. This doesn't mean that you should go and get completely wasted. Have fun, have a drink (as in only one, and a small one at that), and enjoy your meal. These grad students are both your best friend and worst enemy. They'll give you insight into the professors you're meeting and will usually answer anything you want to know about the program really honestly. On the other hand, they're also directly in contact with admissions and will note things about you. If you're rude and obnoxious, they're going to tell someone. The same goes for if you're so quiet that you talk only when spoken to or if you do not seem to play well with the other applicants.


    Since I am assuming most people know how to play well with others right now, these outings with the grad students are great ways to learn about the area, real expectations for students, to ask questions about classes, professors, etc.


    I had a blast at one of the interviews; the students ate with us the night before, attended their student seminar the next morning, and then the night of interviews, we got to meet them around a campfire with the professors. After that, we headed to a bar, which was a test, but we all had fun. Probably the best day was the day after interviews where the students showed us their apartments and some of their favorite places in town. Everyone was happy, and everyone was enthusiastically answering our questions.The grad students really made us feel welcome and like we wouldn't shrivel up and die if we attended there.

    Another interview, the students were set up to meet us the evening we got there and then for a reception right after interviews. The difference was that students were reluctant to answer questions, acted miserable, and did not do much to make us feel welcome. These kinds of things can help you solidify a decision, later if you're struggling to choose between two schools.


    What is the interview like, and what are some common interview questions?

    You guys need to realize that everything is fair game. The types of interviews I attended were 3-5 interviews at 30-50 minutes each individually with each professor in their office. None of them treat interviews the same. One may want to ask you a ton of questions about your SoP, your research, and where you see yourself in 10 years. Another may have seen your application and decide that he wants to see how you take to being recruited for his lab, so your interview time will be spent discussing his research. Others are a mix of the two. Many professors will make at least some time in your interview to request that you ask questions of them about research, the area, and the program. Essentially, be ready for anything. I even was assigned a short homework assignment from one PI.


    The obvious thing to do to prepare is to read abstracts as discussed above and to make sure you remember everything you put in your essay.


    That being said, I know all of you still want some questions to prep to help control your constant worrying.

    1. Why do you want to pursue a PhD?

    You would be surprised at how many people get to their interview, are asked this question, and then just sit there staring at the person who asked it completely unable to generate a response. You're applying to grad school, so surely you have a reason for doing so, and hopefully it is one other than that the "real world" is a scary place. Know why you want to do this, and be able to talk about it.

    Hint: You probably hit on this in your essays!

    2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

    A good idea here is to have a couple of options already in your head.

    3. Why do you want to study at "insert institution name"?

    Of all questions, you really want to be sure of this! You need to be able to demonstrate that you've applied to a school for other reasons than it had a free application or has a well-known name. Were there specific PIs you wanted to work with? Be careful, here... you need to have more than one PI! Was there a specific research area, such as epigenetics, that the school is known for? They almost always ask this, often followed up by something like, "You didn't grow up in a place like this, so how do you think you will adjust?" or "Will moving away from your family be okay with you?" or "Will your significant other be moving with you, or will they remain behind?" These sound personal, and they are, but sometimes they ask to try and gauge if you're serious about the school. I know when I interviewed, I wasn't prepared for that kind of follow-up, but I had luckily already discussed it with my boyfriend and family..

    4. You said "insert random thing" in your essay. Can you elaborate a little on that? Why do you feel that "thing" is so important in "whatever they correlate it to"?

    This is notable because you're going to have things in your essay that make you unique. They're going to want to question you on that. It could be some anecdote from your essay, something you say you want to do with your life (like public science outreach), or even something completely random.

    5. Why did you want to be interviewed by me?

    If you got to select who your professors were, be able to tell them why you picked them. Telling them you just went down the list isn't nice. Pick your profs by research interests and other factors.

    6. Do you have any questions for me?

    Now would be a good time to ask questions about the program, or, if you haven't discussed their research, give a segue into discussing a little about it. Like anyone in science, they love talking about what they do!

    (More questions will be added as I get more question ideas!)


    Interview etiquette (copied from my previous post):

    Make eye contact.

    Shake their hands when you get there and when you leave them.

    Avoid "stuff" words (like, kinda, sorta, maybe, ummm, etc) and run-on sentences (and.... and then.... but..... and.....).

    Ask questions about their research, the students, AND the program (the PIs might not know, but they will see your interest).

    Say thank you!

    Do all of the things you know to be professional, but try not to make yourself seem plastic.

    It is a great idea to have someone give you a practice interview a few times before you go. Some career services places at your university may have this service for you. It is a good idea to film and watch yourself to see where you need to improve.

    Next time, we'll answer Rexzeppelin's question: "How do you determine if your potential PI is a closet psychopath?" Feel free to ask me questions in the comments or to message me questions! I'll either answer them directly or make a new post!



    These are great tips! I second everything about preparation, proper attire, and what the visit is normally like.

    Other general interview tips:

    - Reread all of your submitted materials - SOP, writing samples, anything else. Know what's in them.

    - Try and keep each answer you give down to 2-3 minutes, and set them up so as to invite your interviewer to ask follow-up questions. This is a great way to steer the conversation toward areas where you feel more confident.

    - It's ok to fumble and to be nervous. Thinking about answers to some common questions will help keep you going when you get stuck. Your goal is really just to sound coherent and excited. The rest will follow naturally.

    - Prepare some questions to ask your interviewers. This will come up. Read the school's website in preparation. See more on this below.

    - Feel free to ask graduate students anything, but watch their reactions. Normally grad students will be very honest and share all kinds of information with you.

    - However, not everyone will say bad things about their advisor to a (practically) stranger, so find roundabout ways of getting at someone's character and style as a mentor. Don't take others' (superficial) opinions too seriously, though. There are always going to be personality clashes between people, so the important question is about the trajectory and general past history of a certain professor, and whether you personally feel that you get along with them. Don't ignore glaring warning signs, but don't give any one person's opinion too much weight.

    - Do some basic preparation with regard to potential advisors. Read such things as the "About" page on their personal/lab website, and look at current and recent projects and publications, to have an idea of what their research. I don't think it's necessary to actually read any papers. If you know you'll be interviewed by people outside your subfield, I think it's enough to know what the person generally does. They will not expect you do know details of their work.

    - Above all else, BE POSITIVE. Don't say anything negative about the school you're currently attending, other schools you might be considering, experiences during the interview, etc.

    - Watch out for negativity directed at you in any way. Including, but not limited to, people trash-talking other schools, or gossiping about other students, professors, or prospectives, in an inappropriate way. For me, that's a major turn-off and a warning sign. If they allow themselves to be so off guard during an official visit, it must be even worse on a daily basis.

    A couple other relevant questions off the top of my head:

    - Tell me about yourself / your work / your research / your interests.

    There will be some version of this question at some point. Be able to say something intelligent and short. Also be ready to elaborate on something specific, e.g. your writing sample or whatever you proposed as a future interest in your SOP.

    - Why do you want to study [subfield]? What questions do you find particularly interesting?

    Something simple will do, and you are not obligated to actually study anything that you say you are interested in. But if there are particular questions, methods, etc. that you know you want to study more, you could mention that.

    - Do you have any questions for us?

    Be prepared. This will come up. A good question is a question that makes your interviewer feel good about themselves and/or their program. So don't ask if it's true that Prof X and Prof Y don't get along, or that the program recently had a grading scandal. You won't get honest answers and you'll forever be known as the person who asked that question. Depending on what was already covered in the conversation, you could ask about research/collaboration opportunities, courses in other departments, current lab projects, what advanced students are currently working on, what jobs recent graduates have obtained, etc. Avoid yes-no questions and simple questions that are already answered on the website. Another angle is to ask the prof about their own work, projects that may start in their lab soon, what they see as important open questions in the field, what they think have been the most important advancements in the field, etc.


  9. 21 minutes ago, piglet33 said:

    YOU GUYS!! I had an email from a PI urging me to apply for the graduate school fellowship award as "I want to award it to you, but I can't until you sign these forms". I hadn't heard anything from this school until this point. YAY!

    And I took my 2nd exam and it went well (I think). And I saw Star Wars (go see it, it's amazing). And now I'm going for pizza because there's a gluten free pizza restaurant in my incredibly small town. Today is so good!!!! 

    Passing all my positive vibes on to you all. Keep smiling! It will all work out!



  10. On 1/6/2016 at 11:14 PM, St0chastic said:

    Congrats to everyone!

    The past few days have been rather eventful.  Much to my surprise, I've received interview invites from Northwestern, Urbana Champaign, WUSTL, and UCLA.  I applied to cognitive/cognitive neuroscience programs.  I have a lot of background reading and research to do over the next month!

    can you PM me your POI for WUSTL?

  11. 2 hours ago, gingin6789 said:

    Whining about dreams again, but just a scary dream, not a PhD-related one. 

    In my dream, I get a phone call from my next door neighbor. My house was built in 1902, and my bedroom is a spacious attic which we joke may be haunted. In my dream, my neighbor calls and says "Samara isn't going to take it anymore. She's not gonna stand for you being there."

    I hang up the phone, and my fiancé asks what that means. I tell him it means I can't go home again...  unless I try to stop Samara the ghost. 

    My fiancé and I end up IN a video game about koalas. Koalas are one of my favorite animals, so it's cute. But it gets scary quickly. A koala bites my fiancé, and I wrench the koala off his hand and take it away, allowing it to latch to my hand, since I know it's a video game and won't really hurt. 

    We hide out in a clear plastic tent, and an old man passes by, stares harshly at me, and runs his finger across his throat quickly as if to say my death is near. Angry, I look back at him and do the same motion before pointing as him, as if to say "no u". 

    The koala in my hand has turned into plastic, which I crush in my hand since I'm so angry. I quickly realize that, since I accidentally killed the demon koala, I'll soon pay for it... Worse, I made an enemy of the man who threatened me.. 

    The most terrifying music begins playing, and I wake up. 

    Even after I wake up, the tune remains in my head... Thankfully I can't remember the tune now. 

    So freaking scary, and might have ruined one of my favorite animals for a while. 


    Had three dreams in one night about getting accepted to one school and then had two dreams another night about being accepted somewhere else.... then I woke up and was depressed because they weren't real :(

  12. 18 hours ago, 123hardasABC said:

    Is that in DBBS (I ask because I know Neurosci is)? But yeah rejections from that depeartment went out this week. Two waves of interview invites have gone out already. I've heard nothing back, and the one official interview day is Feb. 26. :|

    I'm in Behavior, Brain, and Cognition (Psychology) and there's only ONE post about it on the survey. I saw all the DBBS rejections :( but maybe no news is good news! Feb 26th is further away than Feb 12th (my recruitment weekend). I emailed the grad admissions woman for my area and she said they're sending out invites either Jan 14/15th or Jan 18/19th so they might wait until late Jan to send your invites out! Stay strong (and tipsy), my friend. 

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