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Posts posted by Apogeee

  1. Did one of your professors volunteer to do this? It seems premature, and I wonder if it could do more harm than good. Perhaps if you haven't heard something by the beginning of April, you could consider it. I am also slightly uncomfortable about having someone else contact a school on your behalf. It seems like something the applicant should be doing for himself. But I do not really know about this. I am simply putting my thoughts out there for you to consider.

  2. Since your time off has been spent in the field, I don't see this time as a detriment. You can spin it carefully in your personal statement if your advisors recommend that.

    Have you considered giving a paper at a conference? That will be a useful addition to your CV.

    That being said, I see a larger potential problem with not having an easy or comfortable time "cranking out academic prose" since that is the main activity of the PhD. Are you sure a PhD is what you want? So many people start, and then, when they realize that it's not all about the classes, but mainly about the writing, they get discouraged and end up leaving ABD.


    Good luck.



  3. Good luck in your next steps! And congratulations on your acceptances and decisions. This week has not yielded any further information for me. It's been a frustrating week. And of the schools I'm waiting to hear from, only one is on spring break. The universe is apparently trying to teach me patience.

  4. Thank you for the encouragement! The "sharp letter s" if that's what it is called, ß (that looks to me like a B and gave me trouble for a long time before I considered studying German) makes a lot more sense when I compare the English long ſ next to a round s, even if that's not where it actually originated. And of course the Greek forms of sigma should have helped. Really, it was reading earlier manuscripts in Latin that got me over that difficulty. 

    I do appreciate everyone's encouragement. No news this week.

  5. Hello everyone. Looking ahead, I am wondering whether to begin my study of German first, or French? I have some prior study of French and Spanish, but not enough to do more than puzzle out what I am reading or carry on half of a conversation in either of those languages, and no prior study of German. I have already run into trouble trying to read secondary sources and finding that most of the ones I should read but haven't are written in German. How would you suggest I proceed?

  6. Thank you for starting this topic.  Still waiting to hear from Bryn Mawr, SUNY Buffalo, and Boston University, and with each day I feel my hopes getting dimmer. Accepted at Catholic University. Waitlist at Rutgers. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Jimleko said:

    Looks like final decisions from Berkeley's AHMA program are out.  Alas, I was not accepted, but immediately after I got an acceptance from Catholic University's Greek and Latin program.  Always nice when the bad is followed by the good.

    Congratulations on your acceptance! 

    • M.A in Applied Linguistics (graduating in May)  at Teachers College, GPA 3.6, GRE 159V 165Q 3W, B.A in cross cultural communication from a Chinese university

    I think you should work on the writing and verbal areas of your GRE, but especially the writing. PhD programs focus a lot on writing.

    You could consider a year of TESL training at a good university with a Linguistics program, perhaps to get a teaching certificate, if possible. This would help your application to stand out. Also, ask your advisors what you can do to improve your application portfolio. Then take all of their advice.

    Next time around, apply to 10 programs. Some of this is a pure numbers game.

    Good luck.

  8. Yes, you can live in Lexington on that pay. Not give lavish parties, but you can pay the rent and utilities, eat, pay for car insurance and gas, and buy books. You will have more room in your budget if you find a place to live that you can share. If you have a TAship, then you will have health insurance, too. If you are a TA, you will not get paid between the middle of May and the middle of August. I am currently a TA at UK. I live alone, and my rent is $525 a month.

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