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Posts posted by Anthro14

  1. ahhh, how do you refute it!? i just received a generic email saying that my application did not comply with their eligibility rules, but i have NO idea why. they say you have to submit any questions in writing, so I sent an email and still havent heard. i called today and the women said she was not allowed to tell me on the phone but had to wait to receive an email back. i dont understand!?

  2. Did anyone out there apply for the Ford Fellowship? I havent seen any threads about it and was wondering if anyone knows the acceptance rates? Or any general information for that matter!

  3. I applied for beginning Hindi! Anyone have any experience with that program? Know the acceptance rates/popularity? I REALLY need this for my dissertation research in Anthropology AND my program requires that we spend 3 months this summer abroad doing language learning/prelim research... and we are not funded. **Fingers crossed!

  4. I'm currently a first year doctoral student at TC and no PhDs receive full funding. I luckily got a full academic scholarship for being a minority this year, but already have it on good authority that it will not be renewed. With the scholarship I also have a work study position and I TA an undergrad course at Columbia to pay for living expenses. I live on campus, Whittier Hall. I also took out the subsidized loan i was offered. I spent all fall applying to outside fellowship programs (NSF, Ford, CSF, etc) so that I will be able to attend next year.

    I love my program, and its really the only place that it exists (Anthropology & Education, Applied Anthropology), so I know that im in the right place. The funding is extremely frustrating though and a source of stress. Hopefully come March Ill hear some good news about outside funding and will not have to worry anymore!

    I suggest if there is a very specific program at TC that you need, go to TC, but be prepared to work a bunch of jobs, take out some loans, and apply to outside fellowships. If not, I suggest looking at programs that are already fully funded with stipends.

  5. So Im not sure about Masters people, but for PhDs we are required to test out of 2 scholarly foreign languages (or 1 scholarly and 1 field language) at the end of the 1st or 2nd year, I believe. Having not really taken foreign languages since high school, does anyone know if they allow you to take say French or German or something as one of your semester classes in order to prepare for the exams... or do they expect you to brush up on your languages on your own... through self-study or other sources? THANKS!

  6. i got my financial aid package emailed to me a few days ago. i was offered a minority scholarship (yay native american ha!), work study, and then grad plus & stafford loan options.

    i started looking into the work study positions posted online, but i really dont want a filing/desk job... i might take the lifeguard job, but they have awful hours. Hopefully ill get to talk to some financial aid people at the accepted students weekend this week so i can start figuring some things out.

  7. Who exactly did u email? Did u just fill out that questionnaire on the actual webpage or did u have a real email address? Cause i used that questionnaire on the grad admissions webpage but still havent received a response

  8. Thank you to the post above! I feel much better now knowing about the "batches" thing. I just wish they would hurry up and get to my batch! The wait is killing me! Has anyone else heard from International Education Development?


    nope, still waiting to hear anything from Anthropology & Education... oh waiting...

  9. Hey, just wondering if anyone knows whether TC fully funds PhD students at all for a certain amt of years? OR do we have to get all of our funding from outside scholarships, grants, and fellowships? Having trouble finding specific, straight forward info on the website. THANKS!

  10. So I got rejected from Uchicagos Anth PhD program... but within my rejection letter I was accepted to a weird MAPSS (Masters of Arts Program in Social Sciences) program that I had never applied to. Anyone else get this email? Whats the deal? Anyone considering it?

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