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Posts posted by istanbulnotconstantinople

  1. I would imagine your GPA in your finance MA is more significant at this stage than your undergrad GPA. You don't say what that is, but I fear that if both your undergrad and grad GPA's are low you may struggle to convince any PhD programme in the top 20 to take you, especially as most of them have a rule that if you don't average a B grade in classes you will be put on probation. This is probably why you have heard that schools reject anyone with GPA's below 3.0. Therefore, I would say focus on doing as well as possible in your MA and proving that you could maintain a graduate level that they would be happy with.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Girl with Buddha Tattoo said:

    Hi everyone, I have been accepted by Education Policy M.S.Ed at Penn and M.Ed. IEPM at Peabody. And I am already spoilt for choice. Any pointers, inputs on how to decide between two? I know some of the obvious stuff only ( 2 yrs vs 1 yr, International Internship at Penn etc). But some insightful comparison would be very helpful. 

    Congratulations! I don't know if you're read the thread here http://forum.thegradcafe.com/topic/65058-international-education-vanderbilt-iepm-harvard-iep/#comment-1058273394 which seems to go into some detail comparing the two - it seems pretty helpful. Also, perhaps if the people on it are still active you could PM them for more information.



  3. In my experience as a teacher you always feel guilt when leaving your students, whatever the reason is (new job/career/maternity leave - you name it). You simply have to come to terms with this fact and accept it. I think that the same is true of any profession where you feel you are aiding people and responsible for improving their lives (social workers / doctors for instance), but truthfully the guilt you feel is a marker of the respect and love you have for job, colleagues, students, so actually not feeling guilty would be a more worrying sign.

    My advice is to make the most of the time you do have left - as I am sure you will. I have seen some teachers mentally check out on students and I think this is the most unfair thing, I intend to 'go out with a bang', as they say, and make sure I do my utmost in the last few months for the students. This helped somewhat in my last school with the guilt aspect and I also requested an exit interview with the head teacher so that I could ensure I passed on what I believed were the good/bad practices in place and concerns I thought he may be in a position to remedy (or at least should be aware of) that way I left knowing I had done everything I could for the kids.

  4. 5 hours ago, libbyt said:

    Originally, I wanted to apply for FALL 2017 (like my other apps), but that wasn't available when I went to apply to Penn.  Anyway, I went ahead and contacted them. I'm waiting to hear back. Thanks for your help!

    Best of luck - I hope you get onto the programme and that they do let you know as early as possible. Applying so early makes you super organised and that can only be a good thing!

  5. 1 hour ago, libbyt said:

    Hello! While I'm sure most of all of you are waiting on admissions letters for Fall of 2017, I've recently applied for Fall of 2018 to the Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education Ph.D. program. Do you think applying this early will help my chances? Also, with rolling admissions, do you think I'll hear back in the 4-8 weeks or later? I've been nervously sitting here for the last two weeks wondering and waiting.Thanks in advance!

    If you have applied for fall of 2018 then I don't believe that your application will be reviewed until at least the current round of PhD applications is over (which is still isn't as the interview weekends haven't happened yet). I also could be wrong, but I am fairly sure that UPenn won't make any offers more than a year and a half early, for PhD programmes. To be honest, I am pretty surprised the application for 2018 is even open. I think, however, that you are best off calling the admissions office and speaking to them.

  6. On 04/02/2017 at 2:20 AM, forgetful26 said:

    The Institute of Education at the University College London offers one program online 



    I am not sure how European universities are welcomed in the States, but across Latin America, a degree from UCL's IOE is very well regarded. 

    The IOE is ranked number 1 in the world for education programmes and UCL (who took it over only recently) is ranked in the top 10 universities in the world, so a degree from there is extremely well received wherever you go thereafter.

    You may also find it's fees are cheaper than some US institutions (my MA cost just £4,500 or approximately $5,700). I am not sure how it compares to all of your choices but the online PhD for international students is about $20,000 per year if you are full time.

    The only immediate downside I can think of to choosing a programme outside of the US is the difficulty of visiting in person sometimes should you wish to do so. 

    I attended the IOE as a masters student so if you would like to ask any questions then please feel free to PM me.

  7. On 01/02/2017 at 4:44 AM, hopefulPhD2017 said:

    I don't but it sounds like an awesome program. Good luck! Stanford GSE thread eerily quiet. One interview on results board so far. 

    Yeah it has been eerily quiet but then again Stanford were clear that

    a - they don't do interviews (although obviously they did for someone?)

    b - that decisions will be sent out mid-feb.

    So my guess is that everyone on the thread simply doesn't have anything to do except wait anxiously.

  8. On 01/02/2017 at 9:16 PM, Reif said:

    I also got this "official document request" as well. Should I order the official transcript now so that I may have the chance to get admitted? Please help.

    According to the results page this has happened to lots of people but we don't need to send the documents. It's something to do with the webapply system not Stanford apparently.

  9. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!"  Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear.  Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them.  "You did it!" 

    Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously.  There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical.  Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated

  10. I am an international student and the election did not deter me from applying for several reasons:

    1) I currently live in Turkey (although I am British) and living through a military coup the week before taking your GRE and having Facebook reach the point where the memories it brings up are statuses telling family and friends you are alive, has a funny way of putting in perspective what you want to do with your life. Things in the US are very worrying and I do not mean to demean there seriousness in any way, but there is far more room for people to respond and rebel against the government via legal channels and through freedom of expression there than there is in Turkey. Thus for me a move to the US would actually increase my personal sense of freedom and safety.

    2) Due to some of my reservations about moving to the US (not all of which pertain to the government specifically) I chose to spend 5 weeks travelling across the country this summer. I spent time with friends and alone and I spent a lot of time in rural areas as well as cities and got on trains across the country too. This experience led to me having many conversations with people of all kinds of backgrounds and I found them to be unfalteringly welcoming people. I also was able to hold rational conversations with people across many different political spectrums and this reassured me that I could be happy in the states during my degree.

    3) My desire to study for a PhD in education is based on my fervent belief that more people need to be involved in policy making and the fight against some of the decisions which governments such as the US and Britain (amongst many others) are making. I know there are many fronts on which people around the world want to make a stand and I also believe the other causes people are currently protesting for are critical, but I have taken the decision that we each have to choose the thing which we know most about and are most passionate about and fight on that front. For me this is education. I intend to spend my life trying to ensure that children (and adults) have access to equitable and fair education. Studying in the US is an invaluable way of working towards this goal and will enable me to work with incredible people who have faced many complex challenges in education. The current government does not change that fact, if anything the challenges it poses may even mean I learn a great deal more whilst living in the US.

  11. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!"  Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear.  Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them.  "You did it!" 

    Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously.  There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical.  Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, 

  12. On 1/27/2017 at 3:18 PM, jungjalapeno said:

    I got this for my MS&E Ph.D application (Sorry to hijack this thread, I was searching for this phrase).

    This seems to be some sort of paid service by applyweb. The only clue I got is from here: https://gradadmissions.stanford.edu/

    For accepted students only: Stanford requires academic credentials directly from the issuing institution. If you attended one of the few institutions that issues only one official document and only to the student, then please submit a HelpSU ticket to request an appointment with Graduate Admissions upon arrival at Stanford for verification of the credential

    I was likewise searching for the same phrase and have this on my application for a PhD in education. I am baffled though as the email I originally received from them to acknowledge my application stated:

    2.    Applications submitted with unofficial, uploaded transcripts will be considered as complete.  Only admitted applicants will be contacted with instructions for sending official transcripts.

  13. 21 hours ago, forgetful26 said:

    Hello all, I wanted to ask if you have the option to submit official documents (transcripts) available on your application?  But I wanted to check if everyone has such option available?

    I thought they only wanted copies of them on the application. But I also have that request and it will cost me almost 200 dollars plus I still have to contact all my universities and get the transcripts sent. I went through this whole process for Upenn and even emailed Stanford to ask if they wanted me to send my evaluation to them but they said no. Also the email I originally received from them to acknowledge my application stated:

    2.    Applications submitted with unofficial, uploaded transcripts will be considered as complete.  Only admitted applicants will be contacted with instructions for sending official transcripts.

    There is simply no way my documents will get to the evaluation service and then on to Stanford before their mid-february decision deadline. So I am now really worried that this means my application is void - I have emailed the admissions office to check though.

  14. 11 hours ago, refreshingmyemail said:

    I also applied.. was waiting for the end of the month but ot looks like someone recieved an interview already...have any of you heard from them?


    Hi, yes, I received an invite to their interview day. I'm not sure if they send them all at once or in batches though as they did make clear that if I wasn't able to attend they would give my place to someone else.

  15. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!"  Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear.  Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them.  "You did it!" 

    Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously.  There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception


  16. 8 hours ago, SebsHQ said:

    When in February are we thinking we'll hear for Masters admissions?

    It actually looks from the results page that masters decisions tend to go out at the beginning of March. PhD decisions go out around mid-February and I saw the odd MA rejection around that time too (it could be programme dependent). But It would seem that early March is when you're likely to hear.

  17. A useful thread. I am currently on holiday and therefore less stressed than I think I could be, but I honestly don't know what I'll do if I don't get in anywhere. Being an international applicant I keep thinking I've probably made silly mistakes through not understanding the system well enough - since you don't get feedback though I don't think I would necessarily know what to fix if I reapplied. I'm also not really sure how much I could do in the 3 months I would have between leaving my current job and next years' application deadline to improve my application. Thus if I don't get in anywhere I think I may give up on the PhD dream for the time being and return to it in later life if it seems any more feasible. After backup plan b (go home and cry for a while) my plan c/d are travelling or take another international job and decide what to do with your life whilst somewhere sunny.

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