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Posts posted by istanbulnotconstantinople

  1. Yes, I have applied. For SHIPS Education Policy. My Maths GRE score was 158 which I wasn't overly happy with, but since my verbal was 165 and analytical 5.5 I figured it was still worth giving it a shot, though I am kind of expecting to be rejecting based on the stats for admission.

  2. I have been reading this thread for a little while, but decided to hang back on posting until after applying since I didn't want to overstress about my applications. I hope its ok to join in now that we're all in for a long wait together.

    I am applying for PhD's in the field of education policy (plus a backup in international education).  I am from the UK but currently working in Istanbul, I have been a teacher for 7 years and have an undergrad in English Literature and a masters in Comparative Education (both from two of the top ranked universities in the UK/world). I have been at a real loss sometimes trying to work out how my academic records translates into the US since we don't get GPA's and no-one EVER does any research at undergrad in the humanities fields (though obviously my undergrad had me reading reams of academic journals, I have done multiple extended essay projects, and completed a thesis project in my masters). But eventually I decided to just go for it and apply for a PhD in the states hoping my background was enough. Taking the GRE was the biggest challenge I had, since I have never taken a multiple choice test in my life except for my driving test theory exam and I had to learn that 'quick-trick-mathematics' is a thing - in the UK most of your marks come from showing your working out so this baffled me at first. But I got through it in the end.

    I am relieved to have got in all my applications on time. Now I just have to wait and see.

    Thank you though for the useful advice you have been posting - good luck to you all.

  3. Hi,

    I don't specialise in international relations at all, but I am British and did my MA in London. Generally speaking acceptance rates are pretty high as MA degrees are considered to be cash-cows for the universities (especially international students). That said places like Kings do specify the minimum GPA of 3.3 (so since you are very close I hope you swung the A's you needed to get over it). In the UK GPA's really are a minimum requirement and beyond that they tend to be more bothered about the reputation of the institution you did you undergraduate degree at and you academic ability.

    In comparison to the US it seems that UK universities really want a focus on academia not on personal qualities and because undergraduates in the UK study only one specialism you probably need to really use your personal statement to explain why the variety of courses in your undergraduate is pertinent to the study of international relations (and possibly even puts you ahead of many other applicants from the UK who may have only done a degree in history or politics when you have - perhaps - studied both). So really, as long as you write a clear personal statement showing that you have the previous knowledge and desire to study the subject and have some decent references, you will stand a good chance of getting in. That said I would advise you to apply to a couple of universities to give yourself the best chance and give yourself some choice if you get into more than one.

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