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Posts posted by Janeway01

  1. 21 hours ago, telkanuru said:

    I don't really think anything you've put there responds to what I've said; you've no need to justify yourself to me. And in case it wasn't made clear above, my undergraduate degree is from Harvard Extension, which you reference. I took a good chunk of my coursework online there, and know both the benefits and downfalls. The above is lessons learned from experience, and not me trying to shit all over your hopes and dreams for giggles.

    With respect to your point of the utility of the MA, I agree, and I was being a bit flippant with my binary. But the benefits you mention are such regardless of the particular wording of your MA. Given that subject, I focused my advice on the PhD. 

    Oh please rest assured I was not justifying my life choices to you, only seeking to add clairity to your narrow view online degrees. 


    Actually what I wrote, answered each of your initial challenges: relationship building, faculty stature, and cost v. benefit. I explained this particular program allows for developing relationships with leading professors from many highly respected institutions if you put in the effort. I also explained that the $6,000 price works out to be a good investment when compared to a traditional program with no funding.  You chose to focus your response on the presumption that I was going for a Ph.D, perhaps due to your self admitted binary of views on people with MAs in History (one shared by many). I,however, never mentioned getting a Ph.D. 

    Finally, I'll end my participation in this thread by rititerating a previous point- you could go to an ivy institution and not be successful and go to a minor state institution and be successful. 

  2. While I didn't set out to debate the merits of an online degree, nor the reputation of Adams State, I will respond just to add clarity. There are several respected universities that offer fully online degrees and even Harvard offers a partial online MA (3 classes must be on campus). I know online degrees are not as respected as the traditional way, but after researching the various programs, several stood out as both academically sound and affordable. The entry requirements are the same (give or take a couple), and  the program requirements are the same. Like most things in life, you get what you give. You could go to a ivy school and not be successful, or a minor state university and be very successful. With Adams, though, the courses are taught by a variety of professors from top schools using live lectures that enable real time interaction. Professors from Columbia, Harvard, UMass@Boston, George Washington, City University of NY and many others lead the classes and in my limited experience are available for conversation outside of the lecture. Therefore, developing a relationship may be more difficult, but doable. You also have a professor at Adams to guide your thesis work. While the chances of them being in your field are slim, it's better than being totally on your own. That is the give and take in an online program. Not necessarily worse than a traditional program if you put in the work. 



    For me personally I don't plan on going on to a Ph.D. But, getting a MA isn't always as useless unless getting a Ph.D as people seem to think. It will give me an immediate raise and will increase the amount of future raises at my current job. It will also open me up for administrative jobs in the school system, government jobs outside of public education, and potential jobs at local community colleges. For approximately $6,000 total, it's not too bad an investment-minor state university or not.



  3. Thank you both for the input. I figured I was over thinking the title, but it is an annoyance. I want the degree to say 'History.' I could always switch to another program I suppose, but what a hassle getting credits transferred. I figured going the online route would be somewhat detrimental, but it's the only real option available that allows me to work full time as well. Also, couldn't beat the price at $600/course! I guess I will just have to make the resume reflect the reality of the program, and not rely on the name/basic details. The degree won't say 'online' though, and while I won't lie, I won't make a point to announce it was online either.

  4. Hi-


    I began an online MA program through Adams State Universtiy in CO last year. They just announced that they are changing the name to a MA in Humanities with an Emphasis in American History. However, all thirty hours of coursework is in history and there is still a thesis requirement with a defense on campus.  My question is, what is the likely hood of obtaining a job in a history field (museum, community college, government etc...) with this degree title? On its surface, does it have greater potential to turn people off?

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