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Status Updates posted by DBear

  1. Done! Thankful that I won't have to do this over again. 3 years of prep is enough. Gonna go burn some GRE books!!

    1. OptimiscallyAnxious
    2. I_mix


      AHHHH Congrats!!! Super happy for you!

    3. DBear


      @OptimiscallyAnxious thank you!! @I_mix Thank you so much! Hope you will be done with this roller coaster soon!!

  2. :mellow: is gradcafe being broken the universe's way of telling me I spend too much time on this thing? 

  3. OH GAWD. I'm a Latte Macchiato. I need to get a life outside this forum.. but ..I like it...here...

    1. BlueNahlchee


      Mission Accomplished :D

  4. I won't have internet access for 12 hours. My hands are shaking from withdrawal already.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DBear


      Thanks @I_mix, it was hard at first but so relaxing not being able to look at applications or even this forum!

    3. cmykrgb


      I totally get this. I was flying back to Taiwan in December which was the peak of interview invites for my programs. did not have internet for 14hr. What's worse was the flight offered paid wifi. I almost spent $21 for access. Good thing I didn't cuz I did not get anything during that time.

    4. DBear


      @cmykrgb OMG - that would suck!! Luckily for me I was flying before peak notification season so the likelihood of me getting an email was minimal. Still, I also was contemplating getting the in-flight wifi before I boarded but lucky for me, it was an old plane so didn't have it.. hahaha.. 

  5. Best thing about Skype interviews: you can wear fuzzy pj pants and bunny slippers. Also, no need to worry about bad breath. Trying hard to find the bright side of a 4am Skype interview.

    1. CoffeeFueledAnxiety


      Haha, so true! No need to worry about bad breath because we have more than enough to worry about :rolleyes:. I guess I was lucky that mine was at 9pm.

    2. DBear


      Yeah - usually I would've tried to arrange for 10 pm or even midnight but then it was a bit hard arrange (and my top choice school) so I decided to be accommodating - I found that the time difference with the east coast or west coast isn't so bad but the midwest SUCKS!!

  6. Grad schools in Korea all have clearly communicated notification days when ALL applicants get notified yay/nay/waitlist all at once. So much more humane than this torturous waiting game we're forced to play....

    1. kekology4


      more schools need to take this approach!


    2. DBear


      @kekology4 Right? At least for me, I know that if I had that type of information, I'd have a much easier time not thinking about waiting. 

  7. A state of peace has set in, something close to feeling like *whatever* perhaps the anxiety has gotten so permanent that I've managed to numb myself.idk

  8. So all LORs are in and am officially DONE with applications so I can freak out in earnest! YAY!

    1. phdthoughts




  9. 5 out of 7 apps done. Just need that one last letter writer to finish what he frigging started!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hopefulPhD2017


      Had same problem. Ended up grabbing a back-up letter writer the day my apps were due as my writer never did come through. Hang in there and start combing for a back up. Congrats on 5 down!

    3. DBear


      @hopefulPhD2017 Thanks! Luckily the professor uploaded (I think) the last two. One of the schools hasn't updated the online tracking page yet. He was 2 weeks late with two of my letters so was about to send out an SOS to a backup when he finally uploaded the 5... thank god I won't have to ask a backup. 

    4. hopefulPhD2017


      @DBear that's awesome. Good luck getting everything else done before the deadline!

  10. Please, God almighty, don't make me do this again next year

    1. Yanaka
    2. I_mix


      I feel you.

    3. hopefulPhD2017


      That had never occurred to me. Crapppp...

  11. All I want for Xmas is you (LOR writer, to please upload my frigging letter)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. phdthoughts


      Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that. My one letter writer that I've been waiting for emailed me to let me know she'd been traveling and she would write my letters. Which is nice to hear, but no actual letters yet. Fingers crossed for this week as the deadline for my top choice is on Jan 1.

    3. DBear


      My letter writer told me on 3 different occasions that he would write them "today." Yet know letters... be sure to follow up, @phdthoughts, and hopefully you'll have better luck than me!

    4. phdthoughts


      Well @DBear my writer has three days until Jan 1 and I'm still waiting. :( And for my top choice too. Wishing us both some luck. 

  12. That one last letter :(


  13. Almost midnight EST on the 15th !!

  14. I now have a craving for apple pie with just the right sugar ratio!

    Thanks for all your great feedback!

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