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Status Replies posted by DBear

  1. Currently getting cat cuddles. I think they know I was rejected for a program today. Good kitties :) 

  2. I won't have internet access for 12 hours. My hands are shaking from withdrawal already.

    1. DBear


      @cmykrgb OMG - that would suck!! Luckily for me I was flying before peak notification season so the likelihood of me getting an email was minimal. Still, I also was contemplating getting the in-flight wifi before I boarded but lucky for me, it was an old plane so didn't have it.. hahaha.. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Just twiddling my thumbs as I wait to see where next my life will fly...

  4. I won't have internet access for 12 hours. My hands are shaking from withdrawal already.

    1. DBear


      Thanks @I_mix, it was hard at first but so relaxing not being able to look at applications or even this forum!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. First acceptance in my inbox! Oh my, I am going to grad school!!! 

    1. DBear


      Congratulations! Seeing that you are in Southeast Asia, I hope the acceptance is from somewhere warm! I lived in Singapore for a couple of years and remember how hard it was to re-adjust to the winters in my home country. Good luck!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. How can all of you sleep at a time like this????

    1. DBear


      I dunno about @eternalwait, but I'm up (2:22am here) as anxious as ever. I have a feeling that I'll be losing sleep until this whole thing is over. How are you and your leg holding up?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. How can all of you sleep at a time like this????

    1. DBear


      Dude, who's sleeping?? Because I definitely am NOT :(

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Today starts the last semester of my M.A. :) 

  9. Either the pain of this process is distracting me from the pain of the torn ligaments in my knee, or the torn ligaments in my knee are distracting me from the pain of this process.

    #callmemaybe  #cincy   #phdproblems

  10. Best thing about Skype interviews: you can wear fuzzy pj pants and bunny slippers. Also, no need to worry about bad breath. Trying hard to find the bright side of a 4am Skype interview.

  11. Accepted to the Ph.D. program at OSU. I'm elated beyond words! :lol:

  12. Accepted to the Ph.D. program at OSU. I'm elated beyond words! :lol:

    1. DBear


      Congratulations! Such a great school, especially for Lit! 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Just emailed my top choice program for an update and told that the adcom "has reviewed your application and has placed it on hold while the first round of interviews are being conducted. A final decision will be made in a few weeks." Well, at least now I know.. :(

  14. Even though compulsive checking of my application does nothing to change the flow of time, I still can't ... not... 

  15. Just emailed my top choice program for an update and told that the adcom "has reviewed your application and has placed it on hold while the first round of interviews are being conducted. A final decision will be made in a few weeks." Well, at least now I know.. :(

  16. Grad schools in Korea all have clearly communicated notification days when ALL applicants get notified yay/nay/waitlist all at once. So much more humane than this torturous waiting game we're forced to play....

  17. Trying this wait it out thing by working on some writing and playing with face masks. My nose currently has black gunk on it. :D

    1. DBear


      If we somehow end up at the same program, I'll bring you some straight from Seoul ;)


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Trying this wait it out thing by working on some writing and playing with face masks. My nose currently has black gunk on it. :D

    1. DBear


      lol! At least your pores will benefit from the wait! There are some Korean sheet masks that have animals on them so you can even pretend to be a Panda while you pamper yourself :D

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Finally figured out status updates, haha.

  20. I hate waiting... I need to know! One way or the other, I need to know. I know "no news is (supposed to be) good news", but I need to know if I got into the program or if I need to start focusing on other programs... or... if I need to start lining up an internship and finding a job.
    ~ Every graduate school applicant ever

  21. I never want to write another SOP again. 

    1. DBear


      WOOT, hoping you won't ever have to do this again!!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. I never want to write another SOP again. 

  23. Finally figured out status updates, haha.

  24. Just found out I won't hear a thing until the end of January AT THE EARLIEST. Today, one program emailed applicants to remind us of the due date and that many applicants have thus far failed to turn in the supplementary application. WHY ARE YOU REMINDING THEM! THIS IS COMPETITIVE PLEASE STOP

    1. DBear


      I concur. Other than LORs, people unable to meet deadlines should be weeded out ASAP. Survival of the punctual! Also, if they would give bonus points for being early....... That'd be awesome!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  25. My New Year's resolution is to accept PhD rejections and acceptances with grace, humility, and a zen-like understanding of my own powerlessness over admissions committees. 

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